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Welcome. Icebreaker. Introductions. Overview of Today’s Events. OBJECTIVES. WHY ARE REPORTS REQUIRED WHICH REPORTS ARE REQUIRED Due date Where to submit HOW TO PREPARE EACH REPORT. http://www.pd.dgs.ca.gov/smbus/default.htm

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  1. Welcome Icebreaker Introductions Overview of Today’s Events


  3. http://www.pd.dgs.ca.gov/smbus/default.htm Purchasing authority requirements: DGS/PD’s Purchasing Authority Management Section at: pams@dgs.ca.gov State Contracting Manual, Vol. 1: DGS Office of Legal Services, attorney assigned to your department. State Contracting Manual, Vol. 2 & 3: DGS/PD’s Policy and Procedures Office at: ppo@dgs.ca.gov Assistance with Directory of California-Certified DVBEs: DGS/PD’s Office of Small Business and DVBE Services at: 916-375-4940 Contracting Methods Information

  4. How You Get Your Data Please share your experience

  5. How OSDS Gets Data Department, Board, or Commission Office, Unit, Workgroup Division/ Branch OSDS Reports Coordinator Agency

  6. Governor’s executive orders to improve the SB & DVBE participation in state contracting Executive Order #D-43-01 3% Participation Goal for DVBEs An improvement plan is required if not meet the goal Executive Order #S-02-06 25% Participation Goal for SB/MBs An improvement plan is required if not meet the goal http://www.pd.dgs.ca.gov/smbus/dvbesbleg.htm Executive Order and Statutes

  7. Executive Order and Statutes Cont. Public Contract Code (PCC) Section 10111 requires: DVBE and SB/MB Contracting Activity Report SB/DVBE Option Report Consulting Services Report Ethnicity, Race and Gender (ERG) Report Assembly Bill No. 761 requires: Infrastructure Bond Activity Report

  8. Certification Types DVBE SUB-CATEGORIES SB DVBE/SB DVBE/MB MB For more information about DVBE & SB/MB, please go to: http://www.pd.dgs.ca.gov/smbus/default.htm

  9. STD 810: DVBE & SB/MB Contracting Activity Report Improvement plans STD 810S: DVBE/SB Option & DVBE Incentive Report STD 810A: Infrastructure Bond Report (AB 761) Action Plan STD 810C: Consulting Services Report STD 810E: Ethnicity, Race, and Gender Report Cover Letter Consolidated Annual Report Includes


  11. STD 810 Contracting Activity Report

  12. Report all Contracts Except: Contracts or agreements with the federal government, any other state government, the Prison Industry Authority, Interagency Agreements, Joint Powers Agreements, Contracts or agreements with any county, city, city and county, school or special district (commonly referred to as local agencies). Contracts or agreements with the California State University or the University of California or any of their respective campuses, concession contracts, revenue/reimbursement contracts, Loans, local assistance/subvention agreements, or court-ordered settlements or cost. STD 810 Contracting Activity Report Cont.

  13. Fiscal year: 2009-10 Office: DGS/Office of Somewhere Contract 1: $500,000, construction contract, awarded to a prime contractor which is not a certified SB/DVBE firm Contract 2: $4000, acquisition of non-IT goods, awarded to a SB firm Contract 3: $3000, acquisition of IT services, awarded to a SB&DVBE firm Contract 4: $200,000, construction contract, awarded to an non-DVBE prime contractor. The prime contractor subcontracted 10% of the total value of the contract to a DVBE&MB subcontractor Contract 5: $4000, non-IT services awarded to a DVBE&SB firm Contract 6: $2000, acquisition of non-IT goods, awarded to an DVBE prime contractor. The contract was paid by Cal-Card Cal-Card: Total $50,000 Cal-Card purchases, $3000 purchased from DVBE, $3000 from SB, $1000 from MB firms. Only one contract was paid byCal-Card in FY09-10. STD 810 Contracting Activity Report Cont. Reporting Examples

  14. STD 810: Cal-Card Data The Bidsync and US Bank application are not compatible. STD 810 Contracting Activity Report Cont.

  15. DVBE IMPROVEMENT PLAN OUTLINE INSTRUCTIONS:  When a state agency does not meet the required state contracting participation goal, 3% for DVBE, an Improvement Plan must be developed.  Submit improvement plan with the annual Consolidated Activity Report. FY ______ Prepared by: _____________________________________________________________________ Department/Division/Office I. Summary of DVBE Participation II. Explain Why the Participation Goal Was Not Achieved III. Plan to Enhance Contracting Opportunities for DVBE A.  Policy List major policies that have been or will be implemented by the department. Example:  The department and its DVBE Advocate shall actively promote the use of DVBEs in purchasing and contracting activities toward achieving a participation goal in excess of three percent for DVBEs. B. Collaborative Efforts List measurable activities that have been or will be implemented by the department. Example:  The department will form a DVBE advisory group to examine current departmental practices related to doing business with DVBEs; and will identify ways to increase the use of DVBEs in the new fiscal year. C. Contracting Practices Discuss how the department will directly promote and encourage DVBE involvement in contract bids and subcontracting with DVBEs. Example:  Our department will include the following language in contract bid advertisements:  "The State encourages Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises to apply." IV. Planning and Advocacy  V.  Monitor and Continuously Improve Improvement Plan(s)


  17. STD 810 S SB/DVBE Option & DVBE Incentive Report

  18. STD 810S: DVBE and SB/MB Option, Part 1 A streamlined procurement process by contracting directly with a California-certified SB or DVBE for goods, services, and information technology for after obtaining price quotes from at least two such business Public Work contracts: If the contract is $5,000.01 and less than $250,000 All other contracts: If the contract is $5,000.01 to $249,999.99 Effective January 1, 2010, Assembly Bill 31 Chapter 212, increased the cap.

  19. STD 810S: DVBE Incentive, Part 2 The DVBE Incentive regulations apply to all competitive solicitations for public works, services, goods, and information technology goods and services posted or released after October 09, 2007. The DVBE incentive is required in solicitations that include DVBE program requirements and may be offered in other competitive solicitations. If no contracts were awarded, a report is still required. (http://www.pd.dgs.ca.gov/dvbe/dvbeincentive.htm ) Effective October 3, 2005; DVBE incentive, Senate Bill 115, and the Military and Veterans Code section 999.5(a).

  20. STD 810 S SB/DVBE Option & DVBE Incentive Report

  21. eProcurement Loss Leader Requirements. Elimination of the Good Faith Effort. Q & A Contact us: PPO@dgs.ca.gov http://www.pd.dgs.ca.gov/polproc/announceppo.htm DGS PROGRAM REPRESENTATIVES Office of Policy, Procedures and Legislation • State Contracts and Procurement Registration System (SCPRS) • Contact us: eprocure@dgs.ca.gov or 916-375-2000


  23. STD 810A I-Bond Activity Report

  24. STD 810A I-Bond Activity Report Cont. • Assembly Bill No. 761 • Establish a 25 percent small business participation goal in all contracts it financed with the proceeds of the infrastructure related bond acts of 2006 • Submitted the report to DGS on or before August 1st • An improvement plan is required if not meet the participation goal

  25. STD 810A I-Bond Activity Report Cont. The Highway Safety Traffic Reduction, Air Quality and Port Security Bond Act. The Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act. The Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act. The Disaster Preparedness and Flood Prevention Bond Act. The Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act. Infrastructure Bond Acts of 2006

  26. DVBE IMPROVEMENT PLAN OUTLINE INSTRUCTIONS:  When a state agency does not meet the required state contracting participation goal, 3% for DVBE, an Improvement Plan must be developed.  Submit improvement plan with the annual Consolidated Activity Report. FY ______ Prepared by: _____________________________________________________________________ Department/Division/Office I. Summary of DVBE Participation II. Explain Why the Participation Goal Was Not Achieved III. Plan to Enhance Contracting Opportunities for DVBE A.  Policy List major policies that have been or will be implemented by the department. Example:  The department and its DVBE Advocate shall actively promote the use of DVBEs in purchasing and contracting activities toward achieving a participation goal in excess of three percent for DVBEs. B. Collaborative Efforts List measurable activities that have been or will be implemented by the department. Example:  The department will form a DVBE advisory group to examine current departmental practices related to doing business with DVBEs; and will identify ways to increase the use of DVBEs in the new fiscal year. C. Contracting Practices Discuss how the department will directly promote and encourage DVBE involvement in contract bids and subcontracting with DVBEs. Example:  Our department will include the following language in contract bid advertisements:  "The State encourages Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises to apply." IV. Planning and Advocacy  V.  Monitor and Continuously Improve Improvement Plan(s)

  27. STD 810A I-Bond Activity Report Cont.


  29. STD 810C: Consulting Services Reports

  30. STD 810C: Consulting Services Reports Cont. • All “Consulting Services Contracts” must be reported unless excluded. • Consulting Services Contracts are those that are defined for services of an advisory nature. The final product is a transmittal of information in either written or verbal form. The product may be answers to questions, the design of systems or plans, workshops, seminars, retreats or conferences for which paid expertise is retained by contract. (PCC 10335.5) • Leveraged Procurement Agreements (LPAs) and orders issued against LPAs. • California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) Contracts. • Master Service Agreements (MSA) whether initiated by the department or another department i.e., DGS.

  31. STD 810C: Consulting Services Reports Cont. Contracts between a State agency or department and the federal government. Contracts with local agencies to subvene federal funds for which no matching State funds are required. Contracts to develop, maintain, administer or use licensing or proficiency examinations. Architectural and Engineering (A&E) services subject to provisions of Chapter 10 (commencing with 4525) of Division 5 of Title 1 of the Government Code. Do Not Report The Following:

  32. STD 810C: Consulting Services Reports Cont. E – Entered Into – Check for each reportable contract awarded or entered into during the reporting period. A – Amended – Check for each reportable amendment during the reporting period. Per PCC 10111, reportable amendments are only changes to: The completion date of the contract The contract price (if more than 3% of the original contract price) The contract purpose or the contractor’s duties (an explanation is required for significant changes) C – Completed – Check for Each Contract in which work ended in the reporting period. Mark Boxes to the Left

  33. STD 810C: Consulting Services Reports Cont. The contract was entered and completed in the same fiscal year without amendment. Report both on same line The contract was entered, amended and completed in the same fiscal year report each event on separate lines The contract was entered into during a prior FY and amended in subsequent FY. x If Low Bid was Not Accepted, provide explanation. If Bid Type code 3 (Non-competitive Bid) was entered, briefly explain why the contract was a Non-competitive bid.

  34. 1: RFP – Request for Proposal 2: IFB – Invitation for Bid 3: NCB – Non-Competitive Bid 4: CMAS – California Multiple Award Schedules 5: MSA – Master Service Agreements 6: Emergency 7: Other STD 810C: Consulting Services Reports Cont. Bid Type Codes

  35. Contract Signed: Enter the date the contract was signed and approved by the State highest approving official. Work Started: Enter the date work performance began on the contract or the beginning of the contract term. Work Completed: Enter the date contract work performance was completed or the expiration date of the contract. Amended: If the amendment changes the contract time for performance and/or dollar amount, enter the date that the amendment will be effective or the beginning of the extended term. Remember to only enter Contract Signed, Work Started, Work Completed, or Amended if it occurs in the current fiscal year. STD 810C: Consulting Services Reports Cont. Contract Action Dates

  36. Calculate and enter the total number of contracts and total dollar amounts for each Report Code on the last page of the report. On all previous pages, only total the number of contracts for the Entered column. STD 810C: Consulting Services Reports Cont. Contract Totals

  37. STD 810C: Consulting Services Reports Cont.


  39. STD 810E: ERG Report

  40. Public Contract Code Section 10111 requires State agencies to report the participation levels in contracts by Ethnicity, Race and Gender of the business owner. This is to the extent that the information has been voluntarily reported to the awarding department. Submit one consolidated report for your department. Report the total value, in whole dollar amounts, of all Voluntary Statistical Data Sheets (VSDS) you received from vendors during the reporting period. STD 810E: ERG Report Cont.

  41. Remember, the decision of whether to fill out and return the VSDS is voluntary with the contractor, not with us. The awarding department is required to send the VSDS forms to the contractor, and retain them if the contractor sends them back. The department then must compile the data and report it back to the DGS annually. If no Voluntary Statistical Data Sheet(s) were received, then include a report that states there is nothing to report. STD 810E: ERG Report Cont. Voluntary Statistical Data Sheet (VSDS)

  42. STD 810E: ERG Report Cont. Voluntary Statistical Data Sheet (VSDS) Form    $2,000 01/15/10

  43. STD 810E: ERG Report Cont. 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 If the VSDS is completely filled out by the business owner, these three numbers should be equal

  44. Cover Letter Cover Letter -- All reporting entities are required to submit a cover letter with their consolidated reports. It must explain: What State organizational entities are included in the report (particularly any boards, commissions, conservancies, campuses, laboratories, etc.)? Identify any entities that report independently but are related to an agency or department. The cover letter must discuss SB/MB and DVBE participation trends over the last three years (including the current fiscal year being reported) and whether the participation trend was improving or declining. Any anomalies in either the total amount of contract expenditures or SB/MB or DVBE participation must be addressed.

  45. Submit the Consolidated Annual Report to: Due Date: By August 1st Department of General Services Procurement Division ATTN: DGS Reports Coordinator 707 3rd Street, Room 1-400, IMS Z-1, MS 210 West Sacramento, CA 95605 Fax: (916) 375-4948 Voice: (916) 375-4937

  46. SUMMARY • All contracting activity during the reporting period. Option & Incentive (STD 810S) ERG (STD 810E) Contracting Activity (STD 810) Improvement Plan I-Bond (AB 761) (STD 810A) Consulting Services (STD 810C) Action Plan • Remember to include a Cover Letter. • Improvement plans are required if goals for SB-25% and/or DVBE-3%, are not met

  47. OBJECTIVES REVIEW • WHY ARE REPORTS REQUIRED • Executive Order #D-43-01 • Executive Order #S-02-06 • Public Contract Code (PCC) Section 10111 • Assembly Bill No. 761 requires: • WHICH REPORTS ARE REQUIRED • STD 810: Contracting Activity Report • Improvement plans • STD 810S: Option & DVBE Incentive Report • STD 810A: Infrastructure Bond Report (AB 761) • Action Plan • STD 810C: Consulting Services Report • STD 810E: Ethnicity, Race, and Gender Report • HOW TO PREPARE EACH REPORT

  48. Tanya Little, Reports Manager Tanya.Little@dgs.ca.gov (916) 375-4917 Terri Ashley, Reports Coordinator Terri.Ashley@dgs.ca.gov (916) 375-4538 Brandon Walker, Reports Coordinator (Student Assistant) Brandon.Walker@dgs.ca.gov (916) 375-5936 Alex Mora, Reports Coordinator Alex.Mora@dgs.ca.gov (916) 375-4937 Contact Information For reports requirements, forms, and instructions, please go to: www.pd.dgs.ca.gov/smbus/annualreports

  49. Thank you for completing your class evaluation!

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