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Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi

Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi. International Mevlana Foundation “Mevlana belongs to everyone ”.

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Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi

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  1. Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi

  2. InternationalMevlana Foundation“Mevlana belongstoeveryone” "Come, comeagain, whoeveryouare, come!Heathen, fire worshipperoridolatrous, come!Comeevenifyoubrokeyourpenitence a hundredtimes,Ours is the portal of hope, come as youare." Hz. Mevlana

  3. Mevlana Museum

  4. Seven Advices of MEVLANA Ingenerosityandhelpingothers, be like a river… Incompassionandgrace, be like sun… Inconcealingothers’ faults, be likenight… Inangerandfury, be likedead… Inmodestyandhumility, be likeearth… Intolerance, be like a sea… Eitherexist as youare, or be as youlook. MawlanaJelaleddin RUMI

  5. Who is Mevlana? • Hz. Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi is thegreatAnatolianmystic, poetandthefather of theMevlevi Order. He is known as Hz. Mevlana in the East and as Rumi in the West. • In his lifetime, he wasalsoreferredto as “Hudavendigar”, meaning “distinguishedleader”, whereas his presentinternationallyrenownedtitle “Mevlana” wasveryseldomused. The name “Rumi” wasaddedtotheend, ratherlater on.

  6. Who is Mevlana? • Hz. Mevlana wasborn on 30 September 1207 in thecity of Balkh, Horasan, which at the time wasinhabitedbyTurkishtribes; (Balkh, today, remainswithintheboundaries of Afghanistan). • His mother Mümine wasthedaughter of Rükneddin, the “emir” (sovereignruler) of Balkhand his father, BahaeddinVeled, was “Sultanu-l ulema”(chiefscholar).

  7. Who is Mevlana? As Mevlana beginsattending his father’slessons at a veryearlyage, he pursues the divinetruthand secrets. He acquiresTurkish, Arabic, Persian, andcommon Greek as well as ClassicalGreek. He studies the otherreligionsalongwithIslam. Fromhistorytomedicine, he receives his initialeducation from his fatherandthenfromSeyyidBurhaneddinTirmizi andother top scholars of the time. Later on he himself, in turn, teacheshundreds of students in Madrassahs (theologicaluniversities).

  8. Mevlana’s Works • In addition to his best-known book of verse, Masnawi, the first eighteen lines of which were written down personally and the rest dictated to his student, Chalabi Husameddin, he also wrote Divan-i Kebir; Fih-i Ma-Fi, Mecalis- i Seb’a and Mektubat.

  9. Masnawi Mevlana’s Works

  10. Mevlana’s Works Divan-iKebir • Preceding Masnawi, it is a collection of poems recited by Hz. Mevlana over a wide span of time. It contains approximately 40 thousand couplets within twenty-one moderate-size divans, as well as one “Divan-iRubai” . Fih-i Ma-Fih • It connotes “What’s within is within” and contains Hz. Mevlana’s lectures.

  11. Mevlana’s Works Mecalis-i Seb’a • As the meaning of the title “Seven Sermons” implies, it contains Hz. Mevlana’s seven lectures. Mektubat • It consists of the 147 letters Hz. Mevlana wrote to relatives, including his son Sultan Veled, and to friends, rulers, and officials of the State.

  12. Whirling Dervishes   • The 'dance' of theWhirlingDervishes is called Sema and is a part of theinspiration of Mevlana and has becomepart of Turkishcustom, history, beliefsandculture.

  13. Whirling Dervishes • Sema represents a mysticaljourney of man'sspiritualascentthroughmindandloveto "Perfect". Whirlingtowardsthetruth, his growth, throughlove, deserts his ego, findsthetruthandarrivetothe "Perfect". He returnsfromthisspiritualjourney as a manwhoreachedmaturityandgreaterperfection, so as toloveandto be of service tothewhole of creation, toallcreatureswithoutdiscrimination of believes, races, classesandnations.

  14. Sema is a part of the inspiration of Mevlana as well as part of the Turkishcustom, history, beliefsandculture.

  15. Sema Ensemble

  16. Sema Ensemble • SEMÂ :The "dance" of the WhirlingDervishes is calledSema

  17. Rumi’s(Mevlana) Most Famous Word Either seem as you are,or be as you seem.

  18. Thank you for your interest in our culture.

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