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Wi-Fi interference measurements in Korea (Part II)

Wi-Fi interference measurements in Korea (Part II). Date: 2014-03-17. Authors:. Abstract.

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Wi-Fi interference measurements in Korea (Part II)

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  1. Wi-Fi interference measurements in Korea (Part II) Date: 2014-03-17 Authors: Minho Cheong (NEWRACOM)

  2. Abstract • This presentation gives set of additional measurement results of Wi-Fi interferences in Seoul metropolitan area, especially depending on the deployment density of Wi-Fi devices, which will be helpful for problem setting of HEW. Minho Cheong (NEWRACOM)

  3. Additional Path-loss due to Human Body Blockage [1] • In super-dense scenarios, in addition to general indoor (from 802.11n/ac channel model) or outdoor (from WINNER or ITU model), we need to consider the following environments as well AP My STA (smart phone) Minho Cheong (NEWRACOM)

  4. Measurement Campaign • Measurement schedule & Measurement spot • Seoul Express Bus Terminal (indoor) in Seoul in January 2014 • Equipment • AirMagent Wi-Fi Analyzer Pro, Mobile AP, Jperf 2.0.2 Server • Measurement done on 2.4GHz (channel 9) by 802.11g • Measured DL PHY data rate from Laptop tomobile AP • Measured & analyzed DL MAC packets from Laptop tomobile AP Laptop Jperf server (wired) Mobile AP Minho Cheong (NEWRACOM)

  5. Measurement Campaign (2) • Limitations on Measurements • So many moving people at all times • Not able to measure for a long time • because mobile AP used cannot hold large traffics • “AirMagnet Wi-Fi Analyzer” • can gather all the Wi-Fi data • Overall or per specific SSID or MAC address • can analyze all the statistics of Wi-Fi signals Minho Cheong (NEWRACOM)

  6. PHY Measurement results of DL traffic • Measured DL packets from mobile APtoLaptop • Distance between them is 10m (in the middle of many people) • 3 conditions tried per population density • all the other conditions same • 0.05 people/m2 (very few), 0.25people/m2(some people), 0.5people/1m2 (crowded) Laptop Jperf server (wired) Mobile AP Minho Cheong (NEWRACOM)

  7. MAC Measurement results of DL traffic • 3 conditions tried per population density • all the other conditions same • 0.05 people/m2 (very few), 0.25people/m2(some people), 0.5people/1m2 (crowded) • The higher population density, the more controls & the less data frames • In addition, retry rate is highly sensitive due to different level of contentions Minho Cheong (NEWRACOM)

  8. Conclusions • Measurements and analysis are done on dense Wi-Fi environments according to different level of population density • As population density goes high, performance of Wi-Fi goes extremely degraded • Due to much more contentions with devices near by • Due to additional path loss by human-body blockage for my signal • Solutions to dense Wi-Fi environments are strongly required so that we could also manage to use Wi-Fi in the future (explosion of number of Wi-Fi devices) Minho Cheong (NEWRACOM)

  9. References • [1] 11-13-1113-00-0hew-channel-modeling-for-dense-Wi-Fi-environments Minho Cheong (NEWRACOM)

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