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Ocean Fluxes in CarbonTracker

Ocean Carbon Cycle Developments. Ocean Fluxes in CarbonTracker. Andy Jacobson, Taro Takahashi, Colm Sweeney, David Ho, Roger Dargaville, and Rik Wanninkhof. Ocean inversions New Takahashi climatology Gas exchange developments. Andy Jacobson, Wouter Peters, Colm Sweeney,

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Ocean Fluxes in CarbonTracker

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ocean Carbon Cycle Developments Ocean Fluxes in CarbonTracker Andy Jacobson, Taro Takahashi, Colm Sweeney, David Ho, Roger Dargaville, and Rik Wanninkhof • Ocean inversions • New Takahashi climatology • Gas exchange developments Andy Jacobson, Wouter Peters, Colm Sweeney, and the CarbonTracker Team Southern Hemisphere anecdote

  2. Ocean inversions give significantly different fluxes than ∆pCO2 climatology

  3. Ocean inversions give significantly different fluxes than ∆pCO2 climatology

  4. Ocean inversions give significantly different fluxes than ∆pCO2 climatology

  5. Ocean inversions give significantly different fluxes than ∆pCO2 climatology

  6. Takahashi et al. (2007) - New ∆pCO2 ClimatologyAnnual mean flux is -1.22 PgC/yrReferenced to 2000 instead of 1995

  7. Takahashi et al. (2007) - New ∆pCO2 Climatology2.8 million obs

  8. Takahashi et al. (2007) - New ∆pCO2 ClimatologyNEGLIGIBLE Southern Ocean sink NCEP-2 Winds with Sweeney et al. gas transfer

  9. Gas Transfer Velocity Parameterization Uncertainty Dual-tracer (3He/SF6) Release Experiments Courtesy David Ho

  10. Wind Speed Uncertainty

  11. ∆pCO2 - Wind speed Correlations

  12. Monthly flux maps, etc. • Monthly Flux map projects • NOAA AOML/PMEL • Jacobson • Dependence of flux on winds • Tuning of quadratic coefficient • Spatial wind biases • Utility of atmospheric pCO2 from cruises • Accuracy • Dynamic network

  13. CarbonTracker 2007 release (5w lag, Taka02)

  14. o3d5w150mi (5w lag, OIF)

  15. o6d12w300mi (12w lag, OIF)

  16. oi6d12w300mi (12w lag, OIF, no time smoothing)

  17. Take-home • New ocean flux products on the horizon • Different spatial mean • IAV soon • Your wind product matters • Deep SH sites strongly affected by “remote” ( > 1 month) fluxes, in TM5 at least

  18. Taka ‘02 vs OIF

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