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C. Noshi/RASC, Kyoto Univ.

AIV (Assembly, Integration, Verification) for BepiColombo MMO Payoads Y. Kasaba, T. Takashima, H. Hayakawa (JAXA/BepiColombo Project Office). MMO Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter. C. Noshi/RASC, Kyoto Univ. Overall Schedule (Mar 2006). ESA JAXA both. Now!!.

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C. Noshi/RASC, Kyoto Univ.

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  1. AIV (Assembly, Integration, Verification) for BepiColombo MMO Payoads Y. Kasaba, T. Takashima, H. Hayakawa (JAXA/BepiColombo Project Office) MMO Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter C. Noshi/RASC, Kyoto Univ.

  2. Overall Schedule (Mar 2006) ESA JAXA both Now!! MMO-STM at ESTEC (by ESA plan) MMO-FM at ESTEC (by ESA plan) Launch 2013.8B Definition phase [old Ph-A/B] ESA MMO&MCS STM test ITT Implementation phase [old Ph-B/C/D] Integrated Test & AIV RFP MMO-STM 2009.5M Is it OK? Install of STM 2008.8E Install of FM 2010.3B Env. Test 2010.7B-9E “EM” & “Sub-system level reviews” can be negotiable each by each. MMO-EM 2010.6B MMO-FM 2011.9B Mercury orbit 2019.8 ~ 2years Payload Selection Component Dummy QR 2011.8E STM test 2008.8E AIV 2010.11B-2011.7E AO 2008.7M-2009.5E @JAXA/ESTEC Sub-Env test 2010.7B-9E CDR 2009.6E MIC/EIC 2010.3B-6B PDR 2007.12E PRR 2005.3B FM(Ph.C/D) PM (Ph.B) JAXA (ISAS) Technical study Pre-PM2 Pre-PM1 PRR=Preliminary requirements Rev. PDR=Preliminary Definition Rev. CDR=Critical Design Rev. QR=Qualification Rev. (Calendar year)

  3. STM Schedule (Mar 2006) <Mile Stone> Payload STM: submission to System 2008 8E MPPE, MSASI (Hood only?), WPT-S, MEFISTO-S, MAST Payload STM test should be done by 2008 Aug. MMO-STM test in ISAS will be end in 2009 May.

  4. EM Schedule (Mar 2006) <Mile Stone> Payload EM integration test schedule is TBD PWI: from 2007 Oct. ?? MGF: from 2008 Feb. ?? Others: from 2008 May ??

  5. Software Schedule (Mar 2006) <Mile Stone> Software development does not have major milestones. Parts related to EM test will be synchronized to the System.

  6. FM Schedule (Mar 2006) <Mile Stone> Payload FM: submission to System 2010 March Payload FM: Environment test 2010 7B-9E There might be no chance to remove payloads at ESTEC.

  7. EM Schedule for MDP (Mar 2006) ~Plan: 13 weeks ~ (FM: less) MDP/Instrument tests by “Emulators with SpW” ? MDP/Instrument tests by “Emulators with SpW” ? Integration test plan for MDP-2 (& MDP-1) with PWI & MGF Details will be discussed in PWI local meeting in Kanazawa in this week.

  8. Definition of the Schedule, Test location, and Responsibility/Members Definition of the procurement items from each team to each team Definition of the test items in Component-level test in MDP-level test in System-level test Definition of the Test environment in Component-level test in MDP-level test in System-level test Action Items in 2006FY It will be defined as “MMO Payload Test Plan” (Draft version is in I-IRD etc.) by JAXA/BepiColombo Project Office. Please discuss in each team, and clarify your Action Items & Request to System / Other teams in CDD and/or Progress report.

  9. EM/FM: Test Configuration Concept Spacewire Ether etc. PC Sensor SpaceCube etc. Board/unit level test @ each institution GPIB etc. Signal Generator MDP level test @ ISAS / MHI etc. Ether etc. Spacewire Spacewire SpaceCube etc. PC Sensor MDP / MDP emulator GPIB etc. Signal Generator System level test @ ISAS (/ ESTEC / Launch site) Ether etc. Spacewire IEEE1553B? TM/TC Ground System PC Sensor MDP > DMC (TLM only!) GPIB etc. Signal Generator

  10. SpaceCube: present status • SpaceWire Analyzer on SpaceCube • Under development, Finished until October (distribution or purchase : after Oct. with soft) • Analyzer will be distributed by MMO-project with SpaceCube • GSE • Using SpaceCube with SpaceWire Analyzer • Middle ware (User I/F) will be define next year SpaceWire Analyzer on SpaceCube RMAP packet content 001101110111 Sensor with SpW I/F SpW TLM COM PC RS232 RMAP Target RMAP HOST

  11. Mini-PC with VGA, USB, Ether, CF-I/F SpW port : 3 ports OS : T-kernel (TRON) Language : C (C++ ?) Development : Cross-Compiler on Linux SpW I/F : special API for SpW I/F prepared SpW user program : Sample program that is to read and wite SpW packet attached. If necessary, user can develop programs using APIs for SpW. Space-Cube (TBC) for GSE

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