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Chapter 26

Chapter 26. The Politics of Protest. Section 1 - Student movement and counterculture. Roots of the Youth Movement - actually began in the 1950’s Why were people upset at the Government? Unequal prosperity in society Angry at Gov. for looking for financial gain and not spiritual gain

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Chapter 26

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  1. Chapter 26 The Politics of Protest

  2. Section 1 - Student movement and counterculture • Roots of the Youth Movement - actually began in the 1950’s • Why were people upset at the Government? • Unequal prosperity in society • Angry at Gov. for looking for financial gain and not spiritual gain • Nuclear arms production • Increase in college enrollment - in the early 60’s (gave them a sense of freedom and independence)

  3. Movement continued • Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) - group of students who spoke out against injustice in society • Port Huron Statement - SDS’s declaration that called for an end to apathy and big Gov. • Written by Tom Hayden - editor of U of Michigan’s student paper

  4. Mov. Cont. • Free Speech Movement - led by Mario Savio and others from Berkeley • What were they mad at? • Wanted to distribute literature on campus • Wanted smaller classes taught by professors not grad. Students • Students from Berkeley were arrested during a protest, refused to attend class for 2 days, Supreme court recognized their rights to protest

  5. Counterculture • Hippies in the 1960’s - wanted to create a new lifestyle • Communes - group living arrangements in which members shared everything • Haight-Ashbury district- commune in San Francisco

  6. 1960’s fashion and art • Clothes - military surplus, worn out, native American style, tie - dyed • Long hair, natural look • Art - Andy Warhol - used images of famous people like Marilyn Monroe and Liz Taylor • Beatles and Bob Dylan • Woodstock - hippie concert in New York in 1969, one weekend 500,000 people

  7. Section 2 - the feminist movement • Feminism - men and women should be equal • 19th Amendment - guaranteed woman the right to vote • 1960 - 1/3 of the work force were women - but were not equal in job or pay • President’s Commission on the Status of Women - established by Kennedy and run by Eleanor Roosevelt • Equal Pay Act - outlawed paying men more than women for the same job

  8. Feminism cont. • Title VII - outlawed job discrimination by private employers • EEOC - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission • Betty Friedan wrote “The Feminine Mystique” - women were still unhappy about their role in society • Started NOW - National Organization for Women • Ms. - magazine was started during this time and Gloria Steinem became editor

  9. Feminism cont. • Discrimination in schools - young girl from St. Paul, MN earned a spot on the swim team but pulled because she was a girl • Title IX - (1972) law that stated that schools couldn’t discriminate in any aspect of school from admissions to athletics • Roe v Wade - (1973) - 1st 3 months of pregnancy a woman had the right to have an abortion

  10. Sect. 3 New Approaches to Civil Rights • Affirmative action - called for companies to actively recruit African American employees • Maynard Jackson - 1st African American Mayor of Atlanta • Criticism - reverse discrimination - Allan Bakke - medical student sued for being passed over for admission to U. of Cal. • Court said programs were ok

  11. Sect. 3 cont • Local Gov. began busing minorities to “white” schools - many whites left public schools • Jesse Jackson - founded PUSH (People United to Save Humanity) • Congressional Black Caucus - Gov. organization to represent African Americans

  12. Hispanic movement • Cesar Chavez and Delores Huerta - organized 2 groups that fought for farm workers • Convinced people to stop buying grapes until Hispanics were treated better • La Raza Unida “United People” - new Hispanic political group in the 70’s • Bilingual Education Act - school districts would provide classes in Spanish while they learned English

  13. Native Americans • Poorest minority group in the U.S. • Declaration of Indian Purpose - called for policies to create more opportunities for people on reservations • AIM (American Indian Movement) - also called for change but more militant about it • 1973 AIM seized Wounded Knee, SD - 2 were killed in stand off with Federal Agents

  14. Sect. 4 -- Saving the Earth • DDT - pesticide used to kill mosquitoes, found harmful and banned usage • Rachel Carson - marine biologist and env. Activist, wrote “Silent Spring” about DDT • Smog - fog made heavier and darker by pollution • Earth Day - 1st in 1970 • EPA - environmental protection agency - started in 1970 • Clean Air Act and Water acted passed shortly after

  15. Environment • Endangered species act - saving threatened animals • Niagara Falls, N.Y. - Love Canal residential area of N.Y. - high rate of health problems • Lois Gibbs demanded the Gov. look at the problems • Land was on an old toxic waste dump • Received $20 million to clean it up

  16. Last on Environment • Fossil fuels - remains of ancient plants and animals, example - OIL • Alternative energy - Nuclear • Three Mile Island - nuclear reactor in Pennsylvania overheated and released small amounts of radiation in the air • Ralph Nader - young lawyer and activist, wrote “Unsafe at any Speed” about making cars that have looks but are not safe • National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act - (1966) - set safety standards and recalls

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