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Poltys CA Conference Bridge Module

Learn about the benefits of the Poltys Conference Bridge Module for customers, dealers, and sales companies, and the configuration steps for connecting it to Panasonic PBX.

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Poltys CA Conference Bridge Module

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  1. Training Presentation Poltys CA Conference Bridge Module

  2. Benefits • Benefits to Customer • Meet-Me and Dial Out conferences • Multi-party, multi-speaker conferences • Benefits to Dealer • Increase sales into • Charities, Long Distance Learning, Corporate Organizations, Auctions via telephone, Organizations that take regular referendums/votes, Political Party Referendums • Benefits to Sales Company • A conferencing solution competitive with Avaya and NEC TDE, NCP and NS1000 series PBX

  3. Conf Bridge Module – Presentation Content Upgrading Configuration Overview Features CA + TDE/NCP/NS1000 TDE, NCP and NS1000 series PBX

  4. Chapter 1 Overview

  5. Overview Works with CA PRO/Supervisor/Console Preinstalled on Poltys Appliance Meet-Me and Dial Out Multi-party, multi-speaker Max 48 conference rooms per server Total of 96 simultaneous attendees per server Connected to Panasonic PBX via SIP Integrated with Outlook Calendar TDE, NCP and NS1000 series PBX

  6. Use Case – PBX mode ed - Pay message No Answer – Retry later Call Every Entry in the List Call answered - Pay message No Connects internal and outside participants in multi-party voice conferences CA Client CA Client Agent Agent Outside Conference Participant CA + TDE/NCP/NS1000 Outside Conference Participant Conference External/Internal Callers Meet-me/Dial Out Integrated with Microsoft Outlook 2010 scheduler SIP Poltys Conference Bridge Appliance Outside Conference Participant Poltys Appliance acts as 3'rd party SIP Extensions

  7. Use Case – CA Server mode Call Every Entry in the List Call answered - Pay message No ed - Pay message No Answer – Retry later Connects internal and outside participants in multi-party voice conferences CA Client CA Client Agent Agent Outside Conference Participant NCP/TDE/NS1000 Outside Conference Participant Conference External/Internal Callers Meet-me/Dial Out Integrated with Microsoft Outlook 2010 scheduler SIP CA Server Poltys Conference Bridge Appliance Outside Conference Participant Poltys Appliance acts as 3'rd party SIP Extensions

  8. Appliance • Poltys Appliance • CA Conference Bridge Module comes preinstalled and preconfigured server on Poltys Appliance • Benefit for End User – Easy to support remotely, easy to replace • Benefit for Dealer – Easy to install, configure and connect to Panasonic PBX Poltys Appliance acts as 3'rd party SIP Extensions

  9. Section 2 Configuration

  10. Configuring Panasonic IP-PBX • 3.4 Configuring Panasonic PBX (1) • Appointment Reminder appliance connects to Panasonic PBX via a compact range of Third party SIP Extensions. • Configure the SIP extensions range to be used with Appointment Reminder using Panasonic Maintenance Console. (1) Install the virtual card for Poltys appliance (Third Party SIP Extensions) Select “V-SIPEXT32” card on Web-MC. (Setup -> PBX Configuration -> 1.1 Slot -> Virtual menu) 1. Select V-SIPEXT32 2. Specify the number of cards to be used.

  11. Configuring Panasonic IP-PBX (2) Select a Registration mode for Poltys appliance (Third Party SIP Extensions) Select “Manual Mode” on Web-MC. (Setup -> PBX Configuration -> 1.1 Slot -> Site Property -> Main Tab ) 1. Select Manual

  12. Configuring Panasonic IP-PBX (3) Configure the extension settings. “Match the Extension Number and the Password” on Web-MC. (Setup -> PBX Configuration -> 1.1 Slot -> Port Property of the corresponding V-SIPEXT32 card ) The Password should be 1234 1. Configure a compact range of SIP extensions. 2. Click on “Apply” button for changes to take effect.

  13. Configuring Panasonic IP-PBX (4) Register the Poltys Appliance to the PBX. Only connect the Poltys Appliance to the same network with the PBX. 1. Check that the IP address matches the Poltys Appliance one. (5) Outgoing Calls settings Allow the SIP extensions to make outbound calls.

  14. Configuring Panasonic IP-PBX (6) Incoming Call Distribution Group Settings To use “Conference Bridge”, group the SIP extensions (Poltys Appliance) into an ICD Group. (Setup -> PBX Configuration -> 3.5.1 Group Settings ) Then, set the FEN of the ICD group as the destination for Conference Bridge (Meet-Me) Calls. 3. Add member list. 1. Create Incoming Call Distribution Group for Auto Attendant. 2. Set the Distribution Method to “Priority Hunting” or “UCD”. Conference Bridge does not work if the Distribution Method is set to “Ring”.

  15. Connect The Poltys Appliance • Connect the Poltys Appliance to the keyboard/mouse and network and power the system up LAN Switch (same network as the PBX) USB Keyboard/Mouse

  16. Get Appliance URL • Get the Conference Bridge URL. This is what you will use to remotely connect to the Conference Bridge Appliance. 1. After the boot up sequence is finished you are prompted to login into the system 2. Enter “root” at the “PoltysConfBridge login:” prompt and Password 3. Write down this URL! This is what you will use to remotely connect to the Conference Bridge

  17. Load Management Console • Disconnect the monitor, keyboard, and mouse from the Poltys Appliance • From a PC or laptop connected to the same LAN where the Poltys Appliance is connected start the WEB browser • Enter the Conference Bridge Management Console URL in the address bar and hit GO 1. Enter Conference Bridge Management Console URL Conference Bridge Management Console supports Chrome, Mozilla and MS Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher

  18. Login to the Management Console • Login to Conference Bridge Management Console using user password provided by Poltys 1. Click on “Login” button. 2. Enter Password. 3. Click on “Login” button.

  19. Get MAC Address • Poltys Appliance comes configured for DHCP operation • Get the MAC address • Configure your DHCP Server with permanent lease for the Poltys Appliance MAC address 1. Click on “Select Network Interface” button. 2. Write down the IP Address for further reference. 3. Write down the MAC Address for DHCP configuration.

  20. Install Java Runtime Environment • IF PC IS CONNECTED TO INTERNET • For the Poltys Conference Bridge Management Console to run, you need to install the Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) • Select Install JRE if PC is connected to the internet 2. Install the latest Java SE Runtime Environment . 1. Click on “Install JRE” button.

  21. Install Java Runtime Environment IF PC IS NOTCONNECTED TO INTERNET Select Setup JRE if PC not is connected to the internet 1. Click on “Setup JRE” button. 2. Click on “Run” button.

  22. Start the Management Console • Push the “Start Management Console” Button 2. Enter User Credentials. 3. Click on “OK” button. 1. Click on “Start Management Console” button.

  23. Configure Conf Bridge SIP Connections • The Poltys Conference Bridge Appliance needs to connect to Panasonic IP-PBX SIP extensions You need to define as many SIP Connections as the maximum number of participants you want to have in conference 3. Fill in “Phone Name”, “Host Name”, “User Name”, and “Password” according to the Panasonic IP-PBX extension settings. 3. The “Password” should be set to 1234. 4. Click on “OK” button. 2. Click on ”CB to PBX Connections” item. 1. Click on ”Setup Configuration…” section. 3. Click on “Add” button. 5. Click on “Save Settings” button.

  24. Configure Users • CA Conference Bridge Module connects to the Poltys Appliance using a specific user. • Create the user. 2. Click on ”Global Settings” item. 3. Fill in User Credentials and write them down for further reference. 2. Click on “Add” button. 1. Click on ”Setup Configuration…” section. 4. Click on “Save Settings” button.

  25. Section 3 Upgrading

  26. Load Management Console • Poltys Appliance comes licensed according to the Customer Purchase Order • If Customer needs upgrading the channels number, then Poltys Appliance needs to be relicensed • From a PC or laptop connected to the same LAN where the Poltys Appliance is connected start the WEB browser • Enter the Conference Bridge Management Console URL in the address bar and hit GO 1. Enter Conference Bridge Management Console URL Conference Bridge Management Console supports Chrome, Mozilla and MS Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher

  27. Login to the Management Console • Login to Conference Bridge Management Console using user password provided by Poltys 1. Click on “Login” button. 2. Enter Password. 3. Click on “Login” button.

  28. Relicensing • Copy/ Paste the License SAK to an Email message, add the Customer Name, Customer Company and PO Number to the message and send it to support@poltys.com 2. Select all text in License SAK (Server Authentication Key) field by pressing Ctrl+A simultaneously or by using mouse selection. 1. Click on “License Setup” button. 2. Copy the License SAK to the Windows clipboard by pressing Ctrl+Csimultaneously.

  29. Relicensing • You will receive the new License Key from Poltys by Email shortly. • Copy/ paste the new License Key received and click on Update button. 1. Paste the License Key by pressing Ctrl+V simultaneously. 2. Click on “Update” button. 3. The “License Status” field displays the new number of licensed channels.

  30. Section 4 Features

  31. Start the Conference Bridge Module • Conference Bridge Module is launched by clicking on “ACD Report” button in CA Supervisor or CA Pro. 1. Click on “ACD Report” button.

  32. Select GUI Language • Conference Bridge Module lets the customer to select his/ her GUI language of choice. 1. Click on “File” menu option. 2. Select “Language” menu option. 3. Click on drop-down list button. 4. Select language. 5. Click on “OK” button and restart application.

  33. Connect CA to Conference Bridge Appliance • CA Conference Bridge Module must be connected to the Poltys Conference Bridge Appliance 1. Click on “Settings” menu option. 2. Select “Conference Setup” menu option. 3. Set the IP address of the Poltys Appliance. 4. Set the User Credentials. 5. Click on “Check access” button to verify connection. 6. Click on “OK” button.

  34. Dial Out Conference • The dial out rooms allows the conference participants to get connected via multi-party conferences initiated by Customer when starting the conference • The Attendee participants are automatically dialed out and then added to the conference • Add Dial Out Conference Room 2. Enter Room name and number. 3. Modify Owner and Attendee PINs if needed. 4. Click on “OK” button. 1. Click on “Add” button.

  35. Dial Out Conference - Add Participants • Add Participants 1. Select Room. 3. Enter Name and Email. 4. Enter Phone and Cell numbers. 5. Click on “OK” button. 2. Click on “Add” button.

  36. Start Dial Out Conference • Start Dial Out Conference 2. Click on “Start conference” button. 3. Monitor the conference status. 1. Select Room.

  37. Meet-me Conference • Meet-me rooms allow participants to get connected via multi-party conferences based on predefined schedules • Attendees are accepted in conferences and they wait for the Owner participant to enter • Once the Owner has joined the room, the multi-party conference activates 1. Enter Conference Bridge Management Console URL. Conference Bridge Management Console supports Chrome, Mozilla, MS Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher

  38. Meet-me Conference • Start Conference Bridge Management Console 2. Enter User Credentials. 3. Click on “OK” button. 1. Click on “Start Management Console” button.

  39. Meet-me Conference • Add Meet-Me Room 3. Enter Room Name and Number. 4. Enter Room Owner and Attendee PIN. 5. Click on “OK” button. 1. Select” Meet-Me rooms” section in the Available Settings window. 2. Click on “Add” button. 6. Click on “Save Settings” button.

  40. Meet-me Conference • Configure Meet-Me Room in CA Conference Bridge Module. 1. Click on “Settings” menu option. 2. Select “Conference Setup” menu option. 4. Set “My Room Number” to be equal to the Meet-Me Room number predefined using Conference Bridge Management Console. 6. Click on “OK” button.

  41. Meet-me Conference • Switch to Meet-Me panel. 1. Click on “Meet Me” tab.

  42. Meet-me Conference • Change Calendar View mode. 1. Right click on the calendar area. 2. Select “Change View To” option. 3. Select “Month View” option.

  43. Meet-me Conference • Schedule Meet-Me Conference. 1. Click on schedule day. 2. Right click on day area and select “New Appointment” option. 3. Enter subject. 4. Change start/ stop hours. 5. Add owner and participants. 6. Click on “Recurrence” button. 8. Click on “OK” button. 7. Change recurrence.

  44. Meet-me Conference Setup from Outlook • The customer can directly schedule Meet-Me conferences from MS Outlook 2010 • Connect Outlook Add-in to Poltys Appliance, set the Meet-Me Room number and access numbers 1. Click on “Settings” button from Poltys Add-in. 2. Set the IP address of the Poltys Appliance. 3. Set the User Credentials. 4. Set Meet-Me Room number. 7. Click on “Check access” button to verify connection. 5. Set access numbers. 6. Click on “OK” button.

  45. Meet-me Conference Schedule from Outlook • Schedule Meet-Me conference from Outlook 1. Click on “Add Conference” button from Poltys Add-in. 4. Click on “Add Conference Info” button. 6. Change recurrence. 2. Add participants and meeting subject. 7. Click on “Send” button. 3. Select date and time. 5. Add any text information.

  46. Meet-me Conference • Every Meet-Me participants will receive a meeting invitation to conference by email.

  47. Thank You

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