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PTSD- meddco

Get to know about PTSD disorder- its symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention. Find experts on Meddco to cure PTSD and compare their prices.

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PTSD- meddco

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  1. PTSD


  3. INTRODUCTION Post-traumatic stress disorder also called as PTSD is a disorder caused by failure to recover after experiencing or witnessing a terrified incident or event. It may last for months or even years. The person suffering from it may experienced emotional breakdowns, physical reactions and loss of memory. The people who go through traumatic events or experienced them may find it difficult to adjust and cope up with the present life, this triggers PTSD. Most of the people experiencing trauma gets better with the time by taking good self-care. But if it lasts for months or years & it interfers into your day-to-day activities, then it is assumed that you have PTSD. Studies have shown that the rate of suicide is higher among the people suffering from PTSD. If left untreated PTSD leads to the depression and suicide after that.

  4. SYMPTOMS The symptoms may show up after months or even after years of the traumatic event. These symptoms cause significant effects on social and personal life of the person suffering from PTSD. The symptoms may include, • Recurrent, unwanted memories of the traumatic event. • Upsetting dreams or nightmares. • Severe emotional distress or physical reaction to something that reminds you of that event. • Avoiding places or people that remind you of that event. • Hopelessness, negative thoughts & lack of interest • Difficulty in maintaining close relationships. • Feeling emotionally numb.

  5. SYMPTOMS Self destructive behaviour. Irritability, angry outbursts or aggressive behaviour. Re-enacting the traumatic event or aspect of that event.

  6. CAUSES You develop PTSD after seeing or learning about an event involving death, serious injury or sexual violation. Following are the causes of why some people develop PTSD, • Wars • Serious accidents • Serious health problems • Losing a loved one • Rape • Experiencing near death • Childhood or Domestic abuse • Experiencing a horrific event such as terrorist attack or natural disaster

  7. COMPLICATIONS PTSD can disrupt your whole life including your job, your relationships, your health & enjoyment of every day-to-day activities. People suffering from PTSD may also expose themselves to other mental health issues , such as, • Depression & Anxiety • Excessive use of alcohol or consuming drugs • Eating disorders • Memory loss • Suicidal thoughts and actions

  8. TREATMENT PTSD disorder treatment mostly includes psychotherapy, but can also include medications. Combining these two can get good results Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy is used in almost all cases of PTSD. Some types of psychotherapy are, • Cognitive therapy – It helps the patient identify and challenge negative thoughts and learn self-help strategies. It embarks positive way of thinking in a patient’s mind. • Exposure therapy – This behavioural therapy helps the patient to face both situations and memories that he finds frightening and helps him to cope up with them. • EMDR – Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy combines exposure therapy with a series of guided eye movements that help the patient to process traumatic memories.

  9. TREATMENT Several types of medications help improve symptoms of PTSD, which include, Antidepressants – These medications help to fight symptom of depression & anxiety, they can also help improve sleep problems and concentration. Anti-anxiety medications – These medication can relive anxiety related problems. But some of these medicines have potential for abuse, so they are usually used for shorte period of time. Prazosin – Several studies differ over the use of Prazosin. So it is always advisable to consult your doctor before taking it. This way you can find out whether it will merit your situation or not.

  10. PREVENTION • It may take longer to show results but following your treatment plan surely helps you recover from symptoms of PTSD. • Having a good knowledge about PTSD helps you understand what you are feeling and help you develop strategies. • Taking good care of yourself helps to reduce the symptoms and change your negative mind-set. • Reducing or quitting the use of alcohol & tobacco helps you to stay positive. • Spending time with family, friends or a person you are closed to keeps you away from your negative thoughts. • Consider a support group, where you can share your thoughts and can ease the burden on your heart.

  11. ABOUT MEDDCO meddco.com is India's first digital pricing online platform, where price transparency is the key. At Meddco we provide platform for healthcare provider to promote their healthcare services with dynamic pricing, online doctor's OPD appointment system and health camp promotions. By registering on Meddco for free you'll be able to search for the particular doctor you want, various surgeries and healthcare services among plenty of hospitals. Also, you can compare the prices and quality of services by the user ratings/reviews system to choose the best for you. You can find experts who can help with the symptoms and cure PTSD on our website.

  12. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT US ONhttps://meddco.com/

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