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Many men worldwide struggle with male sexual problems interfering intercourse; doctors call these problems sexual disorders in men. There can be many causes for any sexual disorder, including stress, relationship anxiety, and other physical health-related factors.

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  1. 5 MALE SEXUAL DISORDERS FOR WHICH YOU NEED TO CONSULT A SEXOLOGIST. Source: https://secrecyfilm.com/5-male-sexual-disorders-for-which-you-need-to-consult-a-sexologist/ Many men worldwide struggle with male sexual problems interfering intercourse; doctors call these problems sexual disorders in men. There can be many causes for any sexual disorder, including stress, relationship anxiety, and other physical health-related factors. According to research, about 31% of men suffer from some kind of male sexual problems, while this percentage is 43% among women. Although treatments for male sexual problems are available and technology has dramatically increased the success rate of treatments.

  2. Apart from the common sexual disorders, there are some serious problems in men, which needs treatment on time; otherwise, they will show serious consequences. 1. Erectile Dysfunction Like most men, you must have felt difficulty in keeping your penile hard at the intimate times. However, to resolvethe main cause of ED is psychological, consult a sexologist. Dr. Chirag Bhandari is a respective sexologist in Gurgaon who will solve all your sexual problems by online consultation. During the online consultation, you need to describe your symptoms in detail for the doctor’s convenience. And in return he helps you by prescribing medicines and therapies. If ED persists for a long time, the medicines can treat it with changing lifestyle. Sildenafil, Viagra, and vacuum pumps can help deal with ED by increasing blood flow to the arteries of the penile. If erectile dysfunction comes to you only on a few worrying occasions, then the issue is not a concern. But persistent ED will eradicate your intimate life. It would be better that you get rid of it by contacting the sexologist at the earliest. 2. Oligospermia (Low sperm count) Low sperm ratio will not hinder your intercourse experience, but you will be filled with guilt when you think of expanding your family. Every couple wants to create a new life by themselves, but due to lack of sperm count, you will be deprived of giving birth to a child forever.

  3. The number of sperm released during unprotected intercourse can vary throughout life, and you’ll need 15 million or more sperm in ejaculation to have healthy fertility. Anything less than 15 million would count as impotence. Although it is not clear how many men suffer from low sperm count, only those men who have any problem with conception are to be treated. Through therapy, you can increase the quality and quantity of sperm. Doctors treat it with surgery or antibiotics, but you can also adopt the following home remedies. ● Keep frequent sexual activity ● Track ovulation ● Don’t use lubricants for intercourse ● Acquire a healthy lifestyle and food habits Still, you have to visit the doctor from time to time for a check-up as there is no way to know the quantity of sperm by yourself. 3. low Sexual Drive Low sexual desire and unsatisfactory intimate experience with a partner can bring bitterness in your relationship. But in many men, low libido becomes a life-long problem.

  4. Psychological research suggests that the suppression of sexual thoughts or the traumatic experience of intercourse significantly affects men’s libido. Psychological reasons for low libido in men are anxiety, depression, and lack of a favorite partner. If the reason for the decrease in libido is psychological, it can be overcome by consulting a sexologist and psychologist. And if the man is not taking interest in sexual activity due to the lack of testosterone, then it can be corrected by giving an injection of supplemental testosterone. 4. Premature Ejaculation Premature ejaculation is the most common problem and affects men of all ages. When you are young, it can be more troublesome, but you will learn to control it with increasing age. Usually, it is a condition of getting ejaculation sooner than 1 minute or as soon as it enters the vagina. Regular premature ejaculation will ruin your married life; that’s why diagnosis is essential. One of the main causes of premature ejaculation is that men can quickly become involved in performance anxiety, or it can also be disturbance to the brain chemicals that control erection. Premature ejaculation is easily treatable. Some behavioral techniques help to train the brain to stop concussions. Before adopting any treatment method or home remedies, be sure to seek medical advice. 5. Male Dyspareunia

  5. Due to dyspareunia, some men have severe pain during intercourse. With Male Dyspareunia Orgasm Disorder each of your sexual experiences will turn into severe pain that will make you lose interest in intimacy over time. It is a constant pain during and after intercourse in different parts of the genitals. If you’re suffering from dyspareunia then your treatment will depend upon your case severity and type. Here are some medical treatments that you can ask for sexologists. ● If dyspareunia is interfering with penile erection then you will have to go for surgery ● One may feel an allergic reaction while using a certain brand of condom, this sign will also lead for male dyspareunia. you can ask for some prescribed antiallergic creams for relaxation. ● If you’re not feeling any psychical cause then it’s a case of psychological causes you should consult for best sex therapist or sexologist. Regular medical checkups and expert counseling is a healthy practice to say safe from male sexual disorders. Hence you shouldn’t delay initial symptoms.

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