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Unit 1 Greek & Latin Vocabulary

Unit 1 Greek & Latin Vocabulary. Unit 1 Roots: vinc/vict - “to conquer” duc/duct - “to lead” tract - “to drag” peto - “to seek aggresively, to assail, to rush”. In vinc ible (adj). Definition: Unable to be conquered. Making sense of the roots: In (not) + vinc= not able to be conquered

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Unit 1 Greek & Latin Vocabulary

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  1. Unit 1 Greek & Latin Vocabulary Unit 1 Roots: vinc/vict- “to conquer” duc/duct- “to lead” tract- “to drag” peto- “to seek aggresively, to assail, to rush”

  2. Invincible (adj) Definition: Unable to be conquered. Making sense of the roots: In (not) + vinc= not able to be conquered Ex: Most superheroes are Invincible.

  3. Provincial(adj) Definition: Limited in knowledge of the world; narrow-minded Making sense of the roots: Pro + vinc= Province: a conquered territory. People living in provinces (outside of Rome and Italy) were thought of as uncivilized and unsophisticated. Ex: People with provincial outlooks are often unconcerned with issues like global warming and world hunger.

  4. Evince (v.) Definition: To establish; to reflect the truth of Making sense of the roots: E (out of) + vinc= to overcome (like to overcome an accusation with evidence) Ex: Studying Martin Luther King’s work is a sure way to evince the importance of civil rights.

  5. Conducive (adj.) Definition: Supportive; encouraging; helping to bring about Making sense of the roots: Con (with) + duc= leading along with Ex: A lot of noise is not conducive to learning or teaching Shhhhh

  6. Induce (v.) Definition: To lead towards some action Making sense of the roots: In (towards) + duc= lead into Ex: If you swallow kitchen cleaner, induce vomiting hhhhh

  7. Deduce (v.) Definition: To draw a conclusion from fact; to infer Making sense of the roots: de (down away from) + duc= lead down from Ex: I can deduce from the wrappers in your trash can that you ate all of my candy bars. hhhhh

  8. Protracted (adj.) Definition: Extended in time; prolonged Making sense of the roots: Pro (forward) + tract= dragged forward Ex: My English II class seems protracted after I’ve had a big lunch. hhhhh

  9. Intractable (adj.) Definition: Stubborn; hard to move forward Making sense of the roots: In (not) + tract= not able to be dragged forward Ex: Old people are usually intractable when it comes to their opinions on politics and fashion trends. hhhhh

  10. Retract (v.) Definition: To draw back; withdraw Making sense of the roots: Re (back) + tract= to drag/draw back Ex: You can easily find a tape measure that is easy to retract. hhhhh

  11. Petulant (adj.) Definition: Irritable or short-tempered. Making sense of the roots: No easy explanation. Just remember this one! Ex: Teenagers can be incredibly petulant; especially when they’re hungry. hhhhh

  12. Impetuous (adj.) Definition: Acting passionately and without forethought Making sense of the roots: in (towards) + pet= rushing towards Ex: Impetuous people often do and say things before they think them over. hhhhh

  13. Impetus (n.) Definition: That which drives one; momentum Making sense of the roots: In/im (into) + pet= rushing into Ex: The fatal accident was the impetus for a meeting on bicycle safety. hhhhh

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