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Hypertherm - 5S+ Process

Hypertherm - 5S+ Process. 5S+ Implementation and Audit review Process . Training Objectives. Provide Safety awareness of potential hazards in your work environment Provide basic understanding for why the Lean journey begins with implementing and sustaining the 5S+ process

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Hypertherm - 5S+ Process

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  1. Hypertherm - 5S+ Process 5S+ Implementation and Audit review Process

  2. Training Objectives • Provide Safety awareness of potential hazards in your work environment • Provide basic understanding for why the Lean journey begins with implementing and sustaining the 5S+ process • Learn to recognize and eliminate waste in your work area • Become aware of the concepts, activities, techniques, and benefits of 5S+ Process

  3. Lean Manufacturing 5S+ is the foundation of Lean implementation, the success of the 5S+ program becomes fundamental for Lean success in both the manufacturing and administrative areas. The objective of 5S+ is to create a well-organized, clean and visual workplace, where anyone can easily find every tool and item needed, identify abnormalities, and keep control of the flow. This will lead to a reduction in wasted time, the elimination of safety hazards, and to improved customer delivery time.

  4. Waste defined What is Waste? Waste is “anything other than the minimum amount of equipment, materials, parts, space and worker’s time, which are absolutely essential to add value to the product.” Shoichiro Toyoda President, Toyota Motor Corporation

  5. The Seven Wastes • Overproduction • Waiting - Product and People • Transportation • Over Processing • Excessive Inventory • Unnecessary Motion • Making Defective Products

  6. 5S+ Implementation The Foundation of Lean is the 5S+ Process Implementation S1+ Sort:Separate tools, parts, and instructions from unneeded materials and remove. S2+ Shine: Cleanup!!! S3+ Set-in-Order:Neatly arrange and identify parts and tools for ease of use. S4+ Standardize:Conduct, revisit the above three frequently. S5+ Sustain: Always follow the first four

  7. Make Safety a HyPriority Make Safety a HyPriority Every step in the 5S+ implementation and maintenance process must include the identification and mitigation of safety and ergonomics risk factors. The four most common causes of workplace accidents: • Contact; Lacerations, Puncture wounds, Concussions • Overexertion caused from; Force, Posture, motions, Vibration and their magnitude, frequency, duration and recovery period • Falls; Sprains, Strains, Fractures • Exposure/Environmental issues; Burns, Respiratory difficulties

  8. 5S+ Safety Multiple guards in use on one piece of equipment. Great example of multiple safe guards ---- Light Curtain in the front of this press and Lexan on the other 3 sides

  9. Safety Jet Line and TF2013 cables have connectors with poor strain relief

  10. Broken 110v electrical plug

  11. Plug is missing it’s ground prong LOTO tag has been in place for 1+ year and needs to have a more permanent resolution.

  12. All electrical outlets even de-energized ones need cover plates

  13. 5S+ Safety continued More Trip / Fall hazards

  14. 5S+ Safety continued Excellent work ty-wrapping wires/cables up off the floor

  15. 5S+1 Sort-Out The Goal of Sort-Out is to have only those items that are necessary to maintain the current operation in the work area • Sort through everything in the target area. • When in doubt throw it out • Create / Designate a Sort-Out station • Remove un-needed items from the work area. • If it may be useful but not to you “Orange Tag the item

  16. The Orange Tag procedure Orange Tags are used to identify all items that may not belong in the work area or are not needed. The 5 Orange Tag Process • 1. Prepare orange tags • 2. Attach orange tags to unneeded items • 3. Remove orange-tagged items to a temporary holding area/shelf/cart • 4. Evaluate orange-tagged items and decide the outcome • 5. Dispose of items

  17. 5S+1 Sort-Out Station What’s wrong in this picture? None of the items are Orange Tagged and the Sort-Out cart is not properly labeled

  18. 5S+1 Sort-Out

  19. 5S+2 Shine • The Shine phase is more than making the Area/Cell clean • There are three aspects of shine: getting the workplace clean, maintaining its appearance, and using preventive measures to keep it clean. • Cleaning the workplace: • Take the time to plan what needs to be cleaned, what it will be cleaned with, when it will be cleaned, and who will do the cleaning. • Maintaining the appearance of the workplace: • Techniques and practices that contribute to the appearance of a work area include: painting, lighting, dealing with clutter, dust collection, minimizing spills, and conducting routine maintenance. • Using preventive measures to keep the workplace clean: • Once the work area, tools, and equipment are clean, you need to be kept that way. • Continued housekeeping is one way to keep the work area, tools, and equipment clean. But the better way is to prevent these from getting dirty in the first place.

  20. 5S+2 Shine Start at the top What’s wrong in this picture? Using a small metal bench in place of a ladder

  21. 5S+2 Shine & Safety First

  22. 5S+2 Shine and work to the bottom

  23. 5S+2 Shine • Scissor Lift was very dusty

  24. 5S+2 Shine What's wrong in the photo

  25. Before 3S+ After 3S+

  26. 5S+2 Shine Cleaning Checklist

  27. 5S+3 Set-In-Order • Set in Order or designating locations is about organization and orderliness. It means that there is a place for everything and everything must be in its place. • Designated locations save time and reduce both wasted effort and frustration. • Effective storage is based on a combination of factors such as the frequency of use, the sequence of use, and the bulk or cubic feet occupied by the item stored.

  28. Wires on wall should be bundled together better Wires are now ty-wrapped and organized.

  29. 5S+3 Set-In-Order Each workstations shadow board tools are color coded to ensure that they are returned to their proper home location

  30. Excellent work on the shadow boards

  31. Scrap Cart top and drawers need to be organized

  32. Excellent visual order

  33. “MISC TOOLING” Label doesn’t meet Hypertherm's 3S+ standards It appears that most of the tools have duplicates?

  34. BEFORE The text “MISCELLANEOUS” is not allowed AFTER The shelf has been re-labeled to better identify what is located on it

  35. 5S+ Safety & Set-In-Order What’s wrong in this picture? Tools are placed high and if you are not careful you could end up with more then you were reaching for.

  36. 5S+3 Set-In-Order Great looking workbench

  37. 5S+3 Set-In-Order LO Desk is very organized and well labeled

  38. 5S+4 Standardize • Standardization is about creating best practices and then getting everyone to "copy exactly," using the established best practices the same way, everywhere, and every time. • Implementing a "copy exactly" mentality involves establishing standardized rules. • Visual factory techniques including color-coding, checklists, and labeling help reinforce a copy exactly approach.

  39. 5S+5 Sustain Sustain is the most difficult phase of the 5S's. • Sustaining requires keeping everyone involved, continually reinforcing what and why the 5S's are important. • Sustaining the 5S's requires leadership, commitment, and allocation of the time and resources necessary to keep the effort vital. • Recognition for jobs done well is a great way ensure that the effort will continue. • Audits can serve as on-going checks on 5S activities. • A teamwork approach builds a common effort toward achieving a common goal. • Utilization the CIA program for improvements will generate ideas to improve and help sustain the 5S effort. • Reacting immediately to problems is a must or the organization can quickly slide back to old habits.

  40. 5S+5 Sustain Cleaning Checklist

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