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Animal welfare at the Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover

Animal welfare at the Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover. Test your knowledge on the subject >> Bearded Vulture <<. If you want to pursue protection of species, you first must know much about the animals you want to protect. Are you already an expert? Then you can answer

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Animal welfare at the Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Animal welfare at the Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover Test your knowledge on the subject >>Bearded Vulture <<

  2. If you want to pursue protection of species, you first must know much about the animals you want to protect. Are you already an expert? Then you can answer the following questions easily. If not, click http://www.zooschule-hannover.de/material/Tierinfos/bartgeier%201.pdf

  3. This image shows a Bearded vulture

  4. What name has the Bearded Vulture in the past? • Sheep vulture • Lambs vulture • Chicken vulture

  5. The wing span is ... • 220 cm • 270 cm • 320 cm

  6. green During the courtship the Bearded vulture powders his feathers with color. This is .. • blue • red

  7. The bearded vulture is so called because .. he gets very old Hairs on the beakgrow from the so-look like a beard Feathers on the beak grow from the so- look like a beard

  8. How many birds will be reintroduced on average in a year • 3 • 8 • 15

  9. Die Lieblingsnahrung besteht aus…. bones Sheeps and goats Entrails of dead animals

  10. The birds were released in the ... • Pyrenees • Vosges • Alps

  11. You are topAs a reward, there is a bearded vulture game Go to the Web address and download at the bearded vulture game Barty - The Game “ http://www.wild.unizh.ch/bg/ Enjoy the game

  12. Gestaltung und Fotos E. Bastian, 2008

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