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Emotional Development. Exploring EmotionsDevelopment of EmotionTemperamentAttachment and Love. What Are Emotions?. Feeling or affect in a state or interaction characterized byBehavioral expressionConscious experiencePhysiological arousalPositive and negative expressions. Exploring Emoti

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    2. Emotional Development Exploring Emotions Development of Emotion Temperament Attachment and Love

    3. What Are Emotions? Feeling or affect in a state or interaction characterized by Behavioral expression Conscious experience Physiological arousal Positive and negative expressions

    4. What Are Emotions? Facial expressions of basic emotions Biological nature; same across cultures When, where, and how to express emotions are not culturally universal Biological roots…but shaped by culture and relationships

    5. A Functionalist View of Emotion Individuals’ attempts to adapt to specific contextual demands Relational Linked with an individual’s goals Nature of goal can affect experience

    6. Emotional Regulation Effectively managing arousal to adapt and reach a goal Involves state of alertness or activation States can be too high for effective functioning

    7. Developing Emotional Regulation As one ages or matures:

    8. Emotional Competence Skills Being aware of own emotional states and those of others Using appropriate emotional vocabulary Having empathic and sympathetic sensitivity to others’ experiences Seeing self as feeling like one wants to feel Understanding inner emotional states and outer expressions may not correspond Adaptively coping with negative emotions Being aware that emotional expression plays major role in relationships

    9. Development of Emotion Early emotions Present in humans and other animals Appear in first six months of life Surprise, joy, anger, sadness, fear, and disgust Self-conscious emotions Appear in first 18 months to 2 years Acquire and use society’s standards and rules Empathy, jealousy, and embarrassment

    10. Infant Crying Basic cry Rhythmic pattern usually consisting of cry, briefer silence, shorter inspiratory whistle, and brief rest Anger cry Similar to basic cry, linked to exasperation or rage, with more excess air forced through vocal chords Pain cry Sudden appearance of loud crying, no preliminary moaning; stimulated by high-intensity stimulus

    11. Infant Smiling Reflexive smile Does not occur in response to external stimuli Occurs during first month after birth, usually during sleep Social smile Response to external stimulus Occurs about 2 or 3 months of age Typically in response to a face

    12. Fear First appears about 6 mos.; peaks at 18 mos. Stranger anxiety — infant’s fear and wariness of strangers; intense between 9 and 12 mos. Affected by social context, stranger’s characteristics Individual variations Separation protest — crying when caregiver leaves; peaks about 15 months of age

    13. Separation Protest in Four Cultures

    14. Emotional Regulation and Coping Infants use self-soothing strategies for coping Controversy over how caregivers should respond ‘swaddling’ technique Later in infancy, attention is redirected or infant uses distraction to cope By age 2, toddlers use language Contexts influence emotional regulation

    15. Early Childhood Young children experience many emotions Self-Conscious Emotions Pride, shame, embarrassment, and guilt First appear about age 18 months Ability to reflect on emotions increases with age

    16. Developmental Changes In Emotions During Middle and Late Childhood Increased emotional understanding Increased tendency to take fuller account of events leading to emotional reactions Develops capacity for genuine empathy Marked improvements in ability to suppress or conceal negative emotional reactions Use of self-initiated strategies for redirecting feelings

    17. Coping with Stress Coping is more effective as children age Older children have more coping strategies By age 10, most use cognitive strategies

    18. Coping with Stress Recommendations Reassure children of safety and security Allow retelling and discussion of events Encourage discussion of feelings Help children make sense of events

    19. Adolescence Time of emotional turmoil but not constantly Emotional changes instantly occur with little provocation Girls more vulnerable to depression Adolescent moodiness is normal Hormonal changes and environmental experiences involved in changing emotions

    20. Self-Reported Extremes of Emotions by Adolescents and their Parents

    21. Adulthood Adapt more effectively when emotionally intelligent Developmental changes in emotion continue through adult years Older adults have more positive emotions, report better control of emotions

    22. Changes in Positive & Negative Emotion Across the Adult Years

    23. Socioemotional Selectivity Theory Older adults become more selective about their social networks Place a high value on emotional satisfaction and maximize positive emotional experiences Spend more time with familiar individuals providing rewarding relationships Seek more emotion-related goals than knowledge-related goals

    24. Model of Socio-emotional Selectivity

    25. Temperament Individual’s behavioral style and characteristic way of emotional response Closely linked to personality Rothbart and Bates’ Classification Extraversion urgency Negative affectivity Effortful control (self-regulation)

    26. Chess and Thomas’ Classification Three basic types or clusters Easy child: positive mood; quickly establishes routines; adapts easily to new experiences Difficult child: reacts negatively; cries frequently; has irregular routines; slow to accept new experiences Slow-to-warm-up child: low activity level; somewhat negative; shows low adaptability; displays low-intensity mood

    27. Kagan’s Behavioral Inhibition Differences between children Shy, subdued, and timid Sociable, extraverted, bold Inhibition shows considerable stability from infancy through early childhood

    28. Biological Foundations and Experience Physiological characteristics are associated with different temperaments Heredity is aspect of temperament’s biological foundations Attributes become more stable over time as self-perceptions, behavioral preferences, and social experiences form personality

    29. Developmental Connections

    30. Developmental Contexts Gender may be important factor that influences fate of temperament Many aspects of child’s environment encourage or discourage persistence of temperament characteristics Goodness of Fit Match between child’s temperament and environmental demands

    31. Parenting and Child’s Temperament Some temperament characteristics pose more challenges than others Management strategies that worked for one child may not work for next one Be sensitive to individual characteristics of child Structure the child’s environment to provide as good a fit as possible with child’s temperament Avoid labeling as “difficult child”

    32. Theories of Attachment Attachment — close emotional bond between two people Social orientation and understanding Face-to-face play for infants and caregivers Locomotion enables infant independence Goal-directed behaviors indicate intentions Social referencing for reading emotional cues

    33. Theories of Attachment Freud — infants attach to person or object providing oral satisfaction Harlow’s study proved otherwise Erikson — first year of life is key time for attachment development Sense of trust or mistrust sets later expectations

    34. Theories of Attachment Bowlby — stresses importance of attachment in first year and responsiveness of caregiver Four phases of attachment in first 2 years Phase 1: birth to 2 months Phase 2: 2 to 7 months of age Phase 3: 7 to 24 months of age Phase 4: 24 months and older

    35. Individual Differences and the Strange Situation Ainsworth’s measure of infant attachment to caregiver Requires infant to move through a series of introductions, separations, and reunions Some infants have more positive attachments than others

    36. Attachment Categories

    37. The Significance of Attachment Secure attachment in first year is important foundation for psychological development Some developmentalists believe too much emphasis on attachment bond in infancy Ignores the diversity of socializing agents and contexts that exists in an infant’s world Ignores that infants are highly resilient and adaptive

    38. Caregiving Styles and Attachment Classification

    39. Cross-Cultural Comparison of Attachment

    40. Mothers and Fathers as Caregivers Maternal interactions usually center on child-care activities Feeding Changing diapers Bathing Paternal interactions more likely to include play, engage in rough-and-tumble acts

    41. Child Care Many parents worry about child’s care About 2 million children currently receive formal, licensed child care More than 5 million children in kindergarten Types of child care vary extensively in U.S.

    42. Variations in Child Care Five types of parental leave from work Maternity leave Paternity leave Parental leave Child-rearing leave Family leave Sweden has most extensive leave policies

    43. Variations in Child Care Factors influencing effects of child care Age of child Type of child care Quality of program Mother’s employment in first year may have negative effect Types vary by ethnicity and social class

    44. Variations in Child Care National longitudinal study results Patterns of use: infants placed sooner Quality of care: lower for low-income families Amount of child care: extensive time lessened attachment sensitivity to mother, more behavioral issues Family and parenting influences are important

    45. Variations in Child Care Child care strategies for parents Quality of parenting is key to child’s development Make decisions that enhance being good parents Monitor child’s development Take time to find the best child care Child care may harm some children more than others

    46. Adolescence Attachment to parents Secure attachment to both parents positively related to peer and friendship relations Dismissing/avoidant attachment: de-emphasize importance due to caregiver rejection Preoccupied/ambivalent attachment: insecure adolescent due to inconsistent parenting Unresolved/disorganized attachment: insecure adolescent, high fear due to traumatic experiences

    47. Dating and Romantic Relationships Types of dating and developmental changes Dating scripts Cognitive models that guide dating interactions Males are proactive, females are reactive Males seek physical attraction, females seek interpersonal qualities Dating involvement linked to later adjustment Sociocultural contexts influences dating

    48. Age of Onset of Romantic Activity

    49. Attachment in Adulthood Adults count on romantic partners to be a secure base to which they can return and obtain comfort, security in stressful times Attachment-related anxiety Attachment-related avoidance Infant attachment style often reflected in adult partnership

    50. Romantic Love Also called passionate love or eros Complex intermingling of emotions Strong components of sexuality and infatuation Often predominates early part of a love relationship Affectionate love or companionate love Have deep, caring affection for person

    51. Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Love Theory that love includes three types Passion: physical, sexual attraction Intimacy: warmth, closeness, and sharing Commitment: intent to remain together

    52. Sternberg’s Triangle of Love

    53. Falling Out of Love Collapse of close relationship Tragic feelings initially Over time – happiness and personal development may benefit One-sided relationships are harmful

    54. The End

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