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Acoustics. Acoustics = physics of sound Sound = moving air particles Frequency of motion is measured in Hz (= hertz = cycles/sec ) Complex sounds = consist of many different frequencies simultaneously slowest frequency = fundamental frequency ( F0 ) determines pitch

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  1. Acoustics • Acoustics = physics of sound • Sound = moving air particles • Frequency of motion is measured in Hz(= hertz = cycles/sec) • Complex sounds = consist of many different frequencies simultaneously • slowest frequency = fundamental frequency (F0) • determines pitch • other higher frequencies = harmonics = overtones • determine timbre • The voice is a complex sound Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  2. Some Different Ways to Depict Sound Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  3. Acoustics of Speech • Fundamental Frequency (F0) • basic pitch of voice • rate at which wholevocal cords vibrate • Plus harmonics (= overtones) • other higher frequencies in voice • faster rates at which parts of vocal cords & other structures vibrate • Resonance (= sympathetic vibration) • rest of vocal tractenhances some frequencies & inhibits others • freqs that are enhanced or inhibited depends on vocal tract shape • which depends on positions of articulators • Produces formants • enhanced frequency bands • usually 3-4 formants in speech: F1, F2, &F3 Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  4. Speech & Hearing Frequencies • Human hearing • 20 - 20,000 Hz • Most sensitive at 500 - 5,000 Hz • Human voice fundamental frequency • Average for men = 80 - 200 Hz • Average for women = up to 400 Hz • Telephone: • Cuts off at ~3000 Hz • Crucial information for identifying some sounds lost (fricatives) Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  5. Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  6. From Carroll (2004), The psychology of language, 4th Ed. Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  7. Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  8. Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  9. Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  10. Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  11. English Spelling A Dreadful Language I take it you already know Of tough and bough and cough and dough. Others may stumble, but not you, On hiccough, thorough, touch, and through; Well done! And now you wish perhaps To learn of less familiar traps? Beware of heard, a dreadful word That looks like beard and sounds like bird. And dead: it's said like bed, not bead - For goodness sake, don't call it "deed". Watch out for meat and great and threat (They rhyme with suite and straight and debt). A moth is not a moth in mother, Nor both in bother, nor broth in brother. And here is not a match for there, Nor dear and fear for bear and pear. And then there's dose and rose and lose - Just look them up - and goose and choose, And cork and work and word and sword, And do and go and thwart and cart. Come, come I've hardly made a start. A dreadful language? Man alive - I mastered it when I was five! Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  12. International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) • 1 sound = 1 symbol • Symbols for all speech sounds in all languages • Phonetic writing makes pronunciation completely unambiguous • Some languages have writing systems that are close to phonetic (Korean, Italian) • Some other languages have writing systems that indicate less about pronunciation (Mandarin?) Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  13. (“Standard” American) From Carroll (2004), The psychology of language, 4th Ed. Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  14. From Carroll (2004), The psychology of language, 4th Ed. Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  15. Coarticulation • Each sound partially shaped by sounds before & after it • keel vs kill vs cool • / kil / vs / kIl / vs / kul / (IPA characters) • place of articulation and rounding on the k differ a lot • so, different versions of “the same sound” in different contexts • and from different speakers • This is what allows us to talk so fast Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  16. Coarticulation Across Languages • How different can different versions of a sound be & still be heard as “the same sound”? • Different for different languages • A back rounded k and a front unrounded k sound like “the same sound” to English speakers • but that same difference is enough to make them sound like 2 different sounds in some other languages Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  17. Phonemes • In English, a difference in voicing makes 2 sounds “different sounds” • pill vs bill • /pIl/ vs /bIl/ • p = voiceless • b = voiced • Can find many other minimal pairs of English words where the only difference is whether or not one sound is voiced • rip rib • bat bad • tip dip • cap cab • back bag • Therefore, voicing is a distinctive feature in English • and 2 sounds that differ only in voicing are different phonemes • phoneme = sound that can signal a meaning difference Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  18. Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  19. Phonemes vs Allophones • There’s another difference between pill and bill in English • The p in pill is aspirated, but the b in bill is not • /phIl/ vs /bIl/ • aspiration = air puff when stop consonant is released • But, there are nominimal pairs of English words that differ only in whether or not one sound is aspirated • So, aspiration is a non-distinctive feature in English • 2 sounds that differ only in aspiration are allophones of the same phoneme • allophones = different versions of the “same sound” • But in Korean, it’s the opposite of English • aspiration is phonemic • voicing is allophonic Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  20. Another Cross-Linguistic Example • In English, there is a minimal pairrip and lip • & many other pairs that differ in just r vs l • so rand lare different phonemes in English • In Japanese, there are no minimal pairs that differ only in rvs l • Instead, there’s a single phoneme that’s somewhere between the English rand l • and it has different pronunciations in different contexts • sometimes it sounds more like English r • and sometimes like English l • rand lare both allophones of a single phoneme • Makes it very difficult for Japanese speakers to hear the difference in English • Japanese speakers have learned to categorize all the allophones as “the same sound” Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  21. Distinctive Features Across Languages • There are many kinds of differences between speech sounds • Some are important (= distinctive) & some are not • Which is which varies across languages • So, have to learn which are the important ones for your language • For English consonants, the distinctive features are: • Voicing (Voice Onset Time) • Place of articulation • Manner of articulation Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  22. Speech Perception is Hard! • Coarticulation • allows us to talk fast • which leads to lack of invariance in acoustic signal Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  23. Variability in Vowel Production From Kuhl, et al. (2004), Nat Rev Neurosci Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  24. Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  25. Speech Perception is Hard! • Coarticulation • allows us to talk fast • which leads to lack of invariance • a series of musical notes changing as fast as speech sounds do would sound like a blur • we would not be able to perceive individual notes • yet we have the impression that we hear each speech sound • This has led some researchers to propose that: • speech perception requires a hard-wired uniquely human ability that evolved specifically for speech • What sort of evidence would support this idea? Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  26. Evidence about special status of speech perception • Categorical Perception • Inability to hear differences between members of a category • where category = phoneme • e.g., variants of /p/ with different VOTs • Together with ability to hear differences of the same size when the 2 sounds are members of different categories • e.g., /p/vs/b/ • Adults can easily hear only the differences that are important in their language • e.g., English speakers easily hear difference between /r/ & /l/ • i.e., they sound like "different sounds“ • while Japanese speakers find it very hard to hear same diff • i.e., they sound like "the same sound" Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  27. Categorical Perception • Categorical perception is strongest for voicing & place of articulation for consonants • Weaker effect for vowels called a “magnet effect” • Adults show categorical perception for the differences that are distinctive in their language • So, it depends on learning • How early is it learned? Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  28. From Carroll (2004), The psychology of language, 4th Ed. Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  29. From Carroll (2004), The psychology of language, 4th Ed. Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  30. From Carroll (2004), The psychology of language, 4th Ed. Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  31. Testing Infant Speech Perception • Use a habituation paradigm to test perception • Infants suck on a pacifier with a transducer in it • Measure how hard & how often they suck • Whenever something interesting happens, they suck more • Play synthetic speech syllables that vary on some feature • e.g., VOT • Keep playing same syllable over & over until they're bored with it and their sucking rate decreases (= habituation) • Then change the syllable • If sucking rate goes up, they must have heard the change • If rate does not go up, either they couldn't hear the change, or it wasn’t interesting enough Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  32. Categorical Perception in Infants • For VOT • Play a clear pa over and over • If then change to one with a different VOT, but that adults would call ba • English-hearing infants will speed up sucking rate • Therefore, they hear the difference • If instead change to one with a VOT that’s just as different from the first one, but it’s one adults would still call pa • Infants don’t speed up • Therefore, they didn’t hear the change (or it’s not interesting) • Suggests infants cannot discriminate between different versions of pa, but can discriminate between pa and ba • Just like English-speaking adults • So, English-hearing infants already have categorical perception Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  33. From Eimas et al. (1971), Science Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  34. Infant Speech Perception Across Languages • Infants easily hear many differences that adults don’t • they start out able to hear differences that are not important in the language spoken around them • Japanese-hearing infants start out being able to hear the difference between rand ljust as well as English-hearing infants • but by ~1 year old, they no longer hear that difference • All children start out able to hear (most of) the differences that are important in any human language • But over their 1st year, they lose the ability to hear differences that are not important in the language they’re hearing • the speech perception system gets tuned to hear only the differences that are important for the language being learned • Why by 1 year? • Maybe because that’s when they start to say words? (Werker) Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  35. Video segment from PBS series The Mind (1989) Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  36. Are there limits to the differences infants can hear? • Yes: Lasky et al. (1975) • Voicing is distinctive for stop consonants in English, Spanish, & Thai • But the boundary between voiced & voiceless is at different VOT values Thai Spanish English ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -60 -40 -20 0 +20 +40 +60 VOT (msec) • The Thai & English boundary values are common to many languages • The Spanish one is unusual • Spanish-hearing infants less than 1 year old • hear the difference between pairs of sounds that straddle both the Thai & English category boundaries • but not ones that straddle the Spanish boundary • So, infants hear most, but not all, differences used in any language Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  37. Categorical Perception, cont’d • The same synthesized stimuli can be perceived as speech or not • Play formant transition to one ear (sounds like a chirp) • and steady-state part to other ear (sounds like vowel) • If tell people it’s speech, they integrate 2 ears & hear it as speech • but if don't tell them, they don't hear it as sounding like speech • When they do hear it as speech, get categorical perception • but not when they don’t hear it as speech • CP effects much stronger for consonants than for vowels • What seems to be critical is: • a short rapidly changing sound (e.g., consonant) • followed by a longer slower-changing sound (e.g., vowel) • where both heard as part of a single input Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  38. Is categorical perception unique to humans?(i.e., Is it evidence that speech perception is special?) • No • Many other animals show results like human infants in habituation paradigms • They can discriminate between sounds that humans would call different phonemes • and cannot discriminate between sounds that humans would call the same phoneme • So, human speech takes advantage of properties of auditory system • by generally using the differences that are easy to hear to signal important contrasts in the language Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  39. What GOOD is categorical perception??? • Categorical Perception = a failure to discriminate speech sounds any better than you can identify them • How can it be desirable to lose the ability to hear differences??? • Speech is hugely variable • coarticulation • different speech rates • different speakers with different voices & accents • ... • - The auditory system learns to attend to the differences that are important and to ignore the ones that are not • - Lets us tune out a lot of irrelevant variability • - Can adults re-learn to hear differences they’ve learned to ignore? - Yes, but it requires a particular kind of training Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  40. McGurk EffectVisual cues in speech perception • Conflicting acoustic and visual cues can lead to blended perception of sound • If there’s a sound in the language that’s • close enough to the acoustic signal • & fits with the visual cues Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  41. More on Visual Context Effects(Gilbert, Lansing, & Garnsey, in prep) • Participants heard either /ba/ or /ga/ (50-50) • Task = Did you hear /ba/? (50-50) • Syllables embedded in several levels of noise as well as in quiet • Simultaneous visual cue • Static rectangle • Static smiling face • Chewing face (irrelevant motion) • Speaking face (relevant motion) Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  42. Accuracy Rect Smile Chew Speak Visual Cue Type - Informative facial motion completely compensates for noise - Other facial cues have no effect on accuracy Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  43. N100 Event-Related Brain Potentials (ERPs) N100 component - Earlier & smaller when speech easy to identify - Irrelevant face motion speeds up N100 just as much as relevant motion - But doesn’t reduce its amplitude - Maybe potentially relevant face motion serves an alerting function? Chew Smile Speak Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

  44. Phoneme Restoration • Replace one phoneme in an utterance with noise • If the phoneme is predictable from context, people “hear” the missing sound (e.g., legi*lature) • If tell them a sound has been replaced, they’re not accurate at identifying which sound it is • Warren & Warren (1970) • Stimuli (acoustically identical except for last word) • It was found that the *eel was on the orange. • It was found that the *eel was on the axle. • It was found that the *eel was on the shoe. • It was found that the *eel was on the table. • People believed they had heard the phoneme that made sense given the final word • Final word can’t have influenced what they heard at *eel Psyc / Ling / Comm 525 Fall 2010

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