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Male Organ Pump Parties: Exhibiting the Firm Male Organ

Many men using a male organ pump to achieve a tumescent male organ, sometimes for purely recreational purposes. Enthusiasts may even hold pump parties to share the results of their pumping.

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Male Organ Pump Parties: Exhibiting the Firm Male Organ

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  1. Male Organ Pump Parties: Exhibiting the Firm Male Organ By John Dugan

  2. Whether he admits it or not, a man often places a great deal of importance of the size of his tumescent male organ – and that’s one reason why some men enjoy using a male organ pump, either to aid them in attaining tumescence or to temporarily add some length of girth to his member. A male organ pump can have a legitimate male organ health use, by aiding men with tumescence dysfunction issues. But it also is utilized by some for more recreational uses. And just as many recreational activities require more than one participant, so do many pump users like to get together to indulge in this pastime with other fans. www.man1health.com

  3. A point of explanation: for this article, male organ pumping refers to using an air- or water-based pump which involves placing a cylinder over the member and/or sacks in order to create a vacuum which encourages the creation of a tumescent male organ. This form of pumping comes with risks, but when used properly can be fairly safe. Another form of pumping, involving injecting substances into the member in order to increase the size, is not safe and should not be engaged in. www.man1health.com

  4. Male organ pump parties A male organ pump party can be a casual affair where a couple of guys decide at the last minute to hang out and pump, or it can be a more elaborate and planned affair with dozens of pump enthusiasts. One thing is for sure, however: they’re not for the shy types. The whole purpose of these parties is to get one’s male organ pumped up and then display it. So men who are shy about exhibiting their own manhood and/or bare body, or who would be uncomfortable at the sight of other men doing the same, should definitely not consider being a part of this kind of activity. www.man1health.com

  5. Tips So what are some things to know about a male organ pump party? It should be BYOP (Bring Your Own Pump). Although a social situation like a pump party does involve sharing, what’s being shared is the sight of one’s tumescent male organ and the tumescent male organ of others. That sharing should NOT extend to using another man’s pump. This can be unhygienic and lead to possible spread of germs, fungi, infections, etc. Use towels. Again, at least partial nudity is common at a pump party. Having a towel or bedsheet to sit on is a hygienic idea. www.man1health.com

  6. Know the ground rules. Find out before attending a party what the ground rules are. For example, some male organ pump parties are about showing off the pumped manhood – period. Others may allow participants to go beyond the visual and encourage participants to self-pleasure themselves, or to touch other people’s members. Knowing what is expected can help a guy to decide if this party falls within his comfort level. And if a party arises spontaneously, while a couple of guys are just hanging, it pays to take a moment and set up guidelines before starting. www.man1health.com

  7. Don’t go overboard. Safe male organ pump use means following instructions. Sometimes when with a group of other pumpers, there may be a temptation to go overboard and pump at a different level or for an extended period of time. Guys need to resist this temptation and keep pumping only in a manner which they know is safe for them. (And remember, just because another man pumps differently doesn’t mean that it is safe for all men to do so.) www.man1health.com

  8. If a pump party lasts a long while, that tumescent male organ may get a little sore, so be prepared to provide soothing relief via application of a high quality male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Soothing relief comes via keeping the skin moisturized, so select a crème with a combination of first rate hydrating agents, such as shea butter and vitamin E. Keep the male organ skin looking extra healthy by using a crème with alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant which helps keep at bay damaging oxidative stress. www.man1health.com

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