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Chapter 15 - Resource Planning

Chapter 15 - Resource Planning. Beroende och oberoende behov. Beroende behov kan härledas från ett annat behov. Oberoende behov kan inte härledas från ett annat behov. Authorized master production schedule. Other sources of demand. Engineering and process designs. Inventory

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Chapter 15 - Resource Planning

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  1. Chapter 15 -Resource Planning

  2. Beroende och oberoende behov • Beroende behov kan härledas från ett annat behov. • Oberoende behov kan inte härledas från ett annat behov.

  3. Authorized master production schedule Other sources of demand Engineering and process designs Inventory transactions Inventory records MRP explosion Bills of materials Material requirements plan Material Requirements Plan Output Figure 15.2

  4. A Ladder-back chair B (1) Ladder-back subassembly C (1) Seat subassembly D (2) Front legs E (4) Leg supports F (2) Back legs G (4) Back slats H (1) Seat frame I (1) Seat cushion J (4) Seat-frame boards Bill of Materials Back slats Seat cushion Leg supports Seat-frame boards Back legs Front legs A Ladder-back chair Figure 15.3

  5. Master Production Schedule April May 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ladder-back chair 150 150 Kitchen chair 120 120 Desk chair 200 200 200 200 Aggregate production plan 670 670 for chair family Figure 15.4

  6. Item: C Description: Seat subassembly Lot Size: 230 units Lead Time: 2 weeks Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gross requirements 150 0 0 120 0 150 120 0 Scheduled receipts 230 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Projected on-hand inventory 187 37 187 117 117 117 77 227 227 Planned receipts 230 230 Planned order releases 230 230 Figure 15.6 Planned Orders

  7. Planning Factors • Planning Lead Time • Lot-Sizing Rules • Fixed Order Quantity • Periodic Order Quantity • Lot for Lot • Safety Stock

  8. Figure 15.7 Partistorlekar FOQ Artikel: C Beskrivning: Delmontering, stolsits FOQ 230st Ledtid 2 veckor Vecka 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bruttobehov 150 120 150 120 Inleverans 230 Lagersaldo 37 117 117 117 Planerad order Planerad orderstart

  9. Figure 15.7 Partistorlekar - POQ Item: C Description: Seat subassembly Lot Size: P = 3 Lead Time: 2 weeks Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gross requirements 150 120 150 120 Scheduled receipts 230 Projected on-hand inventory 37 117 117 117 Planned receipts Planned order releases

  10. Figure 15.8 Lot-Sizing Rules - L4L Item: C Description: Seat subassembly Lot Size: L4L Lead Time: 2 weeks Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gross requirements 150 120 150 120 Scheduled receipts 230 Projected on-hand inventory 37 117 117 117 Planned receipts Planned order releases

  11. Lot-Sizing Rule Comparison • The FOQ rule generates high average inventory because it creates remnants (Återstoder, rester). • The POQ rule reduces average on-hand inventory because it does a better job of matching order quantity to requirements. • The L4L rule minimizes inventory investment but maximizes the number of orders placed.

  12. MRP explosion Material requirements plan • Action notices • Releasing new orders • Adjusting due dates • Priority reports • Dispatch lists • Supplier schedules • Capacity reports • Capacity requirements planning • Finite capacity scheduling • Input-output control Routings and time standards Manufacturing resources plan Cost and price data Performance reports MRP Outputs Figure 15.10

  13. C (1) Seat subassembly H (1) Seat frame I (1) Seat cushion J (4) Seat-frame boards Bill of Materials Figure 15.11

  14. Item: Seat subassembly Lot size: 230 units Lead time: 2 weeks Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gross requirements 0 0 0 0 150 120 150 120 Planned receipts 230 230 Planned order releases 230 230 Usage quantity: 1 Usage quantity: 1 Item: Seat frames Lot size: 300 units Lead time: 1 week Item: Seat cushion Lot size: L4L Lead time: 1 week Week Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gross requirements Gross requirements 230 230 0 0 Scheduled receipts Scheduled receipts 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Projected on-hand inventory Projected on-hand inventory 40 0 Planned receipts Planned receipts Planned order releases Planned order releases MRP Explosion Figure 15.12

  15. Action to be taken: Stockout projected for week 1. Reschedule open order in week 2 to week 1. Item: Seat frame Lot size: 230 units Lead time: 1 week Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gross requirements 230 230 Scheduled receipts 300 Projected on-hand inventory 40 -190 110 110 280 180 180 180 110 Planned receipts 300 Planned order releases 300 Figure 15.13 Action Notice

  16. Explanation: Cumulative deviations between – 25 hours and + 25 hours are allowed. Workstation: Rough Mill Week: 32 Tolerance:  25 hours Week Ending 28 29 30 31 32 Planned 160 155 170 160 165 Actual 145 160 168 177 Cumulative deviation – 15 – 10 – 12 + 5 Planned 170 170 160 160 160 Actual 165 165 150 148 Cumulative deviation – 5 – 10 – 20 – 32 Inputs Outputs Explanation: Cumulative deviation exceeds lower tolerance limit, indicating actual hours of output have fallen too far below planned hours of output and some action is required. Figure 15.15 Input-Output Report

  17. Customer orders Forecasts Master production schedule Bills of materials Routings Time standards Inventory records Inventory transactions MRP explosion Material requirements plan Cost and financial data Manufacturing resource plan Purchasing reports Financial/ accounting reports Sales and marketing reports Human resource reports Manufacturing reports Figure 15.16 MRP II

  18. Retail stores Distribution centers Plants Distribution Requirements Planning Figure 15.17

  19. När är nettobehovsplanering bra? Antal nivåer i produktstrukturen: Har man många nivåer i produktstrukturen så är ofta nettobehovsplanering att föredra Satsstorlekar Stora satsstorlekar, (batcher) medför att nettobehovsplanering är att föredra. Om man använder små satsstorlekar, (JIT) så är nettobehovsplanering mindre lämpligt Instabilitet Nettobehovsplanering fungerar bäst i relativt stabila omgivningar. Har man störkänslig tillverkning, med många flaskhalsar, mycket spill och en stor andel sista minuten jobb så är nettobehovsplanering mindre lämplig

  20. Level 1 Discharge Level 6 Postoperative care (Angiogram) Level 2 Intermediate care Level 3 Postoperative care (Step down) Pharmacy (10 medicines) Nurse (6 hr) MD (1 hr) Therapy (1 hr) Bed (24 hr) Lab (3 tests) Kitchen (1 meal) Level 4 Postoperative care (Intensive) Level 5 Surgery Level 6 Postoperative care (Angiogram) Level 7 Postoperative care (Testing) Bill of Resources (b) Figure 15.14 (a)

  21. Implementation Issues • Prerequisites • Computer Support • Accurate and Realistic Input

  22. Täcktidsplanering, se A Segerstedt lärobok.

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