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CADSoftTools. ABViewer version 6. 1. ABViewer provides:. Viewing CAD files , raster and vector graphic files. 2. Converting into TIFF/JPEG/GIF/BMP/EMF/ AutoCAD ™ DXF. 3. Printing the drawings of the А2-А0 format on the printers of the A4 format. 4.

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  1. CADSoftTools ABViewer version6

  2. 1 ABViewer provides: ViewingCAD files, raster and vector graphic files 2 Converting intoTIFF/JPEG/GIF/BMP/EMF/AutoCAD™ DXF 3 Printing the drawings of the А2-А0 format on the printers of the A4 format 4 Tools for selecting any rectangle part of the drawing, its copying, printingandsaving to the file 5 And many other features

  3. Overall view of ABViewer

  4. Overall view of ABViewer (Explorer panel and the Structure tab)

  5. Detailed features of ABViewer • Supports DWGand DXF formats up to 2007 version inclusive. • Supports more than 20 vector and raster formats including PLT, SVG, CGM, HPGL, EMF,BMP, JPG and others. • Supports3D rotation for DWG and DXF formats. • Colored and black-and-white modes of viewing the drawings. • A Batch mode allows to convert many files simultaneously into supported file formats. • A Structure tab allows observing an internal structure of CAD files including tables, blocks, entities. • The Explorerpanel makes navigation between the files easy and convenient. • Supports SHX fonts.

  6. Detailed features of ABViewer • In DXF and DWG files layers can be turned off and turned on. • Supports switching between the layouts in DXF and DWG files. • The Rectangle tool allows selecting a part of the drawing and copying it to the clipboard with the further printing, saving to the file, or inserting into existing files. • The Redline tool allows inserting lines, rectangles, ellipses, circles, texts into the files of CAD formats. • The Distance tool allows measuring a distance between any two points on the CAD drawing. • The Snap to Entities feature makes easy a positioning at the basic points specifying the entities when using the Redline tool or measuring a distance. • Supports Unicode.

  7. Detailed features of ABViewer • Editsexisting CAD files and saves them in DXF format. • Creates DXF files from scratch. • A Thumbnails window allows quick looking through many files simultaneously. • The Distance tool introduced measuring with a base size what made getting real dimensions much faster. • An Area tool measures a perimeter and area of any designated shape. • A Polyline Length tool measures a length of any arbitrary line. • Supports Proxy graphics.

  8. Brazilian Portuguese French Romanian Supported languages Bulgarian German Russian Chinese Hebrew Slovak Czech Hungarian Slovenian Danish Italian Spanish Dutch Korean Swedish English Norwegian Taiwanese Estonian Polish Turkish Finnish Portuguese Ukrainian

  9. The selected area The Rectangle tool

  10. Inserting the selected image area intoMicrosoft Word document

  11. Inserting the selected image area intoMicrosoft Word document

  12. Print preview of the selected area of the CAD drawing

  13. Converting CAD files TIFF, JPG, GIF, BMP, EMF, AutoCAD™ DXF DXF, DWG, HPGL,CGM, SVG Your Text here Preview A file on the disk Open Save As…

  14. Batch mode of converting the files

  15. Editing an existing file Editing an existing entity

  16. Editing an existing file Editing an existing entity

  17. Editing an existing file Editing an existing entity

  18. Editing an existing file Editing an existing entity

  19. Editing an existing file Editing an existing entity

  20. Editing an existing file Editing an existing entity

  21. Editing an existing file Using a Distance tool

  22. Editing an existing file Using the Distance tool

  23. Thumbnails window

  24. Other products from CADSoftTools CADImport.NET CADImport VCL DXFExport VCL DXFExport.NET CADViewX CAD Importer DLL SDK

  25. Thank You for Your attention Soft Gold Ltd. 36 Proletarskaya # 65, Tula, Russia 300001 Tel./Fax: 4872-40-96-47 info@cadsofttools.com www.cadsofttools.com

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