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Are you ready for your test?. When countries unite for a common cause; to receive support if attacked. Alliance. What is the largest country?. Russia. Who was the first czar of Russia after it broke free of the Mongols?. Ivan IV. How did Peter plan to modernize Russia?.

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  1. Are you ready for your test?

  2. When countries unite for a common cause; to receive support if attacked Alliance

  3. What is the largest country? Russia

  4. Who was the first czar of Russia after it broke free of the Mongols? Ivan IV

  5. How did Peter plan to modernize Russia? New ideas and inventions from the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions

  6. Why did Alexander II’s efforts to end serfdom fail? Heavy taxes, poor land for farming

  7. Which group originally from Asia ruled Russia until 1547 when Ivan IV became the first czar? Mongols

  8. What was Peter the Great’s ultimate objective for Russia? He wanted it to become more like Europe.

  9. What is the term for someone who worked on farms owned by others and received few rights? Serf

  10. Which czar can be credited for expanding the empire to include the Ukraine and Belarus? Catherine the Great

  11. What were the four main reasons for the outbreak of WW1? Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism

  12. What was a radical directive that Peter the Great instituted? Ordered Russians to shave their beards so they’d look more European

  13. Russia was divided into what two major classes in the 19th century? Nobles and serfs

  14. Which groups supported the serfs quest for more rights? Workers, students, artists, writers

  15. Cold, northeastern area of Russia Siberia

  16. Give a specific example of how Peter the Great reformed Russia. Improved the army, built schools

  17. How did the Russian government respond to the serfs demands for more rights in 1905? Bloody Sunday

  18. Russian czars wished to gain new territories to expand the empire. Provide an example of a new territory that was acquired. Belarus, Ukraine, land along the Baltic Sea

  19. Pres. Wilson’s Plan for peace in Europe after WW1 League of Nations

  20. What did the Treaty of Versailles require of Germany? (Give 3 things) Pay reparations, limited military, give up land

  21. What happened to the Russian monarchy? It was overthrown.

  22. How did the poor farmers or peasants of Russia suffer under the czars? New laws forced the peasants to become serfs.

  23. Which country was most adamant about punishing Germany after WW1? France

  24. Identify one weakness of the League of Nations No army, No money

  25. Money paid by the losing country to the winning country for damages Reparations

  26. Austria-Hungary, Germany, Turkey (Ottoman Empire), Bulgaria The Central Powers

  27. Why did European powers want colonies in Asia and Africa? Raw materials

  28. Russia’s “window on the west” St. Petersburg

  29. Why did Russia enter WW1? To help its ally Serbia

  30. Why did Germany declare war on Russia? To support Austria after Russia sent help to Serbia

  31. Strong pride in one’s nation or ethnic group Nationalism

  32. Which country was blamed the most for WW1? Germany

  33. Where were the Mongols who conquered and ruled Russia in the 13th and 15th centuries? Asia

  34. Who won WW1? The Allies

  35. What ideas did Catherine the Great borrow from Western Europe? Schools, new towns, expanded trade, encouraged art, science and literature

  36. What is it called when the a single ruler holds all the power? Absolute government or Unlimited government

  37. Identify a country two countries that were created after WW1 Poland, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Hungary, Austria

  38. Which group of citizens suffered most under Russia’s new strength? peasants

  39. Which czar led Russia into World War I? Nicholas II

  40. The term for an extreme build-up or armed forces Militarism

  41. On what two continents is Russia located on? Europe and Asia

  42. Where do the majority of Russians live? European Russian

  43. What problems led to the Russian Revolution in 1917? Food shortages and unemployment

  44. Which countries made up the “Big Four” and generated the Treaty of Versailles? France, Great Britain, US, Italy

  45. What happened on Bloody Sunday? Government troops shot protesting workers

  46. Whose murder led to war being declared between Austria-Hungary and Serbia? Archduke Franz Ferdinand

  47. Which mountain range divides European Russia to Asian Russia? Ural Mountains

  48. Who did Czarina Alexandra allow to influence her while ruling Russia? Rasputin

  49. The agreement that ended WWI and which outlined the political outcomes of the conflict Treaty of Versailles

  50. Why did Italy switch sides? Promised land by France

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