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59 Questions Part A

www.RossyParker.com. 59 Questions Part A. Possible inhaled poisons include. fire cyanide chlorine carbon monoxide. Sources of poisoning by __________ can be poisonous plants such as poison ivy, poison sumac, poison oak, poison wood, cleaning products, and insecticides. absorption.

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59 Questions Part A

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  1. www.RossyParker.com 59 Questions Part A

  2. Possible inhaled poisons include fire cyanide chlorine carbon monoxide

  3. Sources of poisoning by __________ can be poisonous plants such as poison ivy, poison sumac, poison oak, poison wood, cleaning products, and insecticides. absorption

  4. Liquid or powder on the skin, burns, redness, rash, and blistering, convulsions or seizures are signs and symptoms of what means of poisoning absorption

  5. What is the primary way HIV is transmitted? • sexually

  6. What is the officer's responsibility to the death and dying? • recognize emotional reactions and give initial comfort and care

  7. What is the correct way of opening the airway with someone who has a neck or spinal injury? jawthrust

  8. Who can you give patient information to anyone who continue patient care

  9. Insulin in the body is a hormone

  10. What is yellow skin tone a sign of? liver problems

  11. A _____________ chest injury is a type of open chest injury in which air and/or blood escapes into the area surrounding the lungs, creating a change in the pressure in the chest cavity. sucking

  12. ____________ , are smooth muscles, used to carry out many automatic body functions. Involuntary muscles One of those involuntary muscles

  13. What is the #1 thing when an officer arrives at the scene? scene safety

  14. A _____________ is a closed injury that is discolored and painful at the injury site. contusion A bruise, or contusion, is caused when blood vessels are damaged or broken as the result of a blow to the skin.

  15. Jaundice (yellowish discoloration) of the skin is a sign of liver problems

  16. Unhappy, but resigned to reality is which stage of grief? acceptance

  17. The ___________ is located in the brain and in the spinal cord. central nervous system

  18. Muscles used for deliberate acts, such as chewing, bending, lifting, and running are Voluntary muscles

  19. The ___________ artery is a major artery in the thigh, felt in the groin area. femoral

  20. During this stage of labor, the amniotic sac may rupture dilation

  21. This is the failure of heart and blood vessels (circulatory system) to maintain enough oxygen with blood flowing to the vital organs of the body. shock

  22. This is also called smooth muscles involuntary system A smooth muscle is an involuntary muscle. This means that you cannot consciously control this muscle. These muscles are under the control of autonomic nervous system. This system controls many systems without us being aware of them • regulates the flow of blood in the arteries • moves your breakfast along through your gastrointestinal tract • expels urine from your urinary bladder • sends babies out into the world from the uterus • regulates the flow of air through the lungs

  23. This shock occurs when an individual is exposed to a substance to which his or her body is sensitive. anaphylactic shock A woman being treated in an emergency department after going into anaphylactic shock

  24. This dark red blood flows steadily from a wound, indicating a severed or damaged vein. venous bleeding

  25. Identify when to remove an impaled object. when the airway is obstructed

  26. What is the medical term for a broken bone? fracture

  27. A _________ fracture is when the skin at the injury site remains intact. closed

  28. The medical term for an open wound where the organs protrude from the abdominal cavity. abdominal evisceration

  29. The quickest and easiest way to stop bleeding is direct pressure

  30. _________ occurs when the end of a bone comes out of the its socket at the joint. dislocation

  31. The D.O.T.S stands for Deformities, Open Injuries, Tenderness (sore to the touch), and Swelling

  32. What do you do when a patient is in immediate danger and the location prevents responders from providing care to a patient. emergency move

  33. Localized or radiating abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, fever, abdominal distention, and patient may assume the fetal position are signs and symptoms of abdominal pains

  34. _____________ are substances that may cause an allergic reaction, injury, or death if introduced into the body. poisons Poison Oak

  35. Poisons can be solids, liquids, or gases that enter the body through ingestion injection inhalation absorption

  36. Poisoning occurs when the poison enters the body through the mouth. ingestion

  37. Poisoning occurs when the poison enters the body through the mouth and/or nose. inhalation

  38. Poisoning occurs when poison is inserted into the body through a small opening. injection

  39. Poisoning occurs when poison enters the body through contact with the surface of the skin. absorption

  40. Burns around the mouth, odd breath odor, diarrhea, altered mental status, nausea and vomiting are signs and symptoms of poisoning by ingestion

  41. After working years on patrol, the most common thing veteran officers must learn is to ___________ changes. adapt or learn

  42. Bite or sting mark, stinger, tentacle, or venom sac that remains in the skin, pain and swelling around the entry site, itching are signs and symptoms of poisoning by injection

  43. This type of consent is inferred from one's conduct rather than from one's direct expression implied consent

  44. This occurs when you either fail to act or act inappropriately breach of duty

  45. This system of the body delivers oxygen to and removes carbon dioxide from the blood. respiratory

  46. This system of the body controls voluntary and involuntary body activity nervous

  47. Which is a soft tissue injury that is closed and appears as a discolored lump. Hematoma

  48. Hematoma means Swelling

  49. Contusion means bruising

  50. Which is a soft tissue injury that is open and organs protrude. evisceration Abdominal Evisceration

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