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Background Information

Background Information. 1. February 2005. September 2005. December 2005. May 2005. Background Information. 1. October 2005. First high level meeting in Istanbul between: Coca-Cola Eurasia and Middle East President and UNDP RBEC Director + Turkey RR

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  1. Background Information 1 February 2005 September 2005 December 2005 May 2005

  2. Background Information 1 October 2005 First high level meeting in Istanbul between: Coca-Cola Eurasia and Middle East President and UNDP RBEC Director + Turkey RR - Overview of partnership (Turkey exp.) - Expanding Life+ in the region - Possibility of broader partnership on water Nov-Dec 2005 Meetings in Atlanta: - Securing funds - Partnering with Emory University & CDC January 2006 Meetings in Ankara: - Developing the framework of cooperation

  3. The Framework 2 Component 1 - MDG 7 and 8: -Partnerships for increased access to safe drinking water to improve people’s lives Local action plans • Needs Assessment • - Country researches on the access to clean water • Country reports • - Launch of the reports Local capacity development for project implementation , through small grants and technical assistance Holistic project formulation including Education Community engagement Environmental solutions Industrial capacity Component 2 - Best practices on effective water governance in industry - Coca-Cola example - A discussion paper on the use of water in industry - An international conference - A declaration

  4. Criteria/Needs/Capacities 3 Criteria for participating countries • Is there sufficient information? • Are the statistics reliable? • How to adapt to environmental realities? • Are there available local capacities? • Is there a CO interest and quick delivery capacity? • Is UNDP outreach and networking available? • How many countries to target in the first phase? • Links to ongoing community capacity development initiatives? • Will CO practices be geared towards most disadvantaged and vulnerableand improve people's lives (MDG 7)? • HDR 2006!

  5. Management Structure 4 Management structure of the regional initiative • Horizontal and vertical management • Technical capacities • Country level capacities • Local partnerships • Small Grants management • Monitoring and reporting

  6. Timeline 5 14 October 2005 Istanbul Meeting Nov-Dec 2005 Atlanta Meetings 20 January 2006 Ankara Meeting 24 January 2006 Vienna Meeting 5-6 February 2006 Amsterdam - RRs March 2006 Partnership Strategy Decision 1st Qrt. Needs assessment and country reseaches, country reports... 2nd Qrt. Project field implementation, launching small grants scheme... 3rd Qrt.

  7. Funding Structure 6 • Co-funding • Matching funds • GEF resources? • Links with other ongoing initiatives (i.e. Life+) • Cost-sharing of community grants projects • 3rd party local contributions S

  8. Background Information 1 The Framework 2 Criteria/Needs/Capacities 3 Management Structure 4 Timeline 5 Funding Structure 6

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