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BATTERIE. Better Accessible Transport To Encourage Robust Intermodal Enterprise. Agenda. 09.30 BATTERIE Lead Partner introduction and project overview - Terry Waugh 09.45 Shetland Islands Council, guest speaker ( tbc )

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BATTERIE Better Accessible Transport To Encourage Robust Intermodal Enterprise

  2. Agenda • 09.30 BATTERIE Lead Partner introduction and project overview - Terry Waugh • 09.45 Shetland Islands Council, guest speaker (tbc) • 10.00 BATTERIE conference host - Pure Energy Centre - Elizabeth Johnson • 10.15 ZetransRepresentative (tbc) • 10.30 European Alternative Strategy Network (EASN) – Rob Kroon • 10.45 Shetland Renewable Energy Forum, guest speaker (Robin Samson tbc) • 11.00 BATTERIE Pilot Journey and Web Based Journey Planning Tool - Dr John Harrison South West College, Northern Ireland • 11.15 Open floor • 11.30 End

  3. This project is about transportation. It addresses priority 3.1 of Atlantic Area; Improve accessibility and internal links - Promote interoperability and continuity of existing transport networks, and sea/road/rail/air intermodality. BATTERIE – What is it?

  4. Atlantic Area is a transnational cooperation programme in the framework of the "European Territorial Cooperation" objective It is financed by the European Commission through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), with a total budget of 158 million The Atlantic Area covers the entire territory of Ireland and the Atlantic regions of Spain, France, Portugal and the United Kingdom Its overall strategic objective is to achieve significant and tangible progress in transnational cooperation geared towards cohesive, sustainable and balanced territorial development of the Atlantic Area and its maritime heritage How is it funded? Atlantic Area

  5. Who are the Partners?

  6. Who are the Partners? • Action Renewables (UK) • South West College (UK) • Pure Energy Centre (UK) • European Automotive Strategy Network (UK) • UdarasReigiunach An LarDheiscirt (South West Regional Authority) (IE) • Inteli - Inteligencia em Inovacao - Centro de Inovacao (PT) • ComunidadeIntermunicipal do Oeste (PT) • Esigelec (FR) • Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovacion de Navarra, SA - CEIN, (SP) • Centro Nacional de EnergiasRenovables – CENER (SP) • Denokinn - Centro Vasco de Innovacion, Emprendizaje y Desarrollo de Nuevos Negocios (SP) • Fundacion Asturiana de La Energia (FAEN) (SP) • ESB (IE) • Oxford Brookes University (UK)

  7. Context

  8. Context

  9. Objectives • The overall objective of BATTERIE is to establish better accessible and sustainable transport which will in turn encourage and secure more effective and smooth operation of existing transport infrastructure in the Atlantic Area. We will explore appropriate means to improve the efficiency of multi-modal logistic chains, and this will include, but not be limited to: • Effective interconnection between all intermodal networks • How to introduce smart technologies • Identifying the alternative fuel sources available • By examining how effectively all the current intermodal networks operate, and by examining the impact of smart technology and alternative fuels an objective is to establish and share best practice in making the alternative models available and commercial sustainability.

  10. Outputs • Contribute to providing an easier transition between modes of transport, and improved connectivity between road, rail, air and sea • Deliver a web-based journey-planning tool to facilitate intermodal journeys across the Atlantic Area maximising the use of smart technology and alternative fuels • For smart technology and alternative fuels we will map and model availability and future development, costs and environmental impact (reducing CO2 emissions) • Design scenarios and models of changes to policy, behaviour and transnational strategies • Pilot Journey • Deliver a pilot network conference

  11. Benefits • Funding • Employment • Better understanding of transport issues in remote areas • Project outputs • Experience • Partnerships • Project after-life


  13. Contact www.batterie.eu.com terry.waugh@actionrenewables.co.uk 0044 2890 727763

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