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Reading Strategies and Text Features in News Articles

In this class, students practice reading strategies and analyze text features in news articles. They also review vocabulary and play a word game.

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Reading Strategies and Text Features in News Articles

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  1. Tuesday, October 1, 2013 Who found out the moon phase? Write a letter back to your new Pen-Pal at our neighboring area school! 3285 Wilson Mill Road West Lake Cormorant, MS 38641 Waning Crescent 8:10 – 8:30

  2. Let’s Practice Our Reading Strategies

  3. Class Novel Read Part 2 -Chapter 1 & Complete T chart Part 2 – Chapter 1 Summary Questions 8:40 – 9:30

  4. Restroom Break 9:30 – 9:40

  5. Making Meaning – Recognizing Text Features! Yesterday we heard the article “Follow That Ball! Soccer Catching On in the U.S.” What do you remember about this article? 9:25 – 10:00

  6. Open Student Booklet to these pages! This is a copy of the article I read yesterday. Today I will read it again, and then we will discuss the text features in pairs and as a class.

  7. Review Student Booklet! News articles often contain photographs with captions and other features to help the reader better understand the topic. Notice photographs and caption

  8. Scan the Student Booklet! • Think – Pair – Share • What text features do you notice? • How might they help readers understand the topic?

  9. Circle Graph Focus! What is the title for the Circle Graph? Circle Graphs and other graphs can help readers understand pieces of information or data in a quick and easy way.

  10. Circle Graph Focus! • Which sports are among the top seven sports played by 12-17-year olds in the U.S.? • Of the sports listed, what percentage of 12-17-year olds play ice hockey? • Of the sports listed, what percentage of 12-17-year olds play softball?

  11. Circle Graph Focus! • Think – Pair – Share • Looking at this graph, what statements can you make about the top seven sports played by 12-17-year-olds in the U.S.? • What does this graph tell you about the popularity of soccer in the U.S.?

  12. Circle Graph Focus! • Text features such at this circle graph help readers make sense of the information in articles and books. • Remember to notice text features when you read independently • We’ll be looking at another news article later this week!

  13. Reflect • What did you say to your partner if you did not understand his/her thinking? • Did that help?

  14. INDEPENDENT READING 10:00 – 10:30

  15. Making Meaning - Vocabulary guarantee devastate lifeless Review word chart! 10:30 – 10:45

  16. Partner Up & Move to the Carpet • Last time we learned three words from Life in the Rainforests. • Today we’re going to think about those words and really use them! Quiz time!

  17. A promise or make certain that something will happen or be done What is the definition of… guarantee

  18. to destroy What is the definition of… devastate

  19. without life or living things such as people, animals, or plants What is the definition of… lifeless

  20. Think – Pair – Share • Which of the words we learned yesterday do you think was interesting or fun to talk about? Why?

  21. Game - Finish the Story • Today we’re going to play a game • I will tell a story, but leave off the last word. • Partners will finish the story by deciding which of the vocabulary words we’ve learned would make the best ending for it. • First we’ll practice!

  22. Game - Finish the Story The amusement park has been closed for months. The park, which was once crowded with people, is now______________. • Which of our vocabulary words makes the best ending for the story? Why?

  23. Think – Pair - SharePaired Partners - Finish the Story Hurry Up Harry’s appliance repair service promises to fix any appliance in less than a week. That is their ______________. • Which of our vocabulary words makes the best ending for the story? Why?

  24. Think – Pair - SharePaired Partners - Finish the Story Song was sick with the flu. She lay in bed, barely able to move. When her dad saw her, he said, “Song, I have never seen you so ______________.” • Which of our vocabulary words makes the best ending for the story? Why?

  25. Think – Pair - SharePaired Partners - Finish the Story Thousands of locusts swarmed the wheat field, eating every plant in sight. The farmer’s crops were ______________. • Which of our vocabulary words makes the best ending for the story? Why?

  26. Think – Pair - SharePaired Partners - Finish the Story The author isn’t sure when he’ll finish his book. He told his publisher, “I’ll try to get the book to you by the 17th. But that is not a date I can ______________.” • Which of our vocabulary words makes the best ending for the story? Why?

  27. Think – Pair - SharePaired Partners - Finish the Story The hurricane smashed ashore destroying everything in its path. Entire neighborhoods were ______________.” • Which of our vocabulary words makes the best ending for the story? Why? Tomorrow we will have a vocabulary study for three new words!

  28. Grammar Time! 10:45 – 10:55

  29. Word Study dissatisfied disadvantage disability disregard discrimination unfamiliar

  30. dissatisfied

  31. disadvantage

  32. disability

  33. disregard disregard

  34. discrimination

  35. unfamiliar

  36. Unit 2 – Week 3 – Day 2 Being a Writer 10:55 – 11:25

  37. Today’s Plan • Hear and discuss a personal narrative • Explore features of personal narratives • Quick-write about interesting events • Write freely about things that interest you

  38. Notes About Personal Narratives • Come to the carpet. Bring your pencil and writer’s notebook. Make sure you sit next to your new partner. • Yesterday you heard “Never the Monkey,” a personal narrative by Jerry Spinelli. • We are going to add notes today to our chart, “Notes About Personal Narratives” to help us understand more about personal narratives.

  39. Notes About Personal Narratives • A personal narrative tells a true story from the author’s own life. (Let’s add that to our chart.) • We will continue adding to this chart as we discover more about what makes personal narratives different from other kinds of writing.

  40. “Shortstop” Today I will read you part of another personal narrative from Knots in My Yo-yo string. In “Shortstop” Jerry Spinelli writes about learning an important lesson. While listening to this story I want you to think about the important lesson that he learns.

  41. “Shortstop” • What event does Jerry Spinelli describe in this story? • Let’s listen again to the passage on page 30: “I could hear the ball crunching along the sandy ground…the manager was waiting for me.” What do you see in yur mind when you hear this passage? • Turn and talk (person closest to the front of the room goes irst.)

  42. Notes About Personal Narratives • In many personal narratives, including this one, the author tell about interesting events from his/her life and includes sensory details to help the reader see, hear, smell, taste, and feel what is happening. • Let’s add “Sensory details to help the reader see, hear, smell, taste, and feel what’s happening.” to our chart, “Notes About Personal Narratives”.

  43. Two Question to Think About • Jerry Spinelli writes about an interesting event that happened to him when he was learning how to play baseball. What are some interesting events you could write about from your own life? • Jerry Spinelli says he learned a lesson he never forgot from his manager. When did you learn something that you’ve never forgotten? • Without talking, open your writer’s notebooks to the page titled “Ideas from My Own Life,” located in the ideas section, and add other interesting events from you own life that you could write about.

  44. Independent Writing • Return to your seats. • For the next 20 to 30 minutes, write about either of the following. • Continue the writing you began in the quick write. • Write about something else that interest you. Remember to double-space your writing.

  45. Sharing and Reflecting • Did you write about an interesting event from your life? Tell us about it. • What other topics did you write about today? Tell us about them.

  46. Reflect 11:25 – 11:30 Sharing

  47. Math Time! 11:30 – 12:00

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