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Physiotherapy Treatments for Chronic Neck Pain

One of the most popular forms of treatment for persistent neck discomfort is physical therapy. The majority of neck pain physical therapy programmes entail using treatments to lessen discomfort and/or stiffness sufficiently to start a neck strengthening and stretching exercise programme. Physical therapy treatment plans can differ from person to person, as can the precise techniques and exercises performed.

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Physiotherapy Treatments for Chronic Neck Pain

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  1. Physiotherapy Treatments for Chronic Neck Pain One of the most popular forms of treatment for persistent neck discomfort is physical therapy. The majority of neck pain physical therapy programmes entail using treatments to lessen discomfort and/or stiffness sufficiently to start a neck strengthening and stretching exercise programme. Physical therapy treatment plans can differ from person to person, as can the precise techniques and exercises performed. Physical therapy for neck pain helps in reducing pain and stiffness, which helps in relaxation of muscles resulting in improved motion of head and neck range. It also helps in developing the dynamic strength of the neck and its supporting musculature. Visiting the expert physio in Worcester Park helps in developing the exercises and strategies to prevent pain from recurring if it cannot be completely eliminated. Physical therapy plays an important role in improving neck posture and function for daily movements. Your physical therapist will help you with the following exercises if you're trying to relieve your neck pain. Shoulder rolls- Before beginning further workouts, start with these stretches as a warm-up. Lift up and roll your shoulders while keeping your head upright while performing a shoulder roll. Between each roll, take a moment to unwind. Roll 10 times forward and 10 times back. Stretch your neck out before attempting a head roll. Make sure your shoulder back are at a comfortable angle and that your head is directly above your neck rather than tilted forward. Start by slowly lowering your chin toward your chest, then hold the position for a few breaths. Head rolls- Raise your head while bringing your left ear close to your left shoulder. After performing this motion on the right side, lean your head back and perform a similar stretch. You can slowly move your head toward each side five times after stretching your neck. Start with your head tucked in front or leaned back. A full head roll can actually strain the neck, so avoid doing one. Physios in Worcester Park suggest this to do in a small time span of hours, if you have a continuous sitting job. Neck stretching- This exercise is deceptively easy to do, and you can do it at your desk. Sit straight in your seat with your feet placed flat on the floor to perform a seated stretch. Put left hand on top of your head while extending your right arm to the side. Turn your head to the left while gradually extending the stretch by pressing down with your hand. Repeat for the right side after holding for 30 seconds. The levator scapula muscles on the sides of your neck will feel this stretch. Available experts in physiotherapy Worcester Park are experts and can guide you with more enhanced exercises to ease your pain. Push-ups against the wall- Without putting as much strain on your body as standard push- ups, this exercise can assist build your shoulders strength and can support your neck muscles. Standing with two to three feet between your feet and your shoulders and your feet shoulder- width apart, face a wall. Put your hands up against the wall, about shoulder-height apart. Beginning with straight arms, slowly flex your elbows to move your body toward the wall. 10

  2. times should be plenty for one or two sets. Prone row workout- The muscles that hold the shoulder blades together are strengthened by this exercise. You should position yourself so that your face is in a corner and your arms can hang off either side while lying face-down on a bed or other flat surface. Without turning your head, row up while bending your elbows and pressing your shoulder blades together. For one or two sets, aim for roughly 20 repetitions. If you feel like the exercise is too simple, you can add some light weights. Please contact Manor Drive Physiotherapy Clinic if you require physiotherapy for neck pain or sports rehabilitation. In order to identify the root of your neck pain and choose the best course of action, we can set up an evaluation to discuss your cervical spine pain treatment, to have your neck pain diagnosed, or to just speak with a member of our staff for additional information.

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