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致力于开创我国水泥市场健康新格局 Dedicated to Set up Healthy New Pattern o f Chinese Cement Market

致力于开创我国水泥市场健康新格局 Dedicated to Set up Healthy New Pattern o f Chinese Cement Market. 主要内容. 一、中国建材集团水泥业务发展概况 1. CNBM’s Cement Business Development Introduction. 二、以新的成长方式迎接水泥工业可持续发展新时代 2. New Growth Way should Be Brought to Cement Industry Sustainable Development.

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致力于开创我国水泥市场健康新格局 Dedicated to Set up Healthy New Pattern o f Chinese Cement Market

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  1. 致力于开创我国水泥市场健康新格局Dedicated to Set up Healthy New Patternof Chinese Cement Market

  2. 主要内容 一、中国建材集团水泥业务发展概况 1. CNBM’s Cement Business Development Introduction 二、以新的成长方式迎接水泥工业可持续发展新时代 2. New Growth Way should Be Brought to Cement Industry Sustainable Development 三、行业利益高于企业利益,企业利益孕于行业利益之中 3. Industry’s Interest is Higher than Enterprise’s Enterprise’s Interest Cultivated in Industry 四、合理布局是使市场竞争有序化的根本方法 4. Reasonable Layout is the Ultimate Way to Make Market Competition Order 五、提升行业价值是可持续发展的关键 5. Promote Industry Value is the Key to Sustainable Development 六、 总结 6. Conclusion

  3. 一、中国建材集团水泥业务发展概况 CNBM’s Cement Business Development Introduction

  4. 中国建材集团水泥业务发展概况CNBM’s Cement Business Development Introduction 中国建材集团是国资委管理的大型建材央企。通过进行大规模联合重组,形成了水泥、浮法玻璃、新型建材、玻璃纤维、复合材料等颇具实力的业务板块,推动了各建材相关领域的结构调整、节能减排,为建材行业做大做强做出了贡献。 CNBM is a SASAC-managed company mainly engaged in cement, float glass, new building materials, fiberglass and composites segments through large scale M&A. It has impelled building material industry’s structure adjustment, energy-saving and did great contribution to the building material industry. 2008年,虽然受到世界金融危机的冲击和国内雨雪冰冻与特大地震等自然灾害的影响,仍实现销售收入615亿元,资产规模达726亿元。 Although suffered from financial crisis and domestic snow and earthquake disaster in 2008,CNBM brought out 61.5 billion RMB revenue and the asset reached 72.6 billion RMB in 2008.

  5. 中国建材集团水泥业务发展概况CNBM’s Cement Business Development Introduction 中国建材是中国建材集团的控股子公司,是集团建材制造业务的核心企业,2006年在香港上市后,通过推动资本运营和联合重组两个轮子,实现了主营业务规模的迅速壮大,经营业绩稳步增长。 China National Building Material Co. Ltd is CNBM’s subsidiary. Since listed in HONGKONG 2006, It took capital operation and M&A ways to make sure the fast business development and steady result increase.

  6. 中国建材集团水泥业务发展概况CNBM’s Cement Business Development Introduction 在国家发改委、工信部、国资委、中国建材联合会、中国水泥协会以及地方政府的大力支持下,中国建材紧紧抓住行业结构调整的战略机遇期,加快实施大水泥战略,锁定淮海区域、南方区域和北方区域,迅速推进联合重组,使公司的水泥业务规模迅速壮大。至2008年底,公司的水泥业务规模已达到1.2亿吨。 With the supports of NDRC, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, SASAC, China Building Materials Association, China Cement Association and various local governments, CNBM caught the industrial structure adjustment opportunity, continued to facilitate M&A strategy, Huaihai Economic Zone , Southeast Region and North Region as target areas. By the end of 2008, CNBM’s cement capacity has reached 120 million tons.

  7. 中国建材集团水泥业务发展概况CNBM’s Cement Business Development Introduction 中国建材承担更多的社会责任,加快行业结构调整、推动行业可持续发展的历史重任。在联合重组的同时,在区域内合理布局,进行必要的填平补齐,实现了资源的有效配置。淘汰了区域内的大量小立窑落后生产线,并全部配套了余热发电,通过与区域内企业的有效市场协同,稳定了区域水泥价格,提升了企业效益,为提升行业价值发挥了积极作用。 CNBM takes on more social responsibility and expediting industry structure adjustment, promoting industry sustainable development. We assure reasonable layout and necessary new construction while M&A, so as to realize effective use of resource. CNBM has eliminated lots of vertical kilns, and built residual-heat power generation. By cooperating with enterprises in our area, we played an important role to stabilize cement price, promote enterprise profit and upgrade industrial value.

  8. 中国建材集团水泥业务发展概况CNBM’s Cement Business Development Introduction 在水泥业务联合重组方面,中国建材有着独特的综合优势: In cement business M&A, CNBM possesses of particular advantages as following: 资金优势 Capital 央企优势 State-owned Assets Corporation 市场优势 Market 文化优势 Culture 技术优势 Technology

  9. 中国建材集团水泥业务发展概况CNBM’s Cement Business Development Introduction 中国建材水泥业务近期发展目标:用三年左右时间做到3亿吨产能 Target of CNBM cement business: the capacity reaches 300 million tons in 3 years 南方区域-南方水泥:1.5亿吨 South Cement – 150 million tons 淮海区域-中联水泥:1亿吨 China United – 100 million tons 北方区域-北方水泥:5000万吨 North Cement – 50 million tons 8

  10. 二、 以新的成长方式迎接 水泥工业可持续发展新时代 New Growth Way should Be Brought to Cement Industry Sustainable Development

  11. 以新的成长方式迎接水泥工业可持续发展新时代New Growth Way should Be Brought toCement Industry Sustainable Development 1、中国水泥行业的现状 • Chinese Cement Industry’s Current Situation • 从全球来讲,水泥行业是一个非常重要的行业,水泥在国民经济中是非常重要的基础原材料。在国外,水泥是技术门槛高、专业化极强的重资产投资的产业,制造者多是为数不多的知名大公司。 Cement industry is important in the world. Cement is the basic raw material in the national economy. It is a heavy investment industry with high technical and professional level overseas and the merely manufacturers are famous enterprises.

  12. 以新的成长方式迎接水泥工业可持续发展新时代New Growth Way should Be Brought toCement Industry Sustainable Development 世界水泥巨头拉法基、豪西蒙年产量均过亿吨,各占海外水泥总量的约10%。而中国去年13.88亿吨的产量由5000家完成,前10家大企业的产量仅占总产量的21%,集中度很低。 The capacity of world cement magnates, Lafarge and Holcim, is over 100 million tons, which covers 10% of total overseas cement capacity respectively. In opposite, that of China is 1.388 billion tons last year and was produced by 5000 companies. The top 10 enterprises only occupies 21% of the capacity. 改革开放后,国家对水泥的需求量聚然放大,水泥行业还来不及培育一个健康的成长模式就形成了突然的市场高潮,引发了各行各业都来投资水泥。 There is historical reason. Since the Reform and Opening Policy, cement's demands increased rapidly, it brought the sudden market climax without a well balanced growth pattern. Every walk of life invested the cement.

  13. 以新的成长方式迎接水泥工业可持续发展新时代New Growth Way should Be Brought toCement Industry Sustainable Development • 水泥行业的这个发展过程有力支持了中国的经济建设,极大满足了国家建设的需求。但也引发了不少问题,如对资源的浪费,对环境的污染,质量潜存的风险等。而最大的问题是,由于布局不合理和市场无序恶性竞争,水泥价格长期在低位运行 Cement industry development strongly supported the country’s economy, and met the demand of national construction. Yet, it brought many problems, such as resource waste, environment pollution,quality risk, unreasonable layout, blind competition. And the cement price was in low level for a long time. • 在国际上钢铁和水泥的价格比通常为3:1,我国长期处在10:1。提升行业整体价值,使水泥企业赚到合理利润,也应成为我们水泥行业的重要着眼点。 Steel price is 3 times of cement in the world, compared with 10 times in China. Hence, to promote cement industry entire value and make reasonable profit is the most important thing at present.

  14. 以新的成长方式迎接水泥工业可持续发展新时代New Growth Way should Be Brought toCement Industry Sustainable Development 2、通过改变企业成长方式来改变行业的现状 The industrial situation could be promoted by changing growth way. • 大力推动行业的联合重组,提高集中度 Promote industry M&A and improve centralization • 用先进生产力淘汰落后生产力,实现产业升级。 Phase out outdated capacity and achieve industrial upgrading

  15. 以新的成长方式迎接水泥工业可持续发展新时代New Growth Way should Be Brought toCement Industry Sustainable Development • 在总量规模平衡的情况下,必须通过联合重组的方式把高度分散的企业联合起来,控制区域市场,增加集中度,提高企业的经济效益,提升企业的竞争力。通过联合重组,有效推动产业整合,实现结构调整,促进水泥行业从粗放式向集约化转变,淘汰落后产能,带动行业结构升级。 It’s necessary to concentrate highly fragmented enterprise by M&A so as to improve efficiency and competitiveness. Therefore it’s expected to promote industry integration and realize structure adjustment, eliminate obsolete capacity and optimize industry structure through M&A.

  16. 以新的成长方式迎接水泥工业可持续发展新时代New Growth Way should Be Brought toCement Industry Sustainable Development • 我们的水泥企业应该转变那种单纯依靠增加产能来达到企业规模增长的成长模式,代之以通过延伸产业链和提高水泥产品的附加值来实现企业效益的提升,从过去数量的增长走到现在的价值增长上来,迎接水泥可持续发展的新时代。 The growth way of cement enterprise should apply extending industrial chains and increasing add value in stead of purely relying on increasing capacity, aiming to enter the new age for cement with sustainable development.

  17. 以新的成长方式迎接水泥工业可持续发展新时代New Growth Way should Be Brought toCement Industry Sustainable Development • 中国建材以行业利益和健康发展为已任,全力推动联合重组,在不增加行业总量的基础上扩大企业规模,通过提高对区域市场控制力、增加协同效益,实现做大做强。 CNBM devotes to industry interest and healthy. We stick to promote industrial M&A, and expanding enterprise’s scale based on control of regional markets and enhancing cooperation synergy.

  18. 以新的成长方式迎接水泥工业可持续发展新时代New Growth Way should Be Brought toCement Industry Sustainable Development 3、拉动内需为水泥企业改变成长方式提供了良机 Expanding domestic demand provides opportunity for cement enterprises to change the growth way. 金融危机席卷全球,对世界经济造成重大影响,中国同样面临着前所未有的挑战和考验。中央政府沉着应对,及时调整宏观经济政策,果断做出一系列重大部署,其中投资4万亿拉动内需,更是有力地提振了市场信心。 Financial crisis has greatly effected the world’s economy since last year, as well as China. Central government adjusted the macroeconomic policy in time and enforced serious important measures. The market got confidence from 4 trillion RMB stimulus package.

  19. 以新的成长方式迎接水泥工业可持续发展新时代New Growth Way should Be Brought toCement Industry Sustainable Development 4万亿投资以基础建设为主,这给水泥行业带来了千载难逢的机遇。拉动内需主要举措是加大基本建设和民生工程建设,这对水泥工业是及时雨、雪中炭,水泥行业是最大受益者和最早受益者。 Stimulus package based on infrastructure, which is a unique opportunity for Chinese cement industry. The main way to expand domestic demand is enhancing infrastructure and project concerning people's livelihood. Cement industry earliest and most benefits from this.

  20. 以新的成长方式迎接水泥工业可持续发展新时代 New Growth Way should Be Brought toCement Industry Sustainable Development 应该倍加珍惜这难得的机遇,加快进行行业的内部调整:通过结构调整淘汰落后生产力,实现产业升级;通过联合重组提高集中度,控制区域市场,增加话语权,减少以损失行业整体利益为代价的恶性竞争;通过大企业的协同,实现市场合理布局,通过行业自律维护市场健康,从而从根本上提升行业的整体价值。 We should expedite industry consolidation: eliminate obsolete capacity and realize industry upgrade through structure adjustment; improve the centralization, control regional market and decrease blind competition through M&A; realize the market reasonable layout by synergy of large enterprises; maintain the healthy market rule and promote industrial value by self-discipline.

  21. 以新的成长方式迎接水泥工业可持续发展新时代New Growth Way should Be Brought toCement Industry Sustainable Development • 从整个行业来看,要有明确的发展思路和方向,要坚持科学发展观,用集约化发展和节能减排的思路,使行业得到健康发展,使行业利益得到充分维护,使企业自身效益得到提升。 For the entire cement industry, it should have clear development strategy and way, insist on science outlook on development, centralization development way and energy-saving policy to protect cement enterprise’s benefit.

  22. 三、 行业利益高于企业利益,企业利益孕于行业利益之中 Industry’s Interest is Higher than Enterprise’s Enterprise’s Interest Cultivated in Industry

  23. 行业利益高于企业利益,企业利益孕于行业利益之中Industry’s Interest is Higher than Enterprise’s Enterprise’s Interest Cultivated in Industry 大企业集团应该用自律的心态带头维护市场,推进市场健康化,提升行业利益。正所谓覆巢之下没有完卵,在发展过程中,行业的利益高于企业利益,企业利益孕育于行业利益之中。 Large enterprises should be responsible for maintaining healthy market and increase industrial profit. Industry’s interest is higher than enterprise’s, and enterprise’s interest cultivated in industry

  24. 行业利益高于企业利益,企业利益孕于行业利益之中Industry’s Interest is Higher than Enterprise’s Enterprise’s Interest Cultivated in Industry 中国的水泥行业应形成大企业主导各自战略市场区域的格局。 China’s cement industry should create a situation that large-scale enterprises dominate each region for strategic market. 中小企业应该主动和大企业联合,不进行恶性竞争。 Medium and small-scale enterprises should be active to be merged with large-scale enterprises rather than blind competition. 大企业要主动进行市场协同。 Large-scale corporation should be active to synergy.

  25. 行业利益高于企业利益,企业利益孕于行业利益之中Industry’s Interest is Higher than Enterprise’s Enterprise’s Interest Cultivated in Industry • 现在国家产业政策支持钢铁、水泥行业进行并购重组,提高行业集中度,提升资源配置效率,也是希望钢铁、水泥行业能在大企业主导下进一步良性而有序的市场竞争,使行业健康发展。 Recently, the national policy encourage M&A of steel and cement industries in order to strengthen centralization and efficiency. It’s expected to ensure healthy and well-ordered market competition guided by large-scale enterprises.

  26. 行业利益高于企业利益,企业利益孕于行业利益之中Industry’s Interest is Higher than Enterprise’s Enterprise’s Interest Cultivated in Industry • 水泥市场是一个大的系统,只有系统健康了,每个个体才能健康发展。系统不健康,单个企业要健康发展是非常难的,所以我们着眼于把系统健康化,让系统良性化。 The cement market is a big system, the healthy system ensures individual development. We should focus on the benign and health of the industry.

  27. 行业利益高于企业利益,企业利益孕于行业利益之中Industry’s Interest is Higher than Enterprise’s Enterprise’s Interest Cultivated in Industry 去年中国建材在浙江和山东的市场协同就做得非常好,不只是中国建材系统内的企业协同,我们还与区域内其他企业协同,使水泥市场的价格得到恢复性上涨,特别是去年下半年受金融危机影响浙江许多中小企业生存困难的情况下,浙江的水泥企业没有出现大的问题,证明市场协同起了重要作用。 Last year CNBM did good job in Zhejiang and Shandong provinces in terms of market synergy. The cooperation among CNBM’s subsidiaries and other companies in our regional markets boost the recovery of cement price. Due to the financial crisis, many medium and small-scale enterprises in Zhejiang province experienced a tough year. But that is different for cement companies there, which witnessed the importance of market synergy.

  28. 四、合理布局是使市场竞争有序化的 根本方法 Reasonable Layout---the Fundamental Way to Systemize Market’s Competition

  29. 合理布局是使市场竞争有序化的根本方法Reasonable Layoutthe Fundamental Way to Systemize Market’s Competition • 要实现水泥的合理布局,应该关注以下几点: We should focus on the following aspects: • 一是在现有区域里,在水泥生产线集中的区域,要积极淘汰落后产能,限制或禁止上新线,实现布局自我良性化。 The obsolete capacity should be phased out and new lines should be highly restricted to achieve the reasonable layout.

  30. 合理布局是使市场竞争有序化的根本方法Reasonable Layout the Fundamental Way to Systemize Market’s Competition • 二是要限制建设大型熟料生产基地,如果一个地区熟料规模过大,本地市场消化不了,就会长距离辐射进入区域外市场,这样做的后果是容易搞乱市场、破坏市场秩序,带来恶性竞争。 The large-scale clinker manufacture base should be limited to guarantee healthy market competition. As the oversupply of clinker will lead to blind competition.

  31. 合理布局是使市场竞争有序化的根本方法Reasonable Layoutthe Fundamental Way to Systemize Market’s Competition • 三是以5000-6000吨为主、2500-3000吨为辅、个别区域建万吨线的因地制宜的建线方式。 Take cement production lines with capacity of 5000 to 6000 t/d as top priority, and then construct lines of 2500 to 3000 t/d. In some specific region build production line with capacity of 10000 t/d accordingly. • 四是对新型干法水泥产量欠缺的地区,应该由行业协会或宏观管理部门进行布局的监管。 The industrial association and relating governments should be responsible for supervision of cement industry layout in the areas short of NSP.

  32. 五、提升行业价值是可持续发展的关键 Promoting Industry Value is the Key to Sustainable Development

  33. 提升行业价值是可持续发展的关键Promote Industry value is the key to Sustainable Development 长期以来我国的水泥是个微利行业。在社会价值体系中,水泥行业的利益长期受到挤压。 For a long time, cement enterprises make very low profit, and cement industry’s interest has not been recognized. 水泥企业再也不能沿用过去那种扩大自身规模、压低生产成本的行业内部竞争方式,而应该重视整个行业价值的提升,重视寻求提升行业价值的思路和方法。 Chinese cement enterprises should not take in enlarging scale and lowing produce cost ways, we should focus on seeking the thought and way to promote industry value.

  34. 提升行业价值是可持续发展的关键Promote Industry value is the key to Sustainable Development 水泥高度依赖资源和能源,对环境带来较大负荷,为了减少对环境的影响,水泥行业应该朝着集约化方向发展,提高行业的价值和产品附加值。 Cement industry ’s development highly depends on the resources and energy. To reduce the effect on resources, promoting industry value and adding product value are the trend.

  35. 提升行业价值是可持续发展的关键Promote Industry value is the key to Sustainable Development 要学习国外先进经验,在水泥品种和产品结构上进行调整。 We should study the advanced experience, and adjust cement’s variety and frame 一是推进高标号水泥的生产 advance high grade cement 二是大力推广特种水泥 extend special cement 三是大力开发水泥制品 develop cement product

  36. 提升行业价值是可持续发展的关键Promote Industry value is the key to Sustainable Development • 在实施做大做强水泥战略过程中,我们始终坚持区域化市场战略,坚持与行业伙伴和谐共赢的竞争策略,坚持以联合重组为主,新建、扩建为辅的发展策略。在推动资本运作和联合重组两个轮子过程中,我们的战略与文化得到加盟企业的认同,我们致力于推动水泥市场健康化的理念得到不少大型水泥企业的支持与响应。 CNBM focuses on cement regional market strategy, insists the principle of sharing profits with industry partners. Therefore we still execute the main strategy of M&A, with green field as assistant. CNBM’s strategy and culture are recognized by new joined companies and they fully agreed on our philosophy of promoting industry value and keeping on sustainable development.

  37. 提升行业价值是可持续发展的关键Promote Industry value is the key to Sustainable Development 中国建材愿与行业内兄弟企业凝聚共识,通力合作,通过双赢、多赢和共赢,共同开创水泥市场健康发展的新格局。 CNBM wishes to cooperate with industry partners to develop the cement industry towards a new and healthy structure, and share the profits of the industry with all partners. 衷心地感谢水泥企业的创业者们为水泥工业发展做出的艰苦努力,为我们今天的事业打下的坚实基础,也感谢合作伙伴给予我们的信任与支持。 We hereby thank those founders of our cement industry, they build up the foundation for our today’s cement industry, and thank you for the trust from our partners.

  38. 六、总 结 Conclusion

  39. 总结 Conclusion 1、中国建材通过推动资本运营和联合重组两个轮子,实施大水泥区域化战略,水泥业务得到快速成长。 CNBM implements large cement region strategy by capital operation and M&A to promote the rapid development of cement business. 2、中央政府拉动内需投资四万亿给水泥行业带来技术结构调整和组织结构调整的难得机遇,应倍加珍惜。 The 4 trillion stimulate package will cause the technique and organization restructure. We should get hold of the opportunity. 3、多年来水泥行业价值没有随着社会平均价值的增长而增长。 Over many years, the cement industry value did not rise along with the society average value.

  40. 总结 Conclusion 4、水泥行业的成长方式要从追求数量的增长变为追求价值的增长。 Pursing quantity should be replaced by pursing value increase which is meant to be the new way of development. 5、大企业集团要用自律的心态带头维护市场,推进市场健康化。 Large enterprises should take the responsibility of leading the industry to develop in healthy direction. 6、行业的利益高于企业利益,企业利益孕于行业利益之中。 Industry’s interest is higher than enterprise’s,and enterprise’s interest cultivated in industry.

  41. 总结 Conclusion 7、中国水泥行业应形成大企业主导各自战略市场区域的格局。 Chinese cement industry should form proper layout that several large enterprises dominate regional market respectively. 8、合理布局是使市场竞争有序化的根本方法。 The root to achieve well-ordered competition is the proper layout. 9、过度竞争最终将损害行业本身。 Blind competition will eventually harm the industry. 10、提升行业价值是可持续发展的关键。 Promote industry value is the key to sustainable development

  42. 祝 2009’中国国际水泥峰会 圆满成功,谢谢 ! Wish 2009 China International Cement Summit Meeting a Great Success, Thank you!

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