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The Role of Watershed Groups in Municipal Stormwater Programs

This session explores the role of watershed groups in municipal stormwater programs, focusing on collaboration, education, and innovation. Learn about the minimum control measures and how watershed groups can assist municipalities in complying with MS4 regulations.

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The Role of Watershed Groups in Municipal Stormwater Programs

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  1. The Role of Watershed Groups in Municipal Stormwater Programs Susan Myerov, AICP – Pennsylvania Environmental Council Andy Yencha, PSU Extension February 25, 2019 – Watershed Connections Conference Session D-6

  2. Protects and restores the natural and built environments through innovation, collaboration, education and advocacy. • PEC believes in the value of partnerships with the private sector, government, communities and individuals to improve the quality of life for all Pennsylvanians. • “Conservation through Cooperation” Our Organizations

  3. Partnering with, and funded by federal, state and county governments • Delivering science-based information to people, businesses, and communities across PA • Now developing new educational resources focused on urban and rural stormwater management Our Organizations

  4. Name That Acronym! MS4 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System The physical infrastructure (basins, ditches, pipes, etc) local units of government and other entities use to collect and transport stormwater Also refers to entities required to hold state regulated stormwater permits

  5. Name That Acronym! EPA Environmental Protection Agency The federal agency that regulates pollutant discharges (from point sources) into the waters of the United States

  6. Name That Acronym! DEP Department of Environmental Protection PA agency, with authority delegated by EPA, that regulates pollutant discharges into PA waterways

  7. Name That Acronym! CWA Clean Water Act The federal law with that gives EPA the authority to regulate water pollution

  8. Name That Acronym! NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System The official name for the water pollution discharge permits DEP, under authority delegated by EPA, issues to a mix of polluting sectors, including MS4s Photo: Jenn Fetter

  9. Name That Acronym! MCM Minimum Control Measures The 6 focus areas every SWMP must include

  10. Name That Acronym! SWMP Stormwater Management Program The program regulated MS4’s implement to address the stormwater problems created by their stormwater conveyance system

  11. Name That Acronym! Sediment PRP 10% Pollution Reduction Plan The strategy MS4s must prepare if they discharge stormwater into an impaired water body Image: Wikimedia Commons

  12. Name That Acronym! TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load The pollutant load an impaired water way can receive and still achieve it’s state designated water quality standard Image: WI DNR

  13. Working with Your Municipalities

  14. Many Watershed Groups in North Central PA

  15. North Central PA Watershed Groups

  16. Pennsylvania’s EACs Source: Pennsylvania Land Trust Association (PALTA)

  17. Leveraging Watershed Group’s on-the-ground implementation of projects

  18. Plan and implement a riparian buffer planting with local residents, businesses and municipality Your Watershed Group

  19. Organize a clean up day at local park or facility Your Watershed Group

  20. Attend Water Quality Monitoring Training or become a Master Watershed Steward Your Watershed Group

  21. Help municipality comply with MS4 regulations Your Watershed Group

  22. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Primary mechanism to manage stormwater running off surfaces and entering municipally owned systems. Pennsylvania’s MS4 Program

  23. You are not alone… Types of Nonprofits working on MS4s

  24. PA MS4 Communities

  25. Public Education • Public Involvement • Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) • Construction Runoff Control • Post-Construction Management • Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Six Minimum Control Measures

  26. Public Education

  27. Public Education

  28. Watershed Groups are really good at organizing volunteer events! • If municipalities are partners, these can count towards MS4 requirements. Public Involvement

  29. Public Involvement

  30. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)

  31. Typically bring volunteer and in-kind labor for projects • Access to private funding to leverage public funds • Mission usually aligned with improving or maintaining water quality • Allows funding to be used for professional staff or consultants • Funders value diverse partnerships Benefits to Consider

  32. CASE STUDIES • Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership • York County • Carlisle Borough • Lower Allen Township • ???

  33. Thank you Questions? Susan Myerov - smyerov@pecpa.org Andy Yencha - azy30@psu.edu

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