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Presidential Collage

Explore the key speeches, diplomatic efforts, legislative actions, and significant moments that defined US presidents as Chief of State, Chief Executive, Commander in Chief, Chief Legislator, and Chief of Party.

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Presidential Collage

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  1. Presidential Collage Farid Damasio

  2. Chief of State JFK’s famous Berliner speech (Germany) President Reagan’s “Tear Down This Wall” speech (Germany) President Obama’s recent trip to China President Clinton’s journey to Ireland

  3. Chief Executive Federal troops sent by President Eisenhower to enforce Integration Justice Alito, appointed by President Bush, approved by the Senate J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI, appointed by FDR David Jacobson, U.S. ambassador to Canada, appointed by President Obama

  4. Chief Administrator Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense under JFK and Johnson Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense hired by Presidents Ford and Bush Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State under President Obama Robert Kennedy, Attorney General under JFK

  5. Chief Diplomat JFK meeting with Premier Khrushchev during the Cuban Missile Crisis President Reagan meeting with Premier Gorbachev President Carter hosting peace talks between Israel and Egypt at Camp David President Bush meeting with the Saudi Prince

  6. Commander in Chief President Truman’s executive order to drop the atomic bombs President Nixon’s address to the nation regarding the invasion of Cambodia President Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” speech President Obama’s speech outlining military strategy in Afghanistan

  7. Chief Legislator President Reagan signing a bill into law JFK giving his state of the Union address in 1962 President Bush explaining his decision to veto a spending bill in Iraq President Obama signing the stimulus package

  8. Chief of Party JFK debating Nixon in the first televised Presidential debate President Reagan speaking at the RNC President Bush debating Senator John Kerry President Clinton speaking at the DNC

  9. Chief Citizen JFK delivering his famous Inaugural address JFK’s famous Moon speech at Rice University in Texas President Bush sr.’s controversial “New World Order” Speech Ronald Reagan’s classic Evil Empire speech

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