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Vocabulary Slide Show #17

Vocabulary Slide Show #17. Frail, Fract , Frag and Poly. Frail, Fract , Frag = break, Shatter. Poly = Many. Fractals. The type of geometry that creates broken patterns out of a smaller version of a design. Fractions.

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Vocabulary Slide Show #17

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vocabulary Slide Show #17 Frail, Fract, Frag and Poly

  2. Frail, Fract, Frag = break, Shatter • Poly = Many

  3. Fractals • The type of geometry that creates broken patterns out of a smaller version of a design

  4. Fractions • A part of a whole; a broken piece of something that is no longer whole.

  5. fracture • A break in a part of the body

  6. Fragile • So delicate that it could break easily; easily damaged

  7. fragment • Your own definition…….Please!!!!!!!!!!

  8. fragmented • Don’t be too quick to just put the definition for fragment…..

  9. frail • Being easily brokenor destroyed

  10. infraction • Abrokenrule; a violation

  11. refract • To bend light so that it looks like it is broken

  12. suffrage • What???????

  13. polychromatic • Having many different colors

  14. polyclinic • A hospital that treats many different kinds of diseases

  15. polydactyl • Having many fingers or toes (more than normal)

  16. polyglot • What is it?

  17. polygon • A closed plane figure with many straight lines that connect

  18. polygraph • Your definition?

  19. polyhedron • A solid figure with many sides, such as a pyramid

  20. polymorphous • Having or assuming many different forms

  21. polysyllabic • Having many syllables

  22. polytheism • The belief in many different gods

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