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數位學習的發展趨勢 c-Learning + e-Learning

數位學習的發展趨勢 c-Learning + e-Learning. Blended Learning. Virtual Classroom Room. Professor Pao-Ta Yu Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Chung Cheng University Chiayi, Taiwan, R.O.C. 混合式學習 Introduction to Blended Learning. B.L. c-Learning. e-Learning.

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數位學習的發展趨勢 c-Learning + e-Learning

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  1. 數位學習的發展趨勢 c-Learning + e-Learning Blended Learning Virtual Classroom Room Professor Pao-Ta Yu Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Chung Cheng University Chiayi, Taiwan, R.O.C.

  2. 混合式學習Introduction to Blended Learning

  3. B.L. c-Learning e-Learning synchronous asynchronous 資訊融入教學之混合式學習機制 (Blended Learning) • Information and communication technology has been widely applied to blended learning including classroom-Learning and electronic-Learning. Information and Communication Technology M.L. Educational Theories Multimedia Learning Theory Mastery Learning Theory

  4. c-Learning with ICT • For traditional learning in classroom, information and communication technology also plays an important role to improve teacher’s teaching capability and students’ learning performance.

  5. LMS 非同步自我學習機制 Asynchronous e-Learning: self-pace learning • e-Learning contents have been designed in advance and then uploaded into LMS. • Learners can learn anywhere and anytime. That is without constraint about learning time and place. http://www.elearning.ccu.edu.tw/math/index.htm

  6. 同步群體廣播學習機制 Synchronous e-Learning • There is a net meeting server to control the interaction among teacher and students simultaneously. • After students login that server, they can receive teacher’s lecture video immediately and also can interact with teacher or classmates. • This learning model requires any attendance to show up at same time, but can stay at their own place to join this learning activity. Cyber U

  7. 多媒體學習理論Multimedia Learning Theory

  8. 多媒體學習理論 Multimedia Learning Theory • 多媒體學習原則 Multimedia Principle • Students learn better from words and pictures than only from words. • 空間認知原則 Spatial Cognitive Principle • Students learn better when corresponding words and pictures are presented near rather than far from each other. • 時間認知原則 Temporal Cognitive Principle • Students learn better when corresponding words and pictures are presented simultaneously rather than successively.

  9. 左腦學習 Left-Brain Learning • tooth • teeth Referential Connection

  10. 右腦學習 Right-Brain Learning o Referential Connection e

  11. 多媒體學習成效檢驗 Two Goals of Multimedia Learning • Remembering • Definition • Ability to reproduce or recognize presented material • Test • Retention • Understanding • Definition • Ability to use presented material in novel situations • Test • Transfer

  12. 精熟學習Mastery Learning

  13. 精熟學習法概論 • Bloom認為學生學習成就上的差異,是因為我們對每一個學生提供相同的教學及相同的學習時間,並且沒有提供個別的補救教學,致使學生的學習成就差異隨著年齡愈來愈大。 • 精熟學習(mastery learning)是透過小步驟的教學、足夠的練習機會、充裕的學習時間及補救教學,讓學生精熟每一個學習步驟。 • Carroll 認為「性向」不是學習成就(learning level) 的指標,而是學習速率(learning rate) 的指標。如果給學生足夠的學習時間,他就可以達到特定的成就水準。

  14. 學生之學習程度 (Blook,1971;Guskey,1985;引自毛連塭等,民80)

  15. Bloom的學校學習理論

  16. 如何補強學生的先備知識及技能?也許可包含外語能力。如何補強學生的先備知識及技能?也許可包含外語能力。

  17. 教師情意是決定整門課程成敗的主要因素之一。教師情意是決定整門課程成敗的主要因素之一。 • 教師之專業能力、上課技巧等是否受到學生之肯定?

  18. 回饋-補救教學過程(feedback-corrective process)是確保學生能精熟每一個單元,並為下一個單元準備了高的認知起點行為及情意起點特性。 • 如何利用網路學習環境提供有效的回饋及補救教材?將影響學習的學習機會。

  19. 快速數位教材設計模式及線上學習之機制 提供教師快速及有效的e-Learning設計工具,可以及時回覆及上傳回饋及補救教材。 利用同儕學習,互相激勵。 利用互動、回饋及測驗機制,以了解學生的了解能力。 利用合作學習,提昇學生之間的學習速度。 提供教師快速及有效的設計工具,除可以及時回覆及上傳回饋及補救教材外,並提供c-Learning的多媒體教學機制,以正增強教師情意。

  20. 『教』『學』模式Teaching & Learning Models

  21. Two Screens To realize the dual codes theory Interactive Device Teacher can use DV to delivery student’s video to whole classroom. Media Matrix There are 3x3 possible output combinations 2-Screen Presenting Teachers can easily present their PowerPoint file into two screens. c-Learning with Two Projection Screens Simple + Easy + Economical Great Improvement

  22. One Screen With only one media integrator, it still can realize the dual codes theory. Interactive Device Teacher can use DV to delivery student’s video to whole classroom. Media Integrator There is a media integrator with PIP and PAP functions. 2-Window Presenting Teachers can easily present their PowerPoint file into two windows on one screen. c-Learning with One Projection Screen Simple + Easy + More Economical DVI321: Dual View Integrator Great Improvement

  23. Advanced and Powerful Presentation Model for c-Learning • Provide a consecutive model (n-1, n) to present the PowerPoint file without designing new teaching material. • More possible instructional methods can be realized while the software of multiple screens is applied.

  24. 同步教學模式之一:即時互動功能 適用:線上討論、專題發表、課程總結。 • Web-office

  25. 同步教學模式之二:定時不定點虛擬教室主要功能同步教學模式之二:定時不定點虛擬教室主要功能 五大區塊 主視訊 參與者名單表列 文字訊息區 共享多媒體區 白板 共同瀏覽網頁 桌面共享 遠距離操控 參與者視訊區 1 4 2 3 5

  26. 非同步數位學習內容 適用:可線上自我學習,使課程學習的期限更具彈性。 • SCORM-compliant Learning Management System

  27. 結論Conclusions

  28. 結論 • Blended Learning is the best approach to apply ICT into teaching and learning. • To enforce teachers’ teaching and designing ability can improve teacher-related affect in front of their students and also the quality of instruction. • To provide a rapid design approach for designing e-Learning content can increase students’ learning opportunity.

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