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cloning. Done by: Shahd Maree. Evaluater: Miss Shoruq Qados. Human cloning  is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human. It does not usually refer to monozygotic  multiple births , human  cell  or  tissue  reproduction. . History

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  1. cloning Done by: Shahd Maree Evaluater: Miss Shoruq Qados

  2. Human cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human. It does not usually refer to monozygotic multiple births, human cell or tissue reproduction.

  3. History Although the possibility of cloning humans has been the subject of speculation for much of the twentieth century, scientists and policy makers began to take the prospect seriously in the 1960s. Nobel Prize winning geneticist Joshua Lederberg Another Nobel Laureate, James D. Watson, "Moving Toward the Clonally Man", in 1971. The technology of cloning mammals, although far from reliable, has reached the point where many scientists are knowledgeable, the literature is readily available, and the implementation of the technology is not very expensive compared to many other scientific processes. For that reason Lewis D. Eigen has argued that human cloning attempts will be made in the next few years and may well have been already begun. The ethical and moral issues cannot wait and should be discussed, debated and guidelines and laws be developed now.

  4. دوولي

  5. The three different types of "cloning" are: Embryo cloning: This is a medical technique which produces monozygotic (identical) twins or triplets., with identical DNA. This has been done for many years on various species of animals; only very limited experimentation has been done on humans. Adult DNA cloning (a.k.a.  reproductive cloning) This technique which is intended to produce a duplicate of an existing animal.Ithas been used to clone a sheep and other mammals. The DNA from an ovum is removed and replaced with the DNA from a cell removed from an adult animal. Then, the fertilized ovum, now called a pre-embryo, is implanted in a womb and allowed to develop into a new animal. It had not been tried on humans. 3Therapeutic cloning (a.k.a. biomedical cloning.  The goal of therapeutic cloning is to produce a healthy copy of a sick person's tissue or organ for transplant.

  6. حكم الاستنساخ شرعاً • في استنساخ البشر تعطيل لسنة الزواج والانجاب قال تعالى:(يا ايها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة وخلق منها زوجها وبث منها رجالا كثيرا ونساء واتقوا الله الذي تساءلون به والارحام ان الله كان عليكم رقيبا) النساء (والله جعل لكم من انفسكم ازواجا وجعل من ازواجكم بنين وحفدة ورزقكم من الطيبات افبالباطل يؤمنون وبنعمة الله هم يكفرون) (ومن اياته ان خلق لكم من انفسكم ازواجا لتسكنوا اليها وجعل بينكم مودة ورحمة ان في ذلك لايات لقوم يتفكرون)

  7. ما رأي العلماء المسلمين في هذه المسألة؟ هناك مجموعة من علماء المسلمين تقول بأنها عمل شيطاني، مستندة في ذلك إلى آية قرآنية، ويمثلها الفقيه الشيعي شمس الدين في لبنان ومفتي مصر السابق نصر فريد واصل، وهم يستندون في رأيهم إلى قول الشيطان لرب العزة في الآية 119 من سورة النساء: "ولأَمُرَنَّهم فلَيُغَيِّرن خلْق الله".ومجموعة أخرى، أمثال الشيخ اللبناني حسين فضل الله، ترى أن هذه الآية ليست مناسبة لهذا المعنى، لأن الاستنساخ ليس تَغْييرا لِلخَلْق، وإنما هو اكتشاف لِطُرقٍ جديدةٍ للإنجاب. وإذا افترضنا أن الاستنساخ أمرٌ محرمٌ، فإن هذا التحريم لا يرجع إلى الفعل نفسه، لأننا لا نشك في قُدْرة الله وحده على الخَلْق، وإنما التحريم يرجع إلى النتائج الاجتماعية التي قد تسببها هذه التكنولوجيا. فإذا أراد العلماء تحريم الاستنساخ، لأنه قد يؤدي إلى إختلاط الأنساب، فإنهم يعنون بذلك ألا يكون الاستنساخ ناتجا عن خليط من البصمات الوراثية لرجل ولإمرأة. والعلماء يستندون في ذلك على الطريقة التي اسُتخدمت لإنجاب الشاة "دوللي"، حيث أُخِذَت بصمات وراثية من شاة، وزُرعت في بويضة مفرغة لشاة أخرى، ثم زُرِعت هذه البويضة في شاة ثالثة لتحملها ثم تلد .

  8. Australia therapeutic cloning is now legal in some parts of Australia European Union The charter is legally binding for the institutions of the European Union under the Treaty of Lisbon United Nations extend the debate to ban all forms of human cloning, noting that, in their view, therapeutic human cloning violates human dignity.

  9. The Roman Catholic Church, under the papacy of Benedict itcause "grave offense to the dignity of that person as well as to the fundamental equality of all people.

  10. Ethical implications Ethics of cloning Advocates of human therapeutic cloning believe the practice could provide genetically identical cells for regenerative medicine, and tissues and organs for transplantation. Such cells, tissues and organs would neither trigger an immune response nor require the use of Immunosuppressive drugs. Both basic research and therapeutic development for serious diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes, as well as improvements in burn treatment and reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, are areas that might benefit from such new technology. Human cloning also raises implications of a socio-ethical nature, particularly concerning the role that cloning might play in changing the shape of family structure by complicating the role of parenting within a family of convoluted kinship relations. For example, a female DNA donor would be the clone's genetic twin, rather than mother, complicating the genetic and social relationships between mother and child as well as the relationships between other family members and the clone

  11. Benefits of Human Cloning 1. Rejuvenation: It has been found that the production of clone tissue should be helpful in making aging people look young2. Heart attack Treatment: Today, heart attack is the number one killer in the Developed as well as developing countries. Scientists believe that by cloning the healthy heart cells and injecting them in to the damaged heart area, they can treat heart attacks. 3. Human stem cells This can be used for repairing or replacing the damaged organs. 4. Infertility treatment: The success rate of current infertility treatments is very low. The advent of human cloning technology will make it possible for infertile couples to have child than ever before.

  12. 5. Use in Surgeries: Presently silicon gels and other cosmetics are being used in surgery. These materials not only suit the patients but also cause immune disease.6. Defective genes: It is estimated that an average person has 8 defective genes inside him.7. Other benefits: By switching cells on and off through cloning, it has been found that cancer can be curde

  13. WHATARE THE RISKS OF CLONING? 1High failure rate 2. Problems during later development Cloned animals that do survive tend to be much bigger at birth than their natural counterparts. Scientists call this "Large Offspring Syndrome" (LOS). Clones with LOS have abnormally large organs. This can lead to breathing, blood flow and other problems. 3. Abnormal gene expression patterns In cloning, the transferred nucleus doesn't have the same program as a natural embryo. It is up to the scientist to reprogram the nucleus, like teaching an old dog new tricks. Complete reprogramming is needed for normal or near-normal development. Incomplete programming will cause the embryo to develop abnormally or fail.

  14. 4Telomere differencesAs cells divide, their chromosomes get shorter • 5 The great diseases and leading to extinction • 6 Cloning is “playing God” • 7 Inhumane

  15. اخطاء الاستنساخ

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