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MoistureMap: Mixed-pixel Retrieval

MoistureMap: Mixed-pixel Retrieval . Ye Nan Master of research University of Melbourne Jeffrey Walker, Dongryeol Ryu, Christoph Rüdiger, Robert Gurney, Edward Kim, Yann Kerr. Heterogeneity in SMOS resolution pixel. NAFE’06 Study Area-Kyeamba catchment. Urban area. Bare soil. Standing water.

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MoistureMap: Mixed-pixel Retrieval

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  1. MoistureMap: Mixed-pixel Retrieval Ye NanMaster of researchUniversity of Melbourne Jeffrey Walker, Dongryeol Ryu, Christoph Rüdiger, Robert Gurney, Edward Kim, Yann Kerr

  2. Heterogeneity in SMOS resolution pixel • NAFE’06 Study Area-Kyeamba catchment Urban area Bare soil Standing water Forest 50km Crops Grass 50km

  3. World-wide Problem Xinjiang, China South Paris, France Pennsylvania, USA

  4. Effect of mixed-pixels The heterogeneity of pixels reduce the accuracy of SMOS soil moisture retrieval • “as little as 3% standing water coverage leads to more than 4%v/v error in derived soil moisture – the target accuracy for SMOS soil moisture retrieval“ • [Walker et al., 2006]

  5. Project target and proposed approach • Simulating the surface types emission contributions on overall SMOS microwave response Brightness temperature map Area distribution pie map

  6. Proposed Approaches Land-use Forest SMOS Urban Rocks Water LAI_max Tau-Omega model Klein, Stogryn, Debye represents different surface Bare soil, Crops and Grass

  7. Test field Goulburn River catchment NAFE’05 data set

  8. Test field Yanco area NAFE’06 data set

  9. Test field Kyeamba catchment NAFE’06 data set

  10. Research direction • Develop the approaches to simulate microwave radiation of standing water, rocks and urban area. • Evaluate the effect of forest, standing water, rocks and urban area on overall brightness temperature. • Establish the mixed-pixel model to retrieve soil moisture from SMOS data.

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