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Academic Vision, 2005-2010

Academic Vision, 2005-2010. Whitworth College. Five Strategic Objectives. Improve on excellence in teaching, learning, and scholarship. Advance the intercultural and experiential learning enrichment opportunities for our students.

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Academic Vision, 2005-2010

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  1. Academic Vision, 2005-2010 Whitworth College

  2. Five Strategic Objectives • Improve on excellence in teaching, learning, and scholarship. • Advance the intercultural and experiential learning enrichment opportunities for our students. • Advance research, teaching, facilities, and student achievement in the natural sciences. • Enhance facilities, community engagement, and collaboration in the performing and visual arts. • Develop and implement a strategic plan for performance and growth in graduate and continuing studies at Whitworth.

  3. Academic Excellence: ’05-’06 • Goal: Develop an action plan to reduce our dependence upon adjunct faculty for the undergraduate day program. • Goal: Develop an action plan to improve teaching and learning at Whitworth College.

  4. National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Whitworth College 2005 Results

  5. What Really Matters in College Student Engagement The research is unequivocal- Students are not passive recipients of institutional efforts to “educate” or “change” them. Important to focus on ways in which an institution can shape its academic, interpersonal, and extracurricular offerings to encourage student engagement. Pascarella & Terenzini. (2005). How college affects students: A third decade of research

  6. Why A National Survey? • Refocus conversations about undergraduate quality to what matters most • Enhance institutional improvement efforts • Foster comparative and consortium activity • Inform accountability • Provide systematic national data on “good educational practices”

  7. Comparison Institutions

  8. Whitworth Promising Findings • Most students (88% freshmen, 92% seniors) would attendWhitworthif they could start over again. • Most students (92% freshmen, 94% seniors) say they had a good or excellent educational experience. • High percentage (86% freshmen, 89% seniors) rate the quality of academic advising as good to excellent.

  9. Effect Size • Indicates practical significance of the mean difference. • Mean difference/standard deviation of the comparison group • 0.2= small • 0.5=moderate • 0.8=large • Positive effect size=institution mean was greater than peers • Negative effect size=institution lags behind comparison group • N= 360 freshmen and 311 seniors

  10. Personal Growth Effect SizeComparison to Peers: Freshmen (dark) Seniors (light)

  11. WritingComparison to Peers: Freshmen (dark) Seniors (light)

  12. Critical ThinkingComparison to Peers: Freshmen (dark) Seniors (light)

  13. Using NSSE Data • Discover current levels of engagement (institution, major field, year in school) • Determine if current levels are satisfactory (criterion reference, normative, or peer comparison) • Target areas for improvement • Modify programs and policies accordingly • Teach students what is required to succeed • Monitor student & institutional performance Areas of Effective Educational Practice Areas for Institutional Improvement

  14. Internal Campus Uses • Gauge status of campus priorities • Examine changes in student engagement between first and senior years • Assess campus progressover time • Encourage dialogue aboutgood practice • Link with other data to test hypotheses, evaluateprograms • Improve curricula, instruction, services LearningCommunities 1ST Year and Senior Experience EnrollmentManagement InstitutionalResearch AcademicAffair Institutional Improvement LearningAssessment StudentAffairs FacultyDevelopment PeerComparison AcademicAdvising

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