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热词看世界. 辽宁医学院外语教研部 2014.6. 故宫今年起实行周一全天闭馆, “ 故宫 ” 英语怎么说?.

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  1. 热词看世界 辽宁医学院外语教研部 2014.6

  2. 故宫今年起实行周一全天闭馆,“故宫”英语怎么说?故宫今年起实行周一全天闭馆,“故宫”英语怎么说? • 【讲解】文中的the Palace Museum就是“故宫”的意思,也可以说成是the Forbidden City或the Imperial Palace。palace指的是“王宫、宫殿”,世界上著名的palace还有如Buckingham Palce(白金汉宫)、the Summer Palace(颐和园)、Palace of Versailles(凡尔赛宫)、Potala Palace(布达拉宫)等。还有“少年宫”也可以表达为Children's Palace。此外,文中的cultural relic是“文化遗迹”的意思,其中relic是名词,意思是“遗迹、遗风、遗俗”,复数形式为relics。

  3. The Palace Museum in central Beijing will be closed to the public every Monday for renovation and maintenance starting on Jan. 6.The decision was made by museum authorities in November and went into effect on Jan. 1, according to a Palace Museum statement.Ancient architecture will be renovated, cultural relics protected and museum staff will receive training, the statement said.On public holidays and Mondays during July and August, the museum will be open, it added.从1月6日起,每逢周一,位于北京中心的故宫将实行闭馆修缮和维护,暂停对外开放。根据故宫发布的一份声明,这一决定是故宫官方于去年11月做出的,从今年的1月1日起生效。声明称,一些年久的建筑将得以整修,文化遗迹将有望得到保护,而故宫的职工将会接受培训。声明还补充道,在节假日和七、八两月期间,若逢周一,故宫会正常开放。

  4. “冰雕”英语怎么说? • 文中的ice sculptures就是“冰雕”的意思,其中sculpture是“雕像、雕塑品”的意思,如marble sculpture(大理石雕像)、monumental sculpture(纪念性雕塑)等。由sculpture一词可以派生出动词sculpt(雕刻)、名词sculptor(雕刻家)和形容词sculptural(雕塑的)。另外,需要注意在英语中,中国地名一般都跟拼音一样,但存在一些特例,比如今天的哈尔滨(Harbin),类似的例子还有西藏(Tibet)、香港(Hong Kong)、澳门(Macau)、内蒙古(Inner Mongolia)等。

  5. The Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival kicked off Jan.5 for its 30th year, featuring huge ice sculptures as large as buildings in the exhibit which stretches over six million square feet.Harbin is the capital city of Heilongjiang Province in northeast China.The ice festival runs for a month but may stay open longer if weather permits.第三十届哈尔滨国际冰雪冰雕节于1月5日拉开了序幕,本次冰雪节上展出有大如琼楼玉宇,占地超过600万平方英尺的巨型冰雕。哈尔滨是中国东北省份黑龙江的省会城市。冰雪节将会持续一个月,但只要天气条件允许,展期还会有所延长。

  6. “微博支付”英语怎么说? • 文中的Weibo Payment就是“微博支付”的意思,其中payment是名词,解释为“支付,付款”,如payment by instalment(分期支付)、payment in advance(预付)、make payment on(付款)和payment in cash(现金支付)等。此外,文中第二段中的CRM,是Customer Relationship Management的缩写,解释为“客户关系管理”。

  7. Sina Weibo has partnered up with Alipay to launch a new payment platform called Weibo Payment. Users of Sina Weibo's iOS app can now access Weibo Payment, which is an important part of the strategic partnership between Sina and Alibaba, two of China's top Internet companies.In addition to Weibo Payment, Sina Weibo has also added new features that not only facilitate offline payments, but also turn the microblogging service into a CRM platform that allows merchants to manage marketing campaigns and accept payments. Potential users include the 400,000 business accounts currently on Sina Weibo.新浪微博已经与支付宝联手,推出了一个全新的支付平台——微博支付。新浪微博的iOS用户现在就可以使用微博支付了,这是中国两大互联网公司新浪和阿里巴巴战略合作中的一个重要部分。除了微博支付外,新浪微博还新增了其他一些特色,不仅给线下支付带来了方便,还将微博服务变成了一个客户关系管理平台,使商家可以管理市场营销活动并接收付款。新浪微博上现有的约40万个商务账号将成为这一服务的潜在用户。

  8. “电子垃圾”英语怎么说? • 文中的e-waste就是“电子垃圾”的意思,也可以用waste electronic equipment来表示。其中的e-代表electronic(电子的),如:electronic device(电子仪器),electronic music(电子音乐)。文中的recycling是名词,解释为“回收利用”,如:recycling bins(回收箱),recycling system(再循环系统)。

  9. Did you get a new tablet or a new smartphone this holiday season?What will you do with the old one? Most people just throw old gadgets away.By 2017, that flood of e-waste will grow to more than 65 million metric tons–or 11 Great Pyramids worth.Reuse and recycling is the obvious answer.Good options exist, including some offered by gadget makers themselves, like Apple.这个假期里,你是否又添置了新的平板电脑或者新的智能手机呢?那么旧的怎么处理?绝大多数人只是将旧货一扔了之。预计到2017年,电子垃圾将超6500万吨——这相当于11座宏伟的金字塔。回收再利用明显是解决之策。处理电子垃圾有很好的方法,包括如苹果公司等制造商们提供的一些回收机制。

  10. “订票网站”英语怎么说? • 文中的ticket-booking website就是“订票网站”的意思,其中book在此用作动词,解释为“预订、预约”,又如book a room(预订一个房间)、book a ticket to Tianjin(预订一张去天津的票)、book in advance(提前预订)。固定表达法book up,意思是“订满、客满”。此外,文中最后一句中的high,在此用作名词,解释为“高峰、高潮”,相当于文中的peak一词,如an all-time high(历史最高纪录)、reach a new high(创下新高)。

  11. The China Railway Corporation said Monday that 154.62 million train tickets to be used during the 40-day travel period around Spring Festival have been sold so far since December 23, 2013.Official ticket-booking website www.12306.cn had sold an average 3.54 million train tickets per day up to January 12, up 57 percent year on year. The daily peak reached 5.01 million tickets on January 9, breaking last year's high of 3.64 million.中国铁路总公司本周一说,自2013年12月23日春运车票开售以来,已售出春运火车票1.5462亿张。今年春运总共将持续40天。截止1月12日,官方订票网站12306.cn平均每日售出354万张车票,比去年增长了57%。日最高值出现在1月9日,当日出票量达到了501万张,远远超过了去年364万张的最高纪录。

  12. “超高清电视”英语怎么说 • 文中的UHDTV就是“超高清电视”的意思,其中UHD是Ultra High-Definition(超高清)的缩写,ultra是形容词,表示“超”,如:ultra wide angle camera(超广角摄像机);definition在这里意为“清晰度”,如:The photo lacks definition.(这张照片不够清晰。);也可以解释为“释义,阐明”,如:by a definition(根据定义)。最后一句中的shipment意为“出货;货物”,如:total shipment(总发货量),prompt shipment(即期装运)。

  13. UHDTV technology, also known as 4K (for 4,000-pixel horizontal resolution), promises to display four times the number of picture elements as current high-definition TVs.Companies including Sony Corp and LG Electronics Inc now sell UHDTV sets in the U.S. for as low as $3,000, down from $4,500 a few months ago.NPD DisplaySearch puts 2013 shipments of UHDTVs at 1.9 million units, with 1.7 million of them sold in China.超高清电视技术,又称4K(4,000像素的水平方向解析度),此类电视的像素是当今高清电视的四倍。索尼公司和LG电子等公司的超高清电视产品目前在美国的售价从几个月前的4,500美元降到了现在的3,000美元。NPD DisplaySearch声称,2013年,超高清电视的发货量在190万台,其中有170万台是在中国销售的。

  14. “智能牙刷”英语怎么说? • 文中的smart toothbrush就是“智能牙刷”的意思,其中toothbrush是“牙刷”的意思,牙刷可分为各种不同的款式,如一次性牙刷(disposable toothbrush)、电动牙刷(electric toothbrush)、软毛牙刷(soft toothbrush)等。牙刷上的刷毛称为bristles。此外,文末处的gum在此解释为“牙龈、牙床、齿龈”,一般使用复数形式。上齿龈表示为upper gum,下齿龈就是lower gum。

  15. A £60 smart toothbrush that can tell you if you’ve missed a spot when you brush is set to go on sale this year.The Kolibree toothbrush is filled with sensors, and uses an app to show people exactly where they have brushed and if they’ve missed a spot.Its makers boast it will 'tell you whether you brushed long enough and reached the hard-to-reach but important parts of your teeth and gums'.一款售价60镑的智能牙刷将在今年开售,这款牙刷能在你刷牙时告诉你是否有一些地方没刷到。这款科利布雷牙刷包含有数个传感器,可连接使用一款手机应用,向人们准确地展示他们刷到了那些地方,是否有什么地方没有刷到。其生产厂家称这款牙刷可以“告诉你刷牙时间是否足够,以及你是否刷到了那些牙齿和牙床上较难刷到但又十分重要的地方。”

  16. “幸福公式”英语怎么说? • 文中的formula for happiness就是“幸福公式”的意思,其中formula作名词,意为“公式;配方”,如:What is the formula for water?(水的分子式是什么?),formula for the drink(饮料的配方)。第一句中的elusive是形容词,意为“难懂的;难捉摸的”,如:Failure is inevitable. Success is elusive.(失败是无可避免的,成功则是稍纵即逝的。)

  17. Happiness has traditionally been considered an elusive and evanescent thing. To some, even trying to achieve it is an exercise in futility. It has been said that "happiness is as a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but which if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you."Social scientists have caught the butterfly. After 40 years of research, they attribute happiness to three major sources: genes, events and values.Armed with this formula for happiness and a few simple rules, we can improve our lives and the lives of those around us.人们习惯认为幸福难以捉摸、稍纵即逝。对于一些人来说,试图获得幸福甚至是徒劳无功的。有人说“幸福就像一只蝴蝶,你追逐它,往往抓不住,但如果你静静坐下,它可能飞落在你身上。”社会科学家已经捉到了这只蝴蝶。经过40年的研究,他们把幸福归因于三种主要来源:基因、事件和价值。知道这则幸福公式,再加上几条简单规则,我们就可以改善自己和身边人的生活。

  18. “五音不全”英语怎么说? • 文中的be tone deaf就是“五音不全”的意思,对应的名词是tone deafness。其中,tone是名词,解释为“声调,音调”。比如汉语拼音中的四个音调,就可以用tone来表示:第一声阴平(Flat Tone)、第二声阳平(Rising Tone)、第三声上声(Falling-Rising Tone)和第四声去声(Falling Tone)。此外,文中的pitch也是名词,解释为“高音;音高感”,perfect pitch是“完全音高感”,是指在不借助任何乐器的情况下,准确唱出或识别出任意一个音符的能力。

  19. Some people claim they're born to sing, while others openly admit they're tone deaf, but what if you could take a pill and become pitch perfect?Researchers from France, Canada and the UK gave valproic acid (VPA) – a known mood-stabliser – to participants before training them to identify musical pitches.In tests, those who took VPA scored higher, and correctly identified more pitches, than those who were given a placebo drug.一些人称他们天生就会唱歌,而另一些人则公开承认自己五音不全——可是,如果吃点药就能把音唱准,会怎么样?近日,来自法国、加拿大和英国的研究人员让一些试验参与者服用丙戊酸(这是大家熟知的一种情绪稳定剂),然后,训练他们识别音高。在该试验中,与服用了安慰剂的人相比,那些服用了丙戊酸的人得分更高——他们可以正确识别更多的音高。

  20. “包子”英语怎么说? • 文中的steamed dumplings即解释为“包子”,其中steamed是形容词,意思是“蒸煮的”,又如steamed mandarin fish(清蒸桂鱼)。我们常常把dumpling和“饺子”联系在一起,但其实dumpling原意是指“做熟的面团”,可以有馅儿,所以诸如“包子”、“饺子”、“粽子”和“汤圆”,都可以用dumplings来表达,而在别的国家,dumpling又有其他各种不同的做法。此外,第一段中的boom用作动词,解释为贸易或经济活动的“激增、繁荣”。

  21. Business at the Qingfeng Steamed Dumplings chain has boomed since the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, visited an outlet in Beijing in December. The chain's sales grew at least 35% and the number of calls seeking to join the franchise has overwhelmed their head office, reports the Beijing Youth Daily.The dumpling house shot to overnight fame after photos of Xi lining up and paying for his own meal at the shop appeared on the Internet on Dec. 28. A single store's sales per day have increased by 5,000 yuan on average to 13,000 - 14,000 yuan.自从习近平总书记去年12月光顾了庆丰包子铺在北京的门店之后,这家连锁包子铺的销售额出现了剧增。据《北京青年报》的报道,包子铺的销售额增长了至少35%,此外,想要加盟庆丰包子铺连锁经营的数量也爆满了包子铺的总店。习总书记12月28日在店内排队并自行消费的照片在网上传开后,庆丰包子铺可谓一夜走红。仅一家门店的日均销售额就增长了5000元,飙到了每天13000~14000元。

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