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Hypnotherapy Treatment|Anxiety Psychologist Richmond VIC

Anxiety Treatment Psychologist Richmond VIC. Help to overcome Anxiety Using Hypnotherapy Treatment. Call us at (03) 9674 0390

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Hypnotherapy Treatment|Anxiety Psychologist Richmond VIC

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  1. Clinical Hypnotherapy Clinical Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy Treatment Richmond VIC

  2. Hypnotherapy Treatment Richmond VIC Dr Squirrell is trained in Clinical Hypnotherapy, which is an evidence-based treatment for a range of clinical disorders and concerns.  Using hypnotherapy,  he treats anxiety disorders, fears and phobias such as social phobia and fear of public speaking, OCD, trauma symptoms such as flashbacks, addictions such as smoking cigarettes and cannabis, sexual dysfunctions (e.g., erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, sexual anxiety), and concerns with managing anger and self-esteem.  Hypnotherapy treatment is most often conducted over two to four sessions and primarily focuses on the presenting concerns such as overcoming a fear of flying. Expand the sections below to read further information about Clinical Hypnotherapy Services Richmond VIC : Medicare Psychologist Melbourne

  3. What is Clinical Hypnosis ? Hypnosis can be defined as a relaxed, altered state of consciousness, somewhat like a deep meditative state. Clinical hypnosis (sometimes referred to as hypnotherapy) is the use of hypnotic techniques for therapeutic benefit. The altered state of consciousness induced by hypnosis allows the brain to be more receptive to suggestions of change and is an effective way of accessing the subconscious to facilitate therapeutic change. Clinical hypnosis has made particularly large advancements in the past 50 years; multiple scientific studies and meta-analyses have shown clinical hypnosis to be effective and safe with long-lasting benefits. Medicare Psychologist Melbourne

  4. What can clinical hypnosis help with ? • Clinical hypnosis is probably best known for its use in breaking habits, such as smoking, and has also been shown to be helpful across a large variety of conditions. These include: • Fear and phobias • Anxiety • Sexual problems • Alcoholism • Smoking control • Speech disorders • Weight control • Chronic pain • Self-esteem/ego strengthening • Memory/concentration improvement • Many more, including in medical settings for surgeries, dental procedures, and dermatological conditions. • The use of self-hypnosis will help prevent stress and tensions caused by modern day living, reduce high blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular diseases. • Hypnotherapy is effective for weight control, increasing work/study/sporting performance, improving concentration and memory, boosting self-confidence, and achieving more of the potential which we each possess. Medicare Psychologist Melbourne

  5. What does hypnosis feel like/ What to expect Generally speaking, all hypnotic states are pleasant and relaxing. Hypnosis can vary from a light hypnotic state, to a deep hypnotic state, but is most commonly somewhere in between. During medium level hypnosis, your breathing and heart rate will slow, and the brain produces alpha waves. Alpha waves are different to the brain waves present when awake and alert, and are also different to the waves present during sleep. Alpha waves are associated with quiet and receptive relaxation, and are commonly found when daydreaming, meditating, or being totally absorbed in a book, a movie or music. There are many different ways to achieve this state with the guidance of your therapist. You will be very relaxed and receptive, but still gently aware of your surroundings. Medicare Psychologist Melbourne

  6. Thank You

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