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Rules of the Game… Every question is worth 1 point

Rules of the Game… Every question is worth 1 point. Everyone MUST answer their own question…you can share ideas on the double value questions. Which one of the promotion elements is the following…. Skywriting over a football stadium. Advertising. Promotion has 3 roles in marketing, name them:.

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Rules of the Game… Every question is worth 1 point

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  1. Rules of the Game…Every question is worth 1 point • Everyone MUST answer their own question…you can share ideas on the double value questions.

  2. Which one of the promotion elements is the following…. • Skywriting over a football stadium. Advertising

  3. Promotion has 3 roles in marketing, name them: • Inform • Remind • Persuade

  4. What percent of purchases made by the average supermarket shopper are unplanned? 80%

  5. It is estimated that the average person is exposed to over _____________ promotional messages every week 3,000

  6. What is a non-paid form of communication about a business or organization or its products and services that is transmitted through a mass medium called? Publicity

  7. What is any paid form of non-personal communication sent through a mass medium by an organization about its products or services? Advertising

  8. List 4 different types of mass media or mediums: • Answers will vary…..tv, radio, print, internet, billboard, transit media

  9. Double Value….do you want to take the risk?You can pass to the other team, but if you get it wrong, you lose 5 points too….?? • What does Mrs. Piotrowski say all the time as you walk out the door? • Bye everyone, have a good day, see you tomorrow.

  10. True or False? • Consumers remember every promotional message they receive. False

  11. True or False? People will not purchase a good or service until they know its characteristics and benefits. True

  12. True or False? Encoding is putting a message into language or symbols that are familiar to the sender. False

  13. True or False? Publicity is always initiated or approved by the advertiser False

  14. True or False? Before any steps are taken in preparing a promotional plan, the promotional budget must be determined. False

  15. True or False? The target market is critical to selecting an appropriate promotional mix. True

  16. List 1 advantage of publicity Creates goodwill for an organization, product or service. Good will is the customer’s position feelings about an organization, product or service. Ie: Disney – works hard to maintain a positive image as a good, wholesome source for family entertainment.

  17. List 1 disadvantage of publicity The organization has little control over it. They cannot cancel or change the reports…the same car co that enjoys publicity when the media reports new safety features doesn’t welcome a report about the high incidence of accidents with its cars.

  18. Double Value….do you want to take the risk?You can pass to the other team, but if you get it wrong, you lose 5 points too….?? • List 2 sports Mrs. Piotrowski will NEVER watch in person or on tv. • Golf, bowling, curling, billiards, boxing

  19. The most common type of promotion is Advertising

  20. True or False? Advertising is impersonal True

  21. What is the interference that can cause the message to be interpreted by the receiver called? Noise

  22. Which one of the promotion elements is the following…. • A coupon for 50 cents off the purchase price of toothpaste. Promotion

  23. Double Value….do you want to take the risk?You can pass to the other team, but if you get it wrong, you lose 5 points too….?? • When Mrs. Piotrowski really wants to treat herself, what does she do? (may include 1 or 2 items…yes school appropriate) • Manicure/Pedicure • Buy purse or shoes

  24. Which one of the promotion elements is the following…. • A shoe salesperson suggesting the purchase of shoelaces to a customer. Personal Selling

  25. What is the blend of the elements of advertising, personal selling, publicity, and sales promotion into a strategy for delivering a message to the target market called? The Promotional Mix 

  26. What is Interpreting the message or symbols and converting them into concepts and ideas called? Decoding

  27. What is the receiver’s reaction or response to the source’s message called?  Feedback

  28. What is interpreting the message or symbols and converting them into concepts called?   Decoding

  29. What are the 4 elements of the Promotional Mix? Advertising Personal selling Publicity Sales promotion.

  30. Do many companies rely on only one type of promotion? • No,It would be very unusual for an organization to rely on only one type of promotion

  31. List the 4 Factors that Affect the Promotional Mix • Marketing Mix • Resources • Policy and Objectives • Target Market

  32. What is a target market and give me an example of one in this room. The specific audience the marketer is trying to reach. Ex…high school girls, boys, juniors, seniors…teachers.

  33. Give me an example of a policy that a company and/or group might have to follow • Example – Ryan’s Family Steakhouse philosophy was that a good product and word-of-mouth from satisfied customers reduce the need for promotion or a company’s CEO’s believed they never had to advertise on tv.

  34. Double Value….do you want to take the risk?You can pass, but if you get it wrong, you lose 5 points too….?? • What is one of Mrs. Piotrowski’s top characteristics in a student? (I’ve listed a few…it needs to be one of them) • Positive attitude, honesty, kind, hard-working, team player

  35. What is another word for Resources? Money

  36. Which one of the promotion elements is the following…. • A press conference announcing a new automobile safety feature. Publicity

  37. What are the 7 steps in promotional planning? • Analyze the Market • Identify the Target Market • Develop Promotional Objectives • Develop a Promotional Budget • Select the Promotional Mix • Implement the Promotional Plan • Evaluate the Results

  38. What are the 4 stages of the Product Life Cycle? Introduction Growth Maturity Decline

  39. Who is the originator of the message called? Sender

  40. What is the way the sender chooses to pass along the message called? Message Channel

  41. Double Value….do you want to take the risk?You can pass, but if you get it wrong, you lose 5 points too….?? • What is Mrs. Piotrowski’s favorite word? (no, not her favorite swear word) • Free or On Sale

  42. Who is the person(s) the message is directed to called? Receiver

  43. What are the 4 stages of the product life cycle? Introduction Growth Maturity Decline

  44. Please give 3 examples of noise Competing messages, misinterpretation, radio static, poor quality printing.

  45. What are the 2 types of Communication? The two kinds of communication are interpersonal and mass communication.

  46. Double Value….do you want to take the risk?You can pass, but if you get it wrong, you lose 5 points too….?? • Who is Mrs. Piotrowski’s least favorite politician? Governor Cuomo

  47. What is Interpersonal Communication? This involves 2 or more people in some type of person-to-person exchange. Is usually 2-way, with the communicators having the ability to respond to each other (ex. Salesperson assisting you at a clothing store) Frequently used in business-to-business marketing.

  48. Double Value….do you want to take the risk?You can pass, but if you get it wrong, you lose 5 points too….?? • List 4 things that bother Mrs. Piotrowski about students? Answers will vary….bad attitude, lack of effort, swearing, cheating, being mean, bullying, not following up on a commitment….etc…

  49. What is Mass Communication?(at least 2 things) Involves reaching huge audiences through mass media (TV, radio, magazines, etc.) Not much direct feedback or interaction. Certain techniques are thus used by marketers to gauge the effectiveness of their promotions: ex. Coupons (cut out from the newspaper) and “tell them Jack sent you” promotions.

  50. What are the 4 elements of the Promotional Mix? Advertising Publicity Personal Selling Sales Promotion

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