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Buying Green at Big Blue Big Blue Bus Eco-friendly Maintenance Practices ____________________________________________

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Buying Green at Big Blue Big Blue Bus Eco-friendly Maintenance Practices ____________________________________________

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    1. Buying Green at Big Blue Big Blue Bus’ Eco-friendly Maintenance Practices ____________________________________________ Presenter Ralph Merced, Transit Maintenance Manager City of Santa Monica

    2. City’s Sustainability Program Est. September 1994 Conserve/enhance local resources Safeguard health of humans & environment Maintain a diverse economy Improve quality of life for all community members

    3. Green Questions for Vendors: What happens to the product at the end of its “life”? Can it be recycled? Taken back? Need special disposal? Does it perform well and is it cost effective?

    4. First Alternative Fuel

    5. Biodiesel

    6. BBB New Eco-Maintenance Facility 66,000 square feet of workspace 21 service bays Operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

    7. Energy Efficiency Measures Include: Energy management system Minimum energy factor water heaters Fluorescent and metal halide lighting

    8. 600 80-kilowatt photovoltaic panels on the roof to help reduce energy costs by up to 15% a year

    9. Green Supply Idea: A Cleaner Bus Wash Biodegradable Soap 25% higher costs, but reusable Reclaim your water: BBB recycles 85% of wash water Directly impacts health of Santa Monica Bay

    10. Rubbersidewalks Saves money, saves trees, and keeps tires out of landfills Made of 60% plastic and 40% passenger tires

    11. Another Green Supply Idea: Plastic Window Inserts

    12. More Green Product Ideas:

    13. HEPO Microfilter BBB Test Controlled test on six Big Blue transit buses to evaluate crankcase microfiltration On 3 test buses, the centrifuge devices were replaced with HEPO microfilter devices, and 3 control buses continued to operate with centrifuge devices All 6 vehicles received the same maintenance and were operated over comparable city routes Oil samples were sent to independent oil laboratory for oil analysis

    14. Cut oil change intervals by 50% Reduce oil consumption and hazardous waste oil generated by 50% Reduce labor cost HEPO Microfilter Results Sustainability Benefits

    15. The End

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