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Member Piercing: Practicing Great Manhood Care While Healing

Some men enjoy adorning their member with piercings. But itu2019s important to keep up with solid manhood care when adding a piercing to the member.

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Member Piercing: Practicing Great Manhood Care While Healing

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  1. Member Piercing: Practicing Great Manhood Care While Healing By John Dugan

  2. For some, the idea of a private area piercing makes them cringe. No way is anyone going near their member with anything sharp, not to mention actually giving them a piercing! But for some men, member piercings are interesting and something they really want to do. It’s always a very personal decision – what a man does with his junk should never be judged by someone else. But there are some points a man should remember when he chooses to undergo this procedure. www.man1health.com

  3. Practicing Good Manhood Care Post-Piercing When a man chooses to get a private area piercing, he should speak to his piercing expert to get a clear plan of action for manhood care. He will need to follow the instructions exactly, as he needs to take care to heal the delicate skin and avoid infection of any kind. Here are a few common sense lessons a piercing expert should pass along: Keep it clean. The pierced area will be tender and open to bacteria, which can cause infection. That’s why it’s so important to clean the area twice each day, perhaps more if advised by the piercing professional. Sometimes this cleaning must be done for several weeks, or even permanently. Never skip a cleaning – it’s possibly the most important step of all. www.man1health.com

  4. Don’t clean too much. On the other hand, cleaning too often can lead to serious problems. The skin does need time to heal, and being overzealous with the cleaning can wash away the beneficial oils that build up and protect the skin, helping it heal. This dryness can lead to cracks in the skin, which invite bacteria in. Never clean with alcohol. Though alcohol seems like an excellent product to use to clean an open wound, it can lead to seriously unpleasant member pain, and that’s not something anybody wants. Besides that, alcohol is very drying. So even if a guy can handle the pain of the alcohol, he doesn’t need to deal with the dry skin issue. www.man1health.com

  5. Use saltwater soaks when advised. When a man gets a private area piercing, there can be some bleeding from the area. The bleeding might last several days. When it’s done, then it is safe to use saltwater soaks to help cleanse and heal the area. Simply place the pierced area in the saltwater bath, or gently cover the area with a towel that has been saturated in saltwater. Wash off all the saltwater when the soak is done. www.man1health.com

  6. Be gentle with towels. It’s important to remember that towels can contain lint, or even have some bacteria from previous use, which can be a problem for a member that needs to be protected. In addition, towels have a habit of catching on piercings; a towel pulling on a new private area piercing can induce a lot of pain, so it’s best to avoid that. Air dry the skin if at all possible, or use cotton balls or small cotton pads to absorb the liquid after a shower. www.man1health.com

  7. Stay clean. Anything that will touch the member in the weeks after the piercing should be kept clean. That means changing sheets often, washing trousers and underwear thoroughly before wearing, avoiding anything that might be restrictive and lead to sweating, and generally keeping everything that touches the member as clean as possible. www.man1health.com

  8. Manhood Care Following a Piercing After a piercing, manhood care takes on the utmost importance. In addition to doing everything as instructed by the piercing professional, a man should always be alert to signs of infection, such as redness or pain. These could indicate a serious issue that needs immediate attention. After the skin has healed enough to move back into a normal routine, the first thing a man should do is reach for his trusty male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). The gentle, beneficial ingredients can actually help the delicate member skin heal in the aftermath of a private area piercing. www.man1health.com

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