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The Policy Behind Research

The Policy Behind Research. CEC’s recommendations for the education sciences reform Act. Today’s Discussion. Brief Historical Perspective of the Federal Role in Special Education Research Overview of CEC’s Recommendations for the Reauthorization of the Education Sciences Reform Act

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The Policy Behind Research

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Policy Behind Research CEC’s recommendations for the education sciences reform Act

  2. Today’s Discussion Brief Historical Perspective of the Federal Role in Special Education Research Overview of CEC’s Recommendations for the Reauthorization of the Education Sciences Reform Act Responding to CEC’s ESRA Recommendations & Looking Ahead to the Future of Special Education Research

  3. A Brief Historical Perspective Linda Lewis, university of Oregon

  4. Reauthorization of the Education Sciences Reform Act Cec’s recommendations

  5. A Collaborative Effort

  6. CEC’s ESRA Guiding Principles

  7. Strengthening the National Center for Special Education Research Emphasize importance of promoting quality and integrity of scientific inquiry Strengthening the peer review process

  8. Providing Relevant Research to Bridge the Research-to-Practice Gap Expanding opportunities for public input Collaboration between NCSER and Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services Greater dissemination Focus on the special/gifted education researcher pipeline Data on students with gifts and talents

  9. Recognize Special/Gifted Education Throughout IES Weave special/gifted education throughout structure of IES Permit use of high quality research methodologies used in special education (i.e. single-subject design) Increase special/gifted education expertise on National Board for Education Sciences Expand concept of ‘achievement gap’ to include ‘excellence gap’

  10. Support the Vitality of IES by Fostering Strong, Consistent Leadership IES policies must be able to compete with other public/private sector opportunities to attract top talent

  11. Responding to CEC’s ESRA Reauthorization Recommendations & Looking Ahead in Special Education Research Karen Harris, Arizona state university

  12. Questions?

  13. Thank You! Linda Lewis • lmlewis@uoregon.edu Karen Harris • Karen.R.Harris@asu.edu Deb Ziegler debz@cec.sped.org Kim Hymes kimh@cec.sped.org

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