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赞 祂 赞 祂 Praise Him praise Him 赞美耶稣慈爱救主 Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!

赞 祂 赞 祂 Praise Him praise Him 赞美耶稣慈爱救主 Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!. 全地高唱将 祂 奇爱宣扬 His wonderful love proclaim 颂 祂 颂 祂 Hail Him hail Him. 荣耀天使俯伏歌唱 highest arch angels in glory 荣耀 尊贵 归与救主圣名 Strength and honor give to His holy name! . 耶稣如同牧人护卫 祂 羊群

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赞 祂 赞 祂 Praise Him praise Him 赞美耶稣慈爱救主 Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 赞祂 赞祂 Praise Him praise Him 赞美耶稣慈爱救主 Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! Hymn364-赞他赞他(1-C-2-C-3-C) Praise Him! Praise Him!

  2. 全地高唱将祂奇爱宣扬 His wonderful love proclaim 颂祂 颂祂 Hail Him hail Him Hymn364-赞他赞他(1-C-2-C-3-C) Praise Him! Praise Him!

  3. 荣耀天使俯伏歌唱 highest arch angels in glory 荣耀 尊贵 归与救主圣名 Strength and honor give to His holy name! Hymn364-赞他赞他(1-C-2-C-3-C) Praise Him! Praise Him!

  4. 耶稣如同牧人护卫祂羊群 Like a shepherd Jesus will guard His children –终日怀抱在祂慈爱怀中 In His arms He carries them all day long: Hymn364-赞他赞他(1-C-2-C-3-C) Praise Him! Praise Him!

  5. 赞祂 赞祂 Praise Him praise Him 赞美耶稣慈爱救主 Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! Hymn364-赞他赞他(1-C-2-C-3-C) Praise Him! Praise Him!

  6. 祂为我罪受苦流血舍身 For our sins He suffered and bled and died 祂是盘石 He our Rock Hymn364-赞他赞他(1-C-2-C-3-C) Praise Him! Praise Him!

  7. 是我永远救恩盼望 our hope of eternal salvation 颂祂 颂祂颂扬钉十架主 Hail Him hail Him Jesus the Crucified Hymn364-赞他赞他(1-C-2-C-3-C) Praise Him! Praise Him!

  8. 慈爱救主默默无声受创痛 Sounds His praises – Jesus who bore our sorrows 头戴荆棘额上鲜血点点 Love unbounded, wonderful, deep and strong Hymn364-赞他赞他(1-C-2-C-3-C) Praise Him! Praise Him!

  9. 赞祂 赞祂 Praise Him praise Him 赞美耶稣慈爱救主 Jesus, our blessed Redeemer Hymn364-赞他赞他(1-C-2-C-3-C) Praise Him! Praise Him!

  10. 天上众圣高声唱 和撒那 Heavenly Portals loud with hosannas ring 耶稣基督 Jesus Savior Hymn364-赞他赞他(1-C-2-C-3-C) Praise Him! Praise Him!

  11. 掌权直到永永远远 reign-eth forever And ever 冠祂冠祂先知祭司君王 Crown Him crown Him Prophet and Priest and King Hymn364-赞他赞他(1-C-2-C-3-C) Praise Him! Praise Him!

  12. 死亡消灭让我们齐声歌唱 Christ is coming, over the world victorious – 你所夸耀得胜坟墓何在 Power and glory unto the Lord belong Hymn364-赞他赞他(1-C-2-C-3-C) Praise Him! Praise Him!

  13. 赞祂 赞祂 Praise Him praise Him 锡安居民都当赞祂 tell of His excellent greatness Hymn364-赞他赞他(1-C-2-C-3-C) Praise Him! Praise Him!

  14. 赞祂 赞祂 Praise Him praise Him 永以乐歌赞祂 ever in joyful song Hymn364-赞他赞他(1-C-2-C-3-C) Praise Him! Praise Him!

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