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Mobile Fox Hunting in Northern Germany by Peter, DK5BD

Mobile Fox Hunting in Northern Germany by Peter, DK5BD. Using advanced motor driven direction finder and sophisticated software. Just for information, not intended to scare hams as simple homebrew equipment can do the job as well. Mobile Fox Hunting.

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Mobile Fox Hunting in Northern Germany by Peter, DK5BD

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  1. Mobile Fox Huntingin Northern Germanyby Peter, DK5BD Using advanced motor driven direction finder and sophisticated software. Just for information, not intended to scare hams as simple homebrew equipment can do the job as well

  2. Mobile Fox Hunting Basicallyquite simple equipmentisneeded DirectionalAntennawithacceptable back to front ratio (weuse 4 to 7 elementyagis) Mast (pipe etc.) withsomesortof bracket 360° scalewithpointerfittedtothemast A topographicalmapofthearea A compassor/and a smalltransmitter (mW) forfinding „North“ 145 MHz Receiver with analog S-Meter

  3. Mobile Fox Hunting Procedure/Rules (just an example) A: TakingBearings 5 foxes (VHF 10 to20W, horizontal haloantennas) arehiddenwithin an areaof 6 x 10 Miles Theytransmit a carrierfor 2 Min one after theother on the same frequency. A secondroundtransmission will followfor 1 Min eachtotalling 15 Min transmission time A 45 to 60 Min time will begiventothehunterstosearchfor a secondposition Againthefoxes will transmitasmentionedunder 2. and 3. The bearingsshouldnowcrosswithinthearea. The positionsofthefoxes will bemarked on a 1:50,000 topographicalmap

  4. Mobile Fox Hunting Procedure/Rules (just an example) B: VisitingFoxes After themapshavebeenmarkedwiththepositionofthe 5 foxes, themapshavetobedeliveredto a check point Threeofthefoxes will nowstartcontinuoustransmission on the same freqency. The huntershavenowtovisit all threefoxes

  5. Mobile Fox Hunting Evaluation Ifthefoxesaremarked in theirexactposition, thehunter will get 50 pointsforeachfox. In thiscase 250 pointsarethemaximum. As theabovenormallycannot happen, thehunter will get minus pointsforeach mm offset. (1/16“?) Forfoxesbeingvisited, thehunter will get additional points: 50 forthefirst, 30 forthesecond, and 20 forthethirdfox. A maximumof 350 pointsaretheoreticallypossible

  6. Mobile Fox Hunting Potential We do foxhunting in northern German formorethan 40 years Wecontinuouslytriedtoimprovetheequipment in order toachieve Higher precision Easierassembly /disassamblyofantennas Motor drivenantennas Computer control Also theruleshavebeenadjusted in order toavoidracingandexidents Allowsufficient time Givebeginners a chance

  7. Mobile Fox Hunting Sophisticated Radio Direction Finder Roof rackmountedmotorunitwith Car wipermotorincludingcontolelectronics Angle sensoreitherbypotentiometerorindustrial angle sensor ProcessorcontrollingRS232andcombining S-Meter readingand angle Software runningunder Microsoft Windows Controlling antennaturning Listingbearingsincludingstatistics Showingantennapatterns Controlling digital topographicalmap Drawing bearingsandpositions on map ShowingpositionfromGPSmouse

  8. Mobile Fox Hunting yagi Configuration • RS232 Data • Motor commands • Angle & S-Meter as • digital textstring Motor unit Receiver Notebook Computer 145 145 S-Meter (analog)

  9. Mobile Fox Hunting Hunter Software Position 1

  10. Mobile Fox Hunting Hunter Software Position 2

  11. Mobile Fox Hunting Hunter Software, Hunt-Window for visiting foxes incl. map

  12. Mobile Fox Hunting Hunter Software Manual Control Needed for service

  13. Mobile Fox Hunting Hunter Software Configu- ration of COM Ports and algurithm

  14. Mobile Fox Hunting Hunter Software Information Initialisation & Evalution

  15. Mobile Fox Hunting DK5BD at Position 1 ready for taking bearings

  16. Mobile Fox Hunting Fox Hunting is great fun and also a social event involving quite a number of hams either as hunters or as foxes. The mechanical motor unit including 2 microprograms have been developped by Horst, DJ4TA. The first control software has been programmed in VB also by him. (www.dj4ta.de) The new control software „Hunter“ based on Horst‘s VB software has been programmed by Jan, the son of DK5BD in C#. Jan studies IT at Bremen Universty in Northern Germany. There are comprehensive details about our Mobile Fox Hunting competitions here: www.mobilfuchsjagd.de (unfortunately in German)

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