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2013-14 Webinar Series Part 2: Moving Toward Career- and College-Ready Learning Standards

2013-14 Webinar Series Part 2: Moving Toward Career- and College-Ready Learning Standards. Instructional Materials Considerations and Resources Presented by: Jessica Vavrus, OSPI Assistant Superintendent , Teaching and Learning “ These standards are not intended to be

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2013-14 Webinar Series Part 2: Moving Toward Career- and College-Ready Learning Standards

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  1. 2013-14 Webinar Series Part 2: Moving Toward Career- and College-Ready Learning Standards Instructional Materials Considerations and Resources Presented by: Jessica Vavrus, OSPI Assistant Superintendent , Teaching and Learning “These standards are not intended to be new names for old ways of doing business.” (CCSS-M) CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  2. Agenda and Materials: • Quick Updates • State Context and Implications for Classrooms • Instructional Materials Considerations and Resources • Implementation and Communications Resources • Opportunities on the Horizon • Smarter Balanced Updates • Materials for Today Posted Online: • PowerPoint Presentation • “About the IMET” (pdf) from Achieve the Core CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  3. CCSS and NGSSWashington’s Implementation Phases and Timelines CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  4. Washington’s K-12 Learning Standards Landscape(CCSS-M, CCSS-ELA, EALRS, GLEs, PEs,) CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  5. Washington’s K-12 Learning Standards Landscape, Continued(CCSS-M, CCSS-ELA, EALRS, GLEs, PEs,) CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  6. OSPI CCR Quarterly Webinar Series http://www.k12.wa.us/CoreStandards/UpdatesEvents.aspx#Webinar CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  7. Upcoming OSPI Smarter Balanced Informational Webinars (http://www.k12.wa.us/TestAdministration/Trainings/default.aspx) CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14 • Focus: • Smarter Balanced Field Testing in Spring 2014 • General Smarter Balanced Updates • As available – more information on Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments • Audience: • District Assessment Coordinators and Curriculum Leaders • Dates/Times:

  8. Before we begin…some formative information gathering Who is with us today? (poll) How are is your district or building approaching selection of instructional materials aligned with the CCSS? (chat box) What questions are on the top of your mind today? (chat box) CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  9. State Context and Implications for Classrooms CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  10. Washington’s Vision for Education Every Washington public school student will graduate from high school globally competitive for work and postsecondary education and prepared for life in the 21stcentury. CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14 Class of 2011: Bridgeport High School

  11. Career and College Readiness (CCR) for EVERY Student • What is YOUR vision for career and college readiness? • What role do instructional materials serve in reaching this vision? CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  12. Our approach 2-Prongs: • The What: Content Shifts (for students and educators) • The How: System “Remodeling” • HOW do the standards impact your systems? (district, building, classroom) • WHAT will teachers and students need to do differently as a result of the standards? • HOW do instructional materials need to evolve based on refined content and new roles for teachers and students? CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  13. A new vision for Students and Teachers MATH SCIENCE Students and Teachers engaged in real-world applied learning within individual contents and across subjects and programs English language arts CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14 Source: Working Draft, 12-6-11 by Tina Cheuk, ell.stanford.edu

  14. CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  15. Through the lens of building and classroom leaders… CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  16. Classroom Impacts of CCSS and NGSS CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  17. CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  18. Considering Instructional Materials CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  19. Rethinking Instructional Materials and Resources INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Individual lessons and plans Formally adopted or not Full courses Supplemental resources K-12 Core Curricula Teacher-created materials District-created materials/resources Purchased and/or “open” CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14 What do we mean when we talk about “instructional materials”?

  20. CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  21. Implications for Instruction and Student Achievement Critical to spend time learning the standards, understanding the shifts and knowing the progression of learning the standards attend to. Ensure ALL students have opportunities to engage in meaningful learning opportunities grounded in the shifts. CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  22. So…how should we think about reviewing instructional materials? CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14 THEN • Standard-by-Standard alignment • Unique supports for special populations of students Versus…. NOW • Overall quality that attends to the major shifts within the standards And • Deeper connections within the content • Integrated high leverage instructional practices that allow every student access to the CCSS within instructional materials

  23. Rethinking Instructional Materials- Ensure the shifts are present Mathematics: Images, illustrations and pictures only for the purpose of supporting the problems and tasks Significantly fewer pages Technology is used to support learning of concepts—not “just because” Reflects the major work in each grade Rich problems are not at the end of the chapter Embeds formative assessment processes CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  24. how word choice contributes to meaning and tone (RL.8.4) be able to cite textual evidence (RL.8.1) Grade 8: compare and contrast the structure of two or more texts and analyze how the different structure of each text contributes to its meaning and style (RL.8.5). support the assertions (arguments) they make in writing (W.8.1, W.8.9) CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14 Rethinking Instructional Materials- Instructional Materials: Beware of “Checklists”

  25. Rethinking Instructional Materials- The Opportunity of “Checklists” CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14 • NOT to “rate”, but to INFORM… • What do we need more work on seeing? • What do we see and know easily? • What are our strengths? • What are our weaknesses? • How do we know students are getting it?

  26. Resources for Considering Instructional Materials • Achieve the Core’s Instructional Materials Evaluation Toolkit (IMET) • http://www.achievethecore.org/page/783/instructional-materials-evaluation-tool-imet • 4 Tools: • K–8 Mathematics • High School Mathematics* • K–2 English Language Arts* • Combined tool for 3–5 English Language Arts/Literacy & 6–12 English Language Arts. CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  27. IMET / Publishers Criteria (“PC”)/ EQuIP CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14 Organization: Section I — Non-Negotiables: Materials must fully meet all of the non-negotiables at each grade/course to be aligned to the CCSS and to continue to Section II. Section II — Additional Alignment Criteria and Indicators of Quality: The criteria in this section are additional alignment requirements that should be met by materials fully aligned with the CCSS. A higher score in this section indicates that instructional materials are more closely aligned to the CCSS than instructional materials that have a lower score.

  28. The types of tools included within each IMET Toolkit CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  29. IMET/ Publishers Criteria (“PC”)/ EQuIP CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14 • CCSS “PC” • ELA – K-2 and 3-12 • Math – K-8 and High School FYI… • NGSS Guidance – in the works • Consider where we are with NGSS transitions BEFORE jumping to adjustments to instructional materials • OSPI and ESD Network and national partners working on resources on this topic for NGSS transitions

  30. IMET/ Publishers Criteria (“PC”)/ EQuIP CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14 An activity for your teams…. • Review your copy of the Publishers Criteria (the BIG PICTURE OF CONTENT) • Highlight 1-3 components/lines/ sections that stand out to you • Share your choices with your table mates • What makes these things challenging? • Why are they important? • Can you “rank order” them? • What questions do you have? What else do we need to learn?

  31. “PC”/ IMET/ EQuIP CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14 -- Designed to evaluate a unit/ lesson (and identify revision possibilities) -- Not intended to be used for whole courses I. Alignment to the DEPTH in CCSS II. Clear support for the KEY SHIFTS III. Instructional Supports IV. Assessment Components

  32. Let’s take a look! CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14 K-8 Mathematics Tool Grades 3-12 ELA Tool

  33. Instructional Materials—What is available? • Engage NY – Districts Adopting • Achieve the Core – Lessons and Annotated Tasks • Achieve – Exemplar Units and Lessons • Illustrative Mathematics – CCSS-aligned Math tasks K-12 • Basal Alignment Project – CCSS-aligned ELA lessons, assessments, tasks K-12 • Smarter Balanced Practice Test – Examples of computer adaptive items and performance tasks. CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  34. Additional Resources for Considering Instructional Materials • OSPI Instructional Materials Web Site: • http://www.k12.wa.us/CurriculumInstruct/InstructionalMaterialsReview.aspx • OSPI’s Open Educational Resources Project: • http://digitallearning.k12.wa.us/oer/ • Spring 2013 Review of Algebra 1/ Integrated I and ELA Grades 11-12 • Spring 2014 Review of Geometry / Integrated II and ELA Grades 9-10 ALL of these resources can be used to… • Inform materials review and adoption process • Consider existing materials • Facilitate targeted discussions, collaboration, and professional development with publishers and other providers CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  35. Perspectives and Resources from Other States • Louisiana Dept. of Education – Message and ELA and Math Curriculum Review (2012-13) • http://www.louisianabelieves.com/academics/content-and-textbooks • Tennessee Dept. of Education, K-8 ELA Review, Sample Rubric (Handout) • http://www.tn.gov/education/ci/textbook/txtbkmenu.shtml • Hawaii Dept. of Education, ELA Review Rubrics • http://wetserver.net/hcpsv3_staging/cc/common-core.jsp • Indiana Department of Education, K-12 Math Review (2011) • http://www.doe.in.gov/achievement/curriculum/state-review-textbooks-and-curricular-materials • NOTE: This review took place BEFORE the K-8 CCSS Publisher Criteria were developed • Council for Great City Schools: • Basal Alignment Project: http://www.cgcs.org/Page/323 CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  36. Some questions for you… In the chat box… • In your role, how might you consider using these tools? • Is you district in the process of reviewing instructional materials for use and/or formal adoption? • If so, what subjects and grades? CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  37. CCR StandardsImplementation and Communications Resources CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  38. Washington Statewide Coordination and Collaboration to Support Implementation (Professional Learning Providers and Partners Across WA ) • Including: • School Districts (CCSS District Implementation Network) • Higher Education • Education and Educator Content Associations • Business Partners CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  39. Professional Learning Resources: OSPI and ESD Network http://www.k12.wa.us/CoreStandards/ProfDev.aspx CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  40. Add’l Resource Reminders CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14 • For Educators • CCSS Evidence Guides: Common Core-aligned practice made clear (from www.achievethecore.org) • These tools provide specific guidance for what the CCSS for ELA / literacy and math looks like in planning and practice. They are designed as developmental tools for teachers and those who support teachers. http://www.achievethecore.org/leadership-tools-common-core/instructional-practice/ • “Action Briefs” for Building Leaders (from Achieve, Inc.) • Elementary, Secondary, School Counselors and School Librarians (NEW!)

  41. Resources for Communities and Families OSPI’s CCSS Family and Community Resources Web Site: http://www.k12.wa.us/CoreStandards/Families/default.aspx CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  42. Council of the Great City Schools: Parent Roadmaps to the Common Core Standards Take a look! ELA – http://www.cgcs.org/Page/328 Math - http://www.cgcs.org/Page/244 CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  43. Communications Campaign • Audience is public (parents, community, educators, lawmakers) • Build awareness and support for CCSS • Prepare for initial decline in test scores in transition to more rigorous assessments • Counter misinformation/myths • http://www.readywa.org/ CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  44. Opportunities on the Horizon… CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14 • AWSP Common Core Workshops for Principals and Teacher Leaders (in partnership with OSPI and AESD) • Spring 2014 – January – May in Eastern and Western WA • http://wcm.awsp.org/AWSP/Professional_Development/Conferences_and_Training.aspx • CCSS Workshop for District, Building, and Community “Communicators” • Sponsored by Washington State ASCD • February 25, 2014 in Yakima • More information on the way! • Professional Learning Grant Opportunity for School District Teams • Look for Application in March!

  45. Smarter Balanced Updates CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14

  46. A Balanced Assessment System to Improve Teaching & Learning Summative: College and career readiness assessments for accountability Teachers and schools have information and tools they need to improve teaching and learning All students leave high school college and career ready Common Core State Standards specify K-12 expectations for college and career readiness Formative resources: Digital Library with instructional and professional learning resources for educators to improve instruction Interim: Flexible and open assessments, used for actionable feedback

  47. A Balanced Assessment System English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics, Grades 3-8 and High School School Year Last 12 weeks of the year* DIGITAL CLEARINGHOUSE OF FORMATIVE TOOLS, PROCESSES AND EXEMPLARS Released items and tasks; Model curriculum units; Educator training; Professional development tools and resources; Scorer training modules; Teacher collaboration tools; Evaluation of publishers’ assessments. Optional Interim Assessment Optional Interim Assessment • PERFORMANCE TASKS • ELA/Literacy • Mathematics • COMPUTER ADAPTIVE TESTS • ELA/Literacy • Mathematics Computer Adaptive Assessment and Performance Tasks Computer Adaptive Assessment and Performance Tasks Re-take option Scope, sequence, number and timing of interim assessments locally determined *Time windows may be adjusted based on results from the research agenda and final implementation decisions.

  48. Smarter Balanced Timeline – Washington’s Involvement (http://www.k12.wa.us/SMARTER/default.aspx) • OSPI staff involved in workgroups 2010-2014 • Teachers involved in item writing • Sample Items and Performance Tasks – October 2012 (view the OSPI webinar!) • Piloted in Spring 2013 • Practice Tests widely available • Digital Library - State Network of Educators (92 from Washington) will begin vetting resources to populate the library starting Fall 2013 • Vetted resources to be available in late Spring 2014 on Smarter Balanced Web site • Comprehensive field test in 2013-14 • Operational use in 2014-15

  49. CCR Systems Webinar Pt.2-inst.materials.1-8-14 Major Milestones in Development of Summative Assessments ✔ ✔ ✔ Full system run-through; Establish performance standards Early Q.C. of items & software; no student results

  50. You Can Peek Under the Hood…The Smarter Balanced Practice Test Practice Test Link http://sbac.portal.airast.org/Practice_Test/default.html Shows item types and tools/features Now availablefor all grades (3-8, 11) English language arts and math Expanded features released over the summer

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