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Welcome to Unit 4

Welcome to Unit 4. There is no Seminar in Unit 5 But, don’t relax… Keep researching for your Final Project. A formal persuasive research presents research to change minds, inspire readers to action, or to argue for a solution to a problem. a quick review.

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  1. Welcome to Unit 4 There is no Seminar in Unit 5 But, don’t relax… Keep researching for your Final Project

  2. A formal persuasive research presents research to change minds, inspire readers to action, or to argue for a solution to a problem. a quick review A thesis statement is a statement of one or two sentences that explains a paper's argument, focus, or purpose. It is usually found in the paper's introduction.

  3. Example of a thesis statement: Menu items offered in fast-food restaurants offer limited healthy food choices; however, three healthy fast-food restaurants that are offering healthy alternatives for good nutrition are Subway, Arby’s and Taco Bell. From there, you can ‘picture’ what the essay will be about. Paragraph - Introduction Paragraph(s) - Subway Paragraph (s) - Arby’s Paragraph (s) - Taco Bell Paragraph - Conclusion

  4. Gangs are a growing problem in the United States, yet through identifying the types of gangs, recognizing why they join and having access to rehabilitation and prevention programs; these youth have a chance for a gang-free childhood. From there, you can ‘picture’ what the essay will be about… Paragraph - Introduction Paragraph(s) –Types of Gangs Paragraph (s) – Why They Join Paragraph (s) – Prevention Programs Paragraph - Conclusion

  5. GETTING EXCITED ABOUT WRITING What is Standard American English? Formal Writing: written in Standard Written American English, and free of slang and contractions. Note: this is not an exact definition, but simply a description of the characteristics many associate with formal writing. Informal Writing: written using features of any variety of spoken English, slang, and contractions. Note: this is not an exact definition, but simply a description of the characteristics many associate with informal writing. Image courtesy-FreeDigitalPhotos.net

  6. BABY STEPS TO GATHER DATA…very cool… Do Not Write the Intro and Conclusion Paragraph Yet Directly quoting: This refers to using a source without altering it in any way; the work is used word-for-word. It is critical that all directly quoted passages are enclosed in quotation marks. You must also identify the origin/author of the quote. 2. Paraphrasing: You can also use a source by placing it in your own words. Paraphrasing simplifies or restates the main ideas of an author and is generally the same length as the original. You still need to identify the origin/author of the paraphrased passage. 3. Summarizing: Like paraphrasing, you can summarize a source by placing it in your own words. The difference is that it is a shortened version of the original; the author’s main ideas are abbreviated for the sake of length. Once again, you still need to identify the origin/author of the summarized passage.

  7. APA Overview In addition to the attacks on the children, “a Maryland father, disappointed that his son had been left off the all-star team, knocked down and kicked a coach” (Lord, 2001, p.52).

  8. APA Overview Reference Page

  9. Na………tion,” 002). (“Caffeine Where can I find the original? Caffeine is one of the fastest acting drugs known to man. When we drink it, almost every cell in the body, including the brain, absorbs it within minutes….Caffeine intercepts adenosine, turning [its] "I’m tired" message into "I’m wide awake." The result is an invigorating buzz coffee drinkers crave (Sunday Morning, 2002). *should be (Caffeine nation, 2002). . References Brain, M. (2007). Caffeine. Retrieved September 2, 2007, from How Stuff Works Web site: http://health.howstuffworks.com/caffeine.htm Caffeine nation. (2002, November 14). Retrieved September 2, 2007, from Sunday Morning Web site: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/11/14/Sunday/main529388.shtml Owen, D. (2006). Coffee and caffeine FAQs. Retrieved September 2, 2007, from http://coffeefaq.com/site/node/25 The parenthetical citation and reference list entry for a source should be the first thing you see

  10. Plea bargains are legally wrong. Lynch, T. (2003) states “Plea bargaining rests on the constitutional fiction that our government does not retaliate against individuals who wish to exercise their right to trial by jury.” What that means is that government should not and cannot punish those who decide that they want to invoke the rights given to them by the U.S. Constitution. That is what plea bargaining does. In essence, the criminal is told if they do not take the deal and waive their right to a jury trial then the government is going to go after them to the full extent of the law. After being told that, most become afraid and take whatever deal the state or federal government dictates to them. “Approximately 65% of the plea bargaining tactic is used to regulate the judicial process” (Thomas, 2004). Therefore, plea bargains are questionable aspect of Criminal Justice, as the Constitution is violated and fear tactics are instigated.

  11. Plea bargains are legally wrong. Lynch, T. (2003) states “Plea bargaining rests on the constitutional fiction that our government does not retaliate against individuals who wish to exercise their right to trial by jury.” What that means is that government should not and cannot punish those who decide that they want to invoke the rights given to them by the U.S. Constitution. That is what plea bargaining does. In essence, the criminal is told if they do not take the deal and waive their right to a jury trial then the government is going to go after them to the full extent of the law. After being told that, most become afraid and take whatever deal the state or federal government dictates to them. “Approximately 65% of the plea bargaining tactic is used to regulate the judicial process” (Thomas, 2004). Therefore, plea bargains are questionable aspect of Criminal Justice, as the Constitution is violated and fear tactics are instigated.

  12. (Brewer, Scherzer, Van Raalte, Petitpas, & Anderson, p. 266). Where did this come from? Most editors of psychology journals (63%) reported that they check APA format as part of their article review process References Brewer, B. W,. Scherzer, C. B., Van Raalte, J. L, Petitpas, A. J., & Anderson, M. B. (2001, March). American Psychologist, 56(3), 266–267. uncredited statistic credited statistic

  13. Integrating Sources STEP 3b: CITE THE SOURCE--REFERENCE PAGE In-text  …numbers of rowdy children off the streets and to teach them values (Nack & Munson, 2000). The American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Sports Medicine and Committee on School Health (2001) are concerned for the preadolescent children who participate in sports and have outlined “[...] important objectives for parents, coaches and officials” (p. 583). Corresponding Reference Page Entries • Link the in-text citation • to a corresponding entry • on the Reference page • and: • Use “hanging indentations” • Alphabetize entries • Double space

  14. Integrating Sources STEP 1: THE SIGNAL PHRASE According to Weston (1996), children from one-parent homes read at “a significantly lower level than those from two parent homes” (p. 58). Moore (2003) argues that if we hope to remain a prosperous democracy, “citizens must understand, appreciate, and take part in the political process” (p. 33). Echoing the opinions of other Europeans at the time, Freud (1961) had a poor view of Americans: The Americans are really too bad….Competition is much more pungent with them, not succeeding means civil death to every one, and they have no private resources apart from their profession, no hobby, games, love or other interests of a cultured person. And success means money. (p. 86) Lead into source material with a phrase or sentence that signals to the reader whose ideas or words will follow next. KUWC_APA v12008

  15. Personal Communication- This will NOT be in the References page (M. Singer, personal communication, March 3, 2008) (V.G. Nguyen, personal communication, September 28, 1998)

  16. More Formatting….

  17. Quotation Examples (Under 40 words) • Waitley (1993) stated, “Conformity is a change in behavior caused by a desire to follow the norms of a group” (p. 371). • Psychologists and researchers generally agree that “conformity is a change in behavior caused by a desire to follow the norms of a group” (Waitley, 1993, p. 371).

  18. Quotations • Avoid too many direct quotations in your text. Ask yourself if a quotation is truly necessary over paraphrasing or summarizing the material. • Quotations are formatted according to the number of words quoted. • Quotations under 40 words are formatted as part of the sentence, with quotations marks, and punctuation after the page number. • Quotations over 40 words are formatted part as a block, with a 5-space left indent, no quotation marks, double-spaced, and punctuation before the page number. Single-spaced for Graduate School Formatting Sec. 3.34 (p 117-119) and 5.12 ( p. 292-293)

  19. APA Body Page Block Quote

  20. double-space How many spaces? • Except for the title page, everything is double-spaced. • References • Axelrod, R. B., & Cooper, C. C. (2001). The St. Martin’s guide to writing (6th Ed.). New York: Bedford/St. Martins. • Bereiter, C., & Scardamalia, M. (1983). Does learning to write have to be so difficult? In A. Freedman, I. Pringle, & J. Yalden (Eds.), Learning to Write: First Language/Second Language (20–33). New York: Longman. • Block, P. (2000). Flawless consulting: A guide to getting your expertise used (2nd ed.) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.

  21. What if I discuss a Web site? • When is it correct to give a URL in an intext citation? • C. Only when referring to an entire site Wondering whether alligators lurk in New York’s sewers? Snopes (http://www.snopes.com) is a great site for debunking urban legends.

  22. What about those caps? • For book and magazine titles in the reference list,use sentence case. • Capitalize only the first word of the title (andsubtitle) and any proper nouns. References Kruse, K. (n.d.). Born at the YMCA: Malcolm Knowles and the birth of andragogy.Retrieved September 2, 2007, from http://www.e-learningguru.com/articles/art3_2.htm Sentence case is used only in the reference list.

  23. Keeping it R.E.A.L.As an NOPD intern, you will not be writing an entire report; you are responsible for the narrative found near the end. A “trick” you can use to assist you in this process is to remember R.E.A.L. or real:Recognize sources: In other words, be sure to give credit to the evidence’s original source.Exclude the irrelevant: The facts should speak for themselves; everything else is unnecessary. Accurately report: You need to observe the evidence and be very precise in what you write about it. Length appropriate: A narrative should be a summary of events rather than a novel or book. The overall event must be compressed or condensed for the sake of brevity.

  24. Et al. Note the period after “al” • A citation with three, four, or five authors • First in-text citation included ALL authors • Subsequent in-text citations include the first author and et al. • A citation with six or more authors • First and subsequent citations include the first author and et al. • Citations that shorten to the same author and year • Cite surnames of as many of the authors as necessary to distinguish between the references • Example: Jones, Lee, Garcia et al. (2005) and Jones, Lee, Wong, et al. (2005) Sec. 3.95 (p. 208-209)

  25. Numbers • Guidelines for expressing numbers in figures or in words • General rule: Numbers above 10 expressed in figures • Some exceptions Sec. 3.42-3.49 (p. 122-130)

  26. Numbers Expressed in Figures • Numbers 10 and above • Numbers below 10 grouped for comparison with numbers 10 and above (in the same paragraph, and in the same categories of items) • In 8 of the 20 studies • Scores improved for 3 students at Site A and for 15 students at Site B. • Percentages, dates, ages, samples/subsamples, scores and points on a scale • Of the 8 particpants, ages 2 to 4, 30% were… • A 7-point scale was used • Numbers in a numbered series • Grade 5 (but would be “fifth grade science class…”) • Table 6 in chapter 4

  27. Numbers Expressed in Words • Any number that begins a sentence, title, or heading • Fifteen students reported… • Results indicated that 15 students…) • Numbers below 10 not grouped for comparison with numbers above 10 • Fractions • Results show that one-third of all respondents…

  28. Source Integration Techniques • Always introduce a paragraph with an original thought/sentence. • Introduce and comment on every quotation, paraphrase, and summary. • Surround the material with interpretation or opinion. • Explain where the material is from, and why it is interesting (in other words, tell readers why the source is relevant to your paper). • Avoid ending any paragraph, section, or paper with a quotation.

  29. Make Paragraphs Coherent When sentences and paragraphs flow from one to another without discernible bumps, gaps, or shifts, they are said to be coherent. Coherence can be improved by strengthening the ties between old information and new. A number of techniques for strengthening those ties are detailed in this section *Make sure you do the ‘Intern Task Checklist’ before submitting your project So…how can we do this in writing?

  30. Sentence Connectors Sentence connectors are used to link ideas from one sentence to the next and to give paragraphs coherence. Sentence connectors perform different functions and are placed at the beginning of a sentence. They are used to introduce, order, contrast, sequence ideas, theory, data etc. The following table lists useful connectors.

  31. What’s the reward? • Professional credibility • Greater “confidence and competence” in writing The editors of Mastering APA Style say: The more you use APA style, the more mastery you will achieve. When you achieve mastery, you will have internalized good writing skills as well as the basic style rules. Thus in any subsequent writing you do, you will need to consult the Publication Manual less and less often and will approach any writing task with greater confidence and competence. (Gelfland & Walker, 2002, p. 5)

  32. The Body of the Paper IMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEMBER • Your voice is the most important one in the essay! • Let the information and opinions of others support, not dominate, your own ideas. • Ever notice that the root of the word authority is author? Be the author and the authority in your essay.

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