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Challenges to Authority

Explore the Catholic Church's response to heretics, the Reconquista in Spain and Portugal, and the lives of Jews in Europe.

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Challenges to Authority

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  1. Challenges to Authority Heretics and the Church Christians vs. the Moors Ferdinand and Isabella Discrimination of Jews Vienna under Siege 1529, 1683 Review 18-5

  2. Objectives • Describe how the Catholic Church responded to people that challenged its ideas. • Tell what military event took place in Spain and Portugal. • Discuss the lives of Jews in Europe.

  3. Terms and People Heresy is a belief so different from the authorities’ beliefs that it is not tolerated. Reconquista was the campaign to take Spain back from the Muslims. Ferdinand, prince of Aragon, and Isabella, princess of Castile, united their countries as king and queen of Spain. Spanish Inquisition was a violent attempt to eliminate enemies of the Church in Spain.

  4. Saracen or Moor was the name of the Muslims that occupied Spain. Broadsword is the Chain mail is the

  5. Heretics and the Church

  6. A heretic is someone whose beliefs are so different from the authorities’ beliefs that it is not tolerated. The Cathars were people that believed there were two gods, one good and one evil, which was definitely not what the Catholic Church taught. Good = Spiritual Bad = Physical Cathars believed the good god created spiritual things, and the evil one created physical things.

  7. Pope Innocent III first sent missionaries to re-convert them. When this didn’t work, Innocent III offered their property to anyone to any French nobleman willing to take up arms against them. He became the first pope to call for war against Europeans. On July 22, 1209, the Pope’s soldiers rampaged through the streets of Béziers (BEZZ e ay), killing and plundering, while the citizens sought refuge in the churches. The churches did not provide safety. The raging mob of invaders broke open the doors of the churches, and all inside them were slaughtered.

  8. Their leader reported to Innocent III that “Our men spared no one, irrespective of rank, sex or age, and put to the sword almost 20,000 people. After this great slaughter the whole city was plundered and burnt..” Horror and terror spread through the land, and many castles and towns submitted without further resistance. However, the crusaders lost the support of the local Catholic population and became a hated occupying force.

  9. Reconquista (Ray con KEE sta)

  10. The Moslems conquered Spain by 711.

  11. The Muslims had invaded and occupied Spain and Portugal. Now, Christian Europeans began to take back the captured lands.

  12. The Moslems had been in Spain for a couple centuries, the Spanish always saw the Muslims as an alien occupying force that needed to be driven out. In the 1200s, the Muslims began infighting and Christians became better organized and better armed. Fernando III of Castile conquered the Muslim capital in 1236. The Reconquista was a crusade, but fighting to expel the Muslims began locally long before Gregory IX offered indulgence to crusade against them in 1231.

  13. The Muslims were light Arab cavalry and African foot soldiers. Light means without heavy armor and heavy weaponry. The Spanish used heavier weapons, a three-foot broadsword, double sided, and heavy chain mail which usually stopped the light bows of the Arab cavalry.

  14. In the beginning, both sided used the Arab riding style, with a short stirrup. After some time, the Spanish adopted the French riding style with a longer stirrup, which gave them the stability they needed with their heavier armor and weapons. The Arabs were faster and often escaped battles they were losing, but the Arabs couldn’t withstand the Christian heavy charges.

  15. Further Information: “Isabella of Spain: Crusader Queen.” YouTube: Real Crusades History. https://youtu.be/6pwu_tJArjY (6:38). “Reconquista: Weapons & Tactics in Crusader Spain.” YouTube: Real Crusades History. https://youtu.be/UWYQMJ1t5Yg (6:03). “The Truth About the Arab Conquest of Spain (711-788).” YouTube: Real Crusades History. https://youtu.be/DhlvJ7jyYBg (14:18).

  16. Ferdinand and Isabella

  17. In the Middle Ages, Spain was not unified in one country as it is today. Isabella was a princess of Castile. After her father died, her brother, Henry IV, locked up Isabella and her mother in Segovia Castle, thinking they were a threat to his power. He tried to keep her in the dark about politics and feuds, but she learned what was going on anyway.

  18. Ferdinand was a prince of Aragon, a kingdom that had been a rival of Castile for centuries. Ferdinand's father met with Isabella in secret to negotiate their marriage. Isabella agreed to marry the prince.

  19. Isabella disguised herself as a servant and fled her brother’s castle. She married Prince Ferdinand of Aragon. Later, when Ferdinand’s father and Isabella’s brother died, they were in control of almost all of Spain.

  20. Their marriage was the first step toward the unification of Spain, but it seems that it was not just a political arrangement, but that Isabella and Ferdinand really grew to love each other. To solidify their power, they married their children and relatives into other European dynasties. Reduced the power of the church and the nobility and replaced them with bureaucracy.

  21. Much of Castile was in debt after her brother’s rule. The country was full of crime. Isabella began the practice of listening to complaints from her subjects every Friday. It improved their relationship.

  22. Ferdinand and Isabella made a deal with the Catholic Church: they made Catholicism the official religion and they got to appoint religious leaders in their country – led to the Spanish Inquisition.

  23. They began a court called the Inquisition,it was a court with no one over it, and they could do whatever they want. The court demanded that Jews, Muslims, and minority Christians to convert or leave Spain. Spain’s Jewish Population was large and wealthy. The Inquisition lasted 350 years was mostly 1480-1510.

  24. Ferdinand gave Christopher Columbus money to explore, in spite of his wife’s objections.

  25. Grenada They made war on Grenada, the last Moorish kingdom in Spain, and conquered it in 1492.

  26. “Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain: AP Euro Bit by Bit #10.” YouTube: Paul Sergeant Worldwide Classroom.

  27. Fall of Constantinople 1453

  28. Vienna under Siege 1529, 1683

  29. Review

  30. Just how large was the Louisiana Purchase? About 10% the size of the United States Almost half the size of the United States Just more than half the size of the United States Larger than the whole of the United States put together

  31. What is divided in the continental divide? Ethnic native groups Drainage Weather systems Spanish and English influence

  32. Which of these was NOT a part of the Compromise of 1850? The North got California as a free state. Kansas and Nebraska could vote to decide whether they would allow slavery or not. This was a the Kansas-Nebraska Act! The South got the Fugitive Slave Law. The slave-trade was abolished in Washington DC.

  33. When why did Thomas Jefferson struggle with the idea of the Louisiana Purchase? I don’t know whether this is constitutional or not. I don’t know whether this will be good for America. Hey! A president can make treaties! This sale is part of a treaty. I wonder whether the Spanish will declare war on us.

  34. Match Slavery is evil and I will use force to stop it! Have to accept compromises about slavery! This will force the north to accept slavery! We need to let each state vote about slavery! Stephen Douglas Henry Clay John Calhoun John Brown

  35. What did Lincoln do with the border states? Lincoln sent troops to put down succession here. Missouri This state supported the Union. Maryland Lincoln put this state under martial law. Delaware This state wavered until the South invaded, and then it joined the Union. Kentucky This state eventually joined the Confederacy.

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