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Unit 6 “Reviewing the Contractors’ Proposals”

Unit 6 “Reviewing the Contractors’ Proposals”. Unit 6 - “Reviewing the Contractors’ Proposals”. Transmit proposals to TOM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CO Convene the Review Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TOM

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Unit 6 “Reviewing the Contractors’ Proposals”

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  1. Unit 6“Reviewing the Contractors’ Proposals” NWPP Multiple-Award Technical Support Contract (eff. 08/2005) Unit 6

  2. Unit 6 - “Reviewing the Contractors’ Proposals” • Transmit proposals to TOM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CO • Convene the Review Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TOM • Develop Consensus on Scoring of Proposals . . . . . . .TOM • Transmit Consensus Score to CO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOM • Review of Scores for Technical & Cost Portions of all proposals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TOM & CO Roles and Responsibilities NWPP Multiple-Award Technical Support Contract (eff. 08/2005) Unit 6

  3. Unit 6 - “Reviewing the Contractors’ Proposals” • At the close of the solicitation (generally 10 business days after the solicitation was announced), the CO will forward to the TOM copies of the Technical Proposals received from those vendors who responded to the solicitation. • The CO’s transmittal of proposals to the TOM generally will take the form of an email. Transmit proposals to TOM (1) NWPP Multiple-Award Technical Support Contract (eff. 08/2005) Unit 6

  4. Here is an example of an email from the CO to the TOM. • The Technical Proposals are contained as electronic attachments. NWPP Multiple-Award Technical Support Contract (eff. 08/2005) Unit 6

  5. Unit 6 - “Reviewing the Contractors’ Proposals” Transmit proposals to TOM (2) • It is important to note: • The proposals which are transmitted by the CO are the formal documents which must be reviewed by the TOM. • In some cases, one or more of the vendors may have furnished directly to the TOM copies of proposals during the Solicitation Phase. NWPP Multiple-Award Technical Support Contract (eff. 08/2005) Unit 6

  6. Unit 6 - “Reviewing the Contractors’ Proposals” • It is important to note: • It is the TOM’s responsibility to ensure any proposals received directly from vendors match the versions received from the CO. • In all cases the copies of proposals transmitted by the CO represent the bids-of-record. Transmit proposals to TOM (3) NWPP Multiple-Award Technical Support Contract (eff. 08/2005) Unit 6

  7. Unit 6 - “Reviewing the Contractors’ Proposals” Convene the Review Panel • Once the proposals are received, the Review Panel members will review the proposals according to the criteria which were specified in Item 6 on the Work Plan Review checklist. NWPP Multiple-Award Technical Support Contract (eff. 08/2005) Unit 6

  8. Unit 6 - “Reviewing the Contractors’ Proposals” Develop Consensus on Scoring (1) • The Review Panel members will also review the proposals according to the TEC Factors which were provided in the original Task Order package. NWPP Multiple-Award Technical Support Contract (eff. 08/2005) Unit 6

  9. The category checked in Item 6 of the Work Plan Review Checklist matches the heading on the TEC sheet. NWPP Multiple-Award Technical Support Contract (eff. 08/2005) Unit 6

  10. Unit 6 - “Reviewing the Contractors’ Proposals” Develop Consensus on Scoring (2) • The Review Panel will develop a consensus on a SINGLE SCORE for each vendor proposal. • The size of the Review Panel is not restrictive. It can consist solely of the TOM or up to as many as five reviewers. NWPP Multiple-Award Technical Support Contract (eff. 08/2005) Unit 6

  11. Unit 6 - “Reviewing the Contractors’ Proposals” Transmit Consensus Score to CO • The TOM will provide the consensus scores and narrative comments supporting the score (i.e. strengths and weaknesses) to the CO in an email (as shown above). Email to Contracting Officers at CPOD: Attached is the consensus scoring from the Task Order Review Panel which was formed for solicitation 2005-087. Thanks, Task Order Manager NWPP Multiple-Award Technical Support Contract (eff. 08/2005) Unit 6

  12. Unit 6 - “Reviewing the Contractors’ Proposals” • When the Technical Review Panel has arrived at the consensus scores and has transmitted them to the CO, the Cost portion of each vendor’s proposal will then be shared with the TOM. • The TOM will then come to closure with the CO on the successful bidder based upon the declared selection criteria (i.e. Cost > Technical; Technical > Cost; Technical = Cost, etc.) Review of Scores for Technical & Cost Portions of all Proposals NWPP Multiple-Award Technical Support Contract (eff. 08/2005) Unit 6

  13. Unit 6 - “Reviewing the Contractors’ Proposals” • Upon issuance of the Task Order, one copy of the successful proposal shall be retained in the TOM’s File-of-Record. The TOM shall shred paper copies (and delete electronic files) of all the other proposals. Issuance of the Task Order NWPP Multiple-Award Technical Support Contract (eff. 08/2005) Unit 6

  14. Unit 6 - “Reviewing the Contractor’s Proposals” FAQ’s NWPP Multiple-Award Technical Support Contract (eff. 08/2005) Unit 6

  15. Unit 6 - “Reviewing the Contractor’s Proposals” FAQ’s If you have a question about the information in this unit please click the link below to send an email to the Project Officer. Zabawa.Christopher@epamail.epa.gov NWPP Multiple-Award Technical Support Contract (eff. 08/2005) Unit 6

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