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Computer Architecture: A Constructive Approach Branch Prediction - 2 Arvind

Computer Architecture: A Constructive Approach Branch Prediction - 2 Arvind Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Two-Stage pipeline A robust two-rule solution. Bypass FIFO. Register File. eEpoch. fEpoch. nextPC. PC. Execute. Decode.

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Computer Architecture: A Constructive Approach Branch Prediction - 2 Arvind

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  1. Computer Architecture: A Constructive Approach Branch Prediction - 2 Arvind Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab. Massachusetts Institute of Technology http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078

  2. Two-Stage pipelineA robust two-rule solution Bypass FIFO Register File eEpoch fEpoch nextPC PC Execute Decode ir +4 Pipeline FIFO Data Memory Inst Memory Either fifo can be a normal (>1 element) fifo http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078

  3. Decoupled Fetch and Execute nextPC <updated pc> ir Fetch Execute Properly decoupled systems permit greater freedom in independent refinement of blocks FIFOs must permit concurrent enq and deq For pipelined behavior ir behavior must be deq<enq For proper scheduling nextPC behavior must be enq<deq (deq < enq would be just wrong) <instructions, pc, epoch> April 11, 2012 http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078 L17-3

  4. Three one-element FIFOs enq deq enq deq or notFull notEmpty notFull notEmpty Ordinary FIFO Pipeline FIFO Ordinary: No concurrent enq/deq Pipeline: deq before enq, combinational path Bypass: enq before deq, combinational path Pipeline and Bypass fifos can create combinational cycles in the presence of feedback deq enq notEmpty or notFull Bypass FIFO April 11, 2012 http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078 L17-4

  5. Multi-element FIFOs • Normal FIFO • Permits concurrent enq and deq when notFull and notEmpty • Unlike a pipeline FIFO, does not permit enq when full, even if there is a concurrent deq • Unlike a bypass FIFO, does not permit deq when empty, even if there is a concurrent enq • Normal FIFO implementations have at least two elements, but they do not have combinational paths => make it easier to reduce critical paths at the expense of area April 11, 2012 http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078 L17-5

  6. A decoupled solution using epoch Add fEpoch and eEpoch registers to the processor state; initialize them to the same value The epoch changes whenever Execute determines that the pc prediction is wrong. This change is reflected immediately in eEpoch and eventually in fEpoch via nextPC FIFO Associate the fEpoch with every instruction when it is fetched In the execute stage, reject, i.e., kill, the instruction if its epoch does not match eEpoch http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078

  7. Two-stage pipeline Decoupled modulemkProc(Proc); Reg#(Addr) pc <- mkRegU; RFilerf <- mkRFile; IMemoryiMem <- mkIMemory; DMemorydMem <- mkDMemory; PipeReg#(TypeFetch2Decode) ir <- mkPipeReg; Reg#(Bool) fEpoch <- mkReg(False); Reg#(Bool) eEpoch <- mkReg(False); FIFOF#(Tuple2#(Addr,bool)) nextPC<- mkBypassFIFOF; ruledoFetch … endrule ruledoExecute… endrule endmodule http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078

  8. Two-stage pipeline doFetch rule explicit guard ruledoFetch (ir.notFull); let inst = iMem(pc); ir.enq(TypeFetch2Decode {pc:pc, epoch:fEpoch, inst:inst}); if(nextPC.notEmpty) begin match{.ipc,.epoch} = nextPC.first; pc<=ipc; fEpoch<=epoch;nextPC.deq; end else pc <= pc + 4; endrule simple branch prediction http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078

  9. Two-stage pipeline doExecute rule rule doExecute (ir.notEmpty); letirpc = ir.first.pc; let inst = ir.first.inst; if(ir.first.epoch==eEpoch) begin leteInst = decodeExecute(irpc, inst, rf); letmemData <- dMemAction(eInst, dMem); regUpdate(eInst, memData, rf); if (eInst.brTaken) begin nepoch = next(epoch); eEpoch<= nepoch; nextPC.enq(tuple2(eInst.addr, nepoch); end end ir.deq; endrule endmodule http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078

  10. Two-Stage pipeline with a Branch Predictor Register File fEpoch eEpoch nextPC PC Execute Decode ir + ppc Branch Predictor Data Memory Inst Memory http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078

  11. Branch Predictor Interface interface NextAddressPredictor; method Addr prediction(Addr pc); method Action update(Addr pc, Addr target); endinterface http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078

  12. Example Null Branch Prediction • Replaces PC+4 with … • Already implemented in the pipeline • Right most of the time • Why? module mkNeverTaken(NextAddressPredictor); method Addr prediction(Addr pc); return pc+4; endmethod method Action update(Addr pc, Addr target); noAction; endmethod endmodule http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078

  13. ExampleBranch Target Prediction (BTB) module mkBTB(NextAddressPredictor); RegFile#(LineIdx, Addr) tagArr <- mkRegFileFull; RegFile#(LineIdx, Addr) targetArr <- mkRegFileFull; method Addr prediction(Addr pc); LineIdx index = truncate(pc >> 2); let tag = tagArr.sub(index); let target = targetArr.sub(index); if (tag==pc) return target; else return (pc+4); endmethod method Action update(Addr pc, Addr target); LineIdx index = truncate(pc >> 2); tagArr.upd(index, pc); targetArr.upd(index, target); endmethod endmodule http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078

  14. Two-stage pipeline + BP modulemkProc(Proc); Reg#(Addr) pc <- mkRegU; RFilerf <- mkRFile; IMemoryiMem <- mkIMemory; DMemorydMem <- mkDMemory; PipeReg#(TypeFetch2Decode) ir <- mkPipeReg; Reg#(Bool) fEpoch <- mkReg(False); Reg#(Bool) eEpoch <- mkReg(False); FIFOF#(Tuple3#(Addr,Addr,Bool)) nextPC<- mkBypassFIFOF; NextAddressPredictorbpred <- mkNeverTaken; Some target predictor The definition of TypeFetch2Decode is changed to include predicted pc typedefstruct { Addr pc; Addrppc; Bool epoch; Data inst; } TypeFetch2Decode deriving (Bits, Eq); http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078

  15. Two-stage pipeline + BP Fetch rule ruledoFetch (ir.notFull); let ppc = bpred.prediction(pc); let inst = iMem(pc); ir.enq(TypeFetch2Decode {pc:pc, ppc:ppc, epoch:fEpoch, inst:inst}); if(nextPC.notEmpty) begin match{.ipc, .ippc, .epoch} = nextPC.first; pc <= ippc; fEpoch <= epoch; nextPC.deq; bpred.update(ipc, ippc); end else pc <= ppc; endrule http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078

  16. Two-stage pipeline + BP Execute rule rule doExecute (ir.notEmpty); letirpc = ir.first.pc; let inst = ir.first.inst; letirppc = ir.first.ppc; if(ir.first.epoch==eEpoch) begin leteInst = decodeExecute(irpc, irppc, inst, rf); letmemData <- dMemAction(eInst, dMem); regUpdate(eInst, memData, rf); if (eInst.missPrediction) begin nepoch = next(eEpoch);eEpoch <= nepoch; nextPC.enq(tuple3(irpc, eInst.brTaken ? eInst.addr : irpc+4), nepoch)); end end ir.deq; endruleendmodule Requires changes in decodeExecute to return missPrediction as opposed to brTaken information http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078

  17. Execute Function function ExecInst exec(DecodedInst dInst, Data rVal1, Data rVal2, Addr pc, Addr ppc); ExecInst einst = ?; let aluVal2 = (dInst.immValid)? dInst.imm : rVal2 let aluRes = alu(rVal1, aluVal2, dInst.aluFunc); let brAddr = brAddrCal(pc, rVal1, dInst.iType, dInst.imm); einst.itype = dInst.iType; einst.addr = (memType(dInst.iType)? aluRes : brAddr; einst.data = dInst.iType==St ? rVal2 : aluRes; einst.brTaken = aluBr(rVal1, aluVal2, dInst.brComp); einst.missPrediction = brTaken ? brAddr!=ppc : (pc+4)!=ppc; einst.rDst = dInst.rDst; return einst; endfunction http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078

  18. Multiple predictors • For multiple predictors to make sense we first need to have more than two stage pipeline • With a slightly different (even a 2-satge) pipeline we also need to resolve data-hazards simultaneously • Plan • Present a different two stage pipeline with data hazards • Present a three stage pipeline with • One branch predictor • Two branch predictors http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078

  19. A different 2-Stage pipeline eEpoch fEpoch nextPC itr Register File PC Execute Decode Branch Predictor Data Memory Inst Memory stall April 11, 2012 http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078 L17-19

  20. TypeDecode2Execute typedefstruct { Addr pc; Addrppc; Bool epoch; DecodedInstdInst; Data rVal1; Data rVal2 } TypeDecode2Execute deriving (Bits, Eq); value instead of register names April 11, 2012 http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078 L17-20

  21. The stall function src1, src2 andrDstinDecodedInstare changed fromRindxto Maybe#(Rindx)to determine the stall condition functionBool stall(Maybe#(Rindx) src1, Maybe#(Rindx) src2, PipeReg#(TypeDecode2Execute) itr); dst= itr.first.dInst.rDst; return (itr.notEmpty && isValid(dst) && ((validValue(dst)==validValue(src1) && isValid(src1)) || (validValue(dst)==validValue(src2) && isValid(src2)))); endfunction April 11, 2012 http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078 L17-21

  22. A different 2-Stage pipeline modulemkProc(Proc); Reg#(Addr) pc <- mkRegU; RFilerf <- mkConfigRFile; IMemoryiMem <- mkIMemory; DMemorydMem <- mkDMemory; PipeReg#(TypeDecode2Execute) itr <- mkConfigPipeReg; Reg#(Bool) fEpoch <- mkReg(False); Reg#(Bool) eEpoch <- mkReg(False); FIFOF#(Tuple3#(Addr,Addr,Bool)) nextPC<- mkBypassFIFOF; NextAddressPredictorbpred <- mkNeverTaken; April 11, 2012 http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078 L17-22

  23. A different 2-Stage pipelinedoFetch rule ruledoFetch (itr.notFull); let inst = iMem(pc); letdInst = decode(inst); if(!stall(dInst.src1, dInst.src2, itr)) begin let ppc = bpred.prediction(pc); let rVal1 = rf.rd1(validValue(dInst.src1)); let rVal2 = rf.rd2(validValue(dInst.src2)); itr.enq(TypeDecode2Execute{pc:pc, ppc:ppc, epoch:fEpoch, dInst:dInst, rVal1:rVal1, rVal2:rVal2}); if(nextPC.notEmpty) begin match{.ipc, .ippc, .epoch} = nextPC.first; pc <= ippc; fEpoch <= epoch; nextPC.deq; bpred.update(ipc, ippc); end else pc <= ppc; end endrule April 11, 2012 http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078 L17-23

  24. A different 2-Stage pipelinedoExecute rule rule doExecute (itr.notEmpty); letitrpc=itr.first.pc; letdInst=itr.first.dInst; letitrppc=itr.first.ppc; let rVal1=itr.first.rVal1; let rVal2=itr.first.rVal2; if(itr.first.epoch==eEpoch) begin leteInst = execute(dInst, rVal1, rVal2, itrpc); letmemData <- dMemAction(eInst, dMem); regUpdate(eInst, memData, rf); if(eInst.missPrediction) begin nepoch = next(epoch); eEpoch<= nepoch; nextPC.enq(tuple3(itrpc, eInst.brTaken ? eInst.addr : itrpc+4) nepoch); end end itr.deq; endruleendmodule April 11, 2012 http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078 L17-24

  25. Concurrency analysis • nextPC bypass fifo functionality: enq < deq • Hence doExecute happens before doFetch every cycle • itr pipeline fifo functionality: deq < enq • Hence doExecute happens before doFetch every cycle • itr pipeline fifo functionality: first < deq • Hence doFetch happens before doExecute every cycle to determine the stall condition • Use config pipeline fifo to remove scheduling constraint • mkRFile functionality: {rd1, rd2} < wr • Hence doFetch happens before doExecute every cycle • Use mkConfigRFile to remove scheduling constraint April 11, 2012 http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078 L17-25

  26. 3-Stage pipeline – 1 predictor eEpoch dEpoch fEpoch nextPC nextPC itr ir Register File PC Execute Decode Branch Predictor Data Memory Inst Memory stall April 11, 2012 http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078 L17-26

  27. 3-Stage pipeline – 1 predictor module mkProc(Proc); Reg#(Addr) pc <- mkRegU; RFile rf <- mkConfigRFile; IMemory iMem <- mkIMemory; DMemory dMem <- mkDMemory; PipeReg#(TypeFetch2Decode) ir <- mkPipeReg; PipeReg#(TypeDecode2Execute) itr <- mkConfigPipeReg; Reg#(Bool) fEpoch <- mkReg(False); Reg#(Bool) dEpoch <- mkReg(False); Reg#(Bool) eEpoch <- mkReg(False); FIFOF#(Tuple2#(Addr,Addr)) nextPCE2D <-mkBypassFIFOF; FIFOF#(Tuple2#(Addr,Addr)) nextPCD2F <-mkBypassFIFOF; NextAddressPredictor bpred <- mkNeverTaken; April 11, 2012 http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078 L17-27

  28. 3-Stage pipeline – 1 predictor rule doFetch (ir.notFull); let inst = iMem(pc); let ppc = bpred.prediction(pc); ir.enq(TypeFetch2Decode{ pc:pc, ppc:ppc, epoch:fEpoch, inst:inst}); if(nextPCD2F.notEmpty) begin match{.ipc, .ippc} = nextPCD2F.first; pc <= ippc; fEpoch <= !fEpoch; nextPCD2F.deq; bpred.update(ipc, ippc); end else pc <= ppc; end endrule April 11, 2012 http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078 L17-28

  29. 3-Stage pipeline – 1 predictor ruledoDecode (itr.notFull && ir.notEmpty); letirpc=ir.first.pc; letirppc=ir.first.ppc; let inst=ir.first.inst; if(nextPCE2D.notEmpty) begin dEpoch <= !dEpoch; nextPCD2F.enq(nextPCE2D.first); nextPCE2D.deq; ir.deq; end else if(ir.first.epoch==dEpoch) begin letdInst = decode(inst); if(!stall(dInst.src1, dInst.src2, itr)) begin let rVal1 = rf.rd1(validValue(dInst.src1)); let rVal2 = rf.rd2(validValue(dInst.src2)); itr.enq(TypeDecode2Execute{pc:irpc, ppc:irppc, epoch:dEpoch, dInst:dInst, rVal1:rVal1, rVal2:rVal2}); ir.deq; end end else ir.deq; endrule April 11, 2012 http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078 L17-29

  30. 3-Stage pipeline – 1 predictor rule doExecute (itr.notEmpty); let itrpc=itr.first.pc; let dInst=itr.first.dInst; let itrppc=itr.first.ppc; let rVal1=itr.first.rVal1; let rVal2=itr.first.rVal2; if(itr.first.epoch==eEpoch) begin let eInst = execute(dInst, rVal1, rVal2, itrpc); let memData <- dMemAction(eInst, dMem); regUpdate(eInst, memData, rf); if(eInst.missPrediction) begin nextPCE2D.enq(tuple2(itrpc, eInst.brTaken ? eInst.addr : itrpc+4)); eEpoch <= !eEpoch; end end itr.deq; endrule endmodule April 11, 2012 http://csg.csail.mit.edu/6.S078 L17-30

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