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A Bridge to Your First Computer Science Course

A Bridge to Your First Computer Science Course. Prof. H.E. Dunsmore Inheritance Subclasses Exceptions. Problem. Sometimes classes have related or overlapping functionality Consider a program for keeping track of personnel at the university Need a Person class to keep information

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A Bridge to Your First Computer Science Course

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  1. A Bridge to Your First Computer Science Course Prof. H.E. Dunsmore Inheritance Subclasses Exceptions

  2. Problem • Sometimes classes have related or overlapping functionality • Consider a program for keeping track of personnel at the university • Need a Person class to keep information • But also might want special classes for • Student: to include grades or classes taken • Professor: to include salary and rank

  3. Person Class public class Person { private String name; private String address; public Person(String name, String address) { this.name = name; this.address = address; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getAddress() { return address; } public void setAddress(String address) { this.address = address; } }

  4. Student Class (1) public class Student { private String name; private String address; private String[] classes; private String[] grades; public Student(String name, String address) { this.name = name; this.address = address; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getAddress() { return address; } // continued… Very redundant with Person class

  5. Student Class (2) // continued… public void setAddress(String address) { this.address = address; } public String[] getClasses() { return classes; } public void setClasses(String[] classes) { this.classes = classes; } // and more… } Unique to Student class

  6. Inheritance • Rather than duplicating members (fields and methods) among these classes, Java allows classes to share member definitions in a hierarchical fashion • One class can “extend” another “inheriting” fields and methods from it • Terminology: the “subclass” inherits from the “superclass”

  7. Example • Class Person has fields name, address, as well as accessors and mutators • Class Student “extends” Person • Inherits the fields and methods from Person • Adds classes and grades (and more accessors and mutators) • Class Professor “extends” Person • Inherits the fields and methods from Person • Adds rank and salary (and more accessors and mutators) • Common fields and methods go in Person, and are inherited by its subclasses • Class-specific fields and methods go in their respective class

  8. Student Subclass Subclass only contains the differences public class Student extends Person { private String[] classes; private String[] grades; public Student(String name, String address, String[] classes, String[] grades) { super(name, address); this.classes = classes; this.grades = grades; } public String[] getClasses() { return classes; } public void setClasses(String[] classes) { this.classes = classes; } }

  9. Object Class • One designated class in Java—Object—is the root of all classes • Any class that doesn’t extend another class implicitly extends the Object class • A class can only extend one other class (but can implement multiple interfaces) • Java is a “single inheritance” system • C++ is a “multiple inheritance” system

  10. Subclass Object • Contains its fields as well as all the fields defined in its superclasses Student object name address classes grades Fields defined in Object Fields defined in Person Fields defined in Student

  11. Object Class Methods • The Object class has a small number of public methods. Samples… • clone() – makes a copy of the object • equals(Object e) – compares for equality • toString() – returns a String representation • The toString() method is very handy: • It is called by printf and similar methods when a String is needed (e.g., for printing) • You can override it in your classes to get something more descriptive

  12. Constructor Chaining • When constructing an object of a class, it is important that all the constructors up the inheritance chain have an opportunity to initialize the object under construction • Called constructor chaining • Java enforces constructor chaining by inserting implicit calls to superclass constructors • You can override this behavior by inserting your own calls

  13. Default Constructors • If you don’t provide any constructors in a class, Java provides one for you: public ClassName() { super(); } • The statement “super();” calls the 0-argument constructor in the superclass

  14. Default Chaining If you do provide a constructor… • by default Java inserts the statement super(); • at the beginning to enforce chaining

  15. Explicit Chaining • You can explicitly call a superclass constructor yourself • Useful for passing arguments “up the line” to initialize the object using superclass constructors • See the Student example earlier • Calls super(name, address) • Invokes constructor in Person to initialize these fields

  16. Explicit Chaining • The first step in each constructor is to either • Call another constructor in the current class, or • Call a superclass constructor • To call another constructor, use this(…) • To call a superclass constructor, use super(…) • You can do one or the other but not both • In either case, the argument types are matched with the class constructors to find a match • If no explicit this(…) or super(…) is provided in a constructor, Java automatically calls super() (the superclass constructor with no arguments)

  17. Constructor Complications • If the base class does not have a parameterless constructor, the derived class constructor must make an explicit call, with super(…), to an available constructor in the base class

  18. super() and this() • Recall that this(…) can be used to call another constructor in the current class • If you call this(…), Java does not call super() • OK, since, the constructor you call must either call this(…) or super(…), so super(…) will eventually be called • If specified explicitly, calls to super(…) or this(…) must be the first statement in a constructor—ensures proper initialization by superclass constructors before subclass constructors continue

  19. Wheel Example (1) No “extends”, so implicitly extends Object class public class Wheel { private double radius; public Wheel(double radius) { this.radius = radius; } } public class Tire extends Wheel { private double width; public Tire(double radius, double width) { // super(radius); this.width = width; } } Since constructor provided, no default (0 argument) constructor provided or available. Since no call to super(…) or this(…), Java inserts call to super(), Object constructor If no call to super(…), Java inserts call to super(), which doesn’t exist. Result -> syntax error

  20. Wheel Example (1) public class Wheel { private double radius; public Wheel(double radius) { this.radius = radius; } } public class Tire extends Wheel { private double width; public Tire(double radius, double width) { super(radius); this.width = width; } } With call to super(…), superclass constructor called with specified argument

  21. Terminology • Student extends Person • Student is a subclass of Person • Person is a superclass of Student • Person is the parent class, Student is the child class • Person is the base class, Student is the derived class • Superclass/subclass may be counterintuitive since the subclass has more “stuff” than the superclass • Instead, think “superset/subset”. Objects in class Student are a subset of objects in class Person

  22. Reminder: Java Access Modifiers • Can apply to members: fields and methods • Modifiers control access to members from methods in other classes • This list is from least to most restrictive:

  23. Subclass Access • Subclasses cannot access private fields in their superclasses • Two options: • Leave as is; provide accessors and/or mutators • Change private to protected • Protected allows subclass access to superclass fields (even if the subclass is in a different package) • General advice: use accessors and mutators

  24. Overriding Methods • A subclass method with same signature as a superclass method overrides the superclass method • Subclass method executed instead of superclass method • Useful to change the behavior of a method when applied to a subclass object • A method that is not overridden is inherited by (available to) the subclass

  25. Accessing Overridden Methods • Overridden methods can also be accessed using super: super.method(…)

  26. Overriding Methods public class Person { public void display() { System.out.println(name,address); } } public class Student extends Person { public void display() { System.out.println(name,address,classes,grades); } } public class Student extends Person { public void display() { super.display(); System.out.println(classes,grades); } }

  27. The instanceof Operator • It is possible to determine if an object is of a particular class (or subclass) • The expression… (objectAinstanceOfClassB) • …evaluates true if the object referenced by objectA is an instance of the class ClassB • ("hello" instanceofString) is true

  28. What to do when an error occurs? • Old style: return an “error code” • Caller must check on each call • Did the method return an error? • Requires a special value to indicate error • Example: • open(“file.txt”) in C returns a “file descriptor” that allows reading from the file • Returns -1 (an invalid file descripter) if open fails • Programmer must remember to check for -1

  29. Java Approach: Exceptions • Write code without worrying about checking for errors • When an error is detected, an exception is “thrown”… • Java system stops execution of the current method • Searches for an “exception handler” to deal with the problem • Search begins in the current method and continues to • caller -> caller’s caller -> caller’s caller’s caller -> • …-> main -> …

  30. The Call Stack Currently executing method method4 method3 Each method “frame” on the “stack” contains storage for the parameters and local variables of the method method2 Methods waiting for called method to complete method1 main

  31. Searching for a Handler Exception occurs here method4 method3 Java searches for an exception handler starting with the current method, then caller, caller’s caller, etc. Each method can either “catch” the exception or “throw” it on to its caller method2 method1 main

  32. Catching an Exception: Basic Syntax Basic syntax of the try-catch statement… try { statements-that-might-throw-exception; } catch (Exception e) { statements-to-recover-from-exception; } Note: “Exception” is a class name, not a reserved word; e is an object reference. try clause catch clause

  33. Passing the Buck: Throws A method can declare that it throws an exception without catching it… public void doit(int x) throws Exception { statements-that-might-throw-an-exception; } Note: “throws” is a keyword, “Exception” is a class name New syntax No try-catch needed!

  34. Exception Class • Exceptions are objects • The exception object is an instance of • class Exception, or • a subclass of Exception • Created using new (just like any object) • Two useful methods… • e.getMessage() get the associated text message • e.printStackTrace() prints the current call stack

  35. Exception Class Hierarchy Exception IOException YourException FileNotFoundException RuntimeException NullPointerException ArithmeticException IndexOutOfBoundsException

  36. Checked vs. Unchecked Exceptions • The RuntimeException class and its subclasses are “unchecked” exceptions: • Generally indicate program or JVM error (null pointer, arithmetic, invalid array index, etc.) • Typically: no recovery is possible; program crashes • All other Exceptions are “checked” • Generally indicate “user” error (e.g., file not found) • Must check for them (try-catch or throws) • Typically: recoverable (e.g., prompt user again)

  37. EOF: Unchecked Exception import java.util.Scanner; public class EOF { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); while (true) { String word = s.next(); System.out.println(word); } } } Throws NoSuchElementException at end of file

  38. EOF: Catching NoSuchElement import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; public class EOF { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); while (true) { try { String word = s.next(); System.out.println(word); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { System.out.printf("NoSuchElementException: %s\n”,e.getMessage()); break; } } } }

  39. Scanner: Catching FileNotFound import java.util.Scanner; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; public class LineCounter { public static void main(String[] args) { File f = new File(args[0]); try { Scanner s = new Scanner(f); int c = 0; while (s.hasNextLine()) { s.nextLine(); c++; } System.out.printf("read %d lines from file %s\n", c, f); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.printf("Exception: %s\n", e.getMessage()); } } }

  40. Making Your Own Exception Class public class StudentNotFoundException extends Exception { public StudentNotFoundException (String message) { super (message); } } public class FindStudent { public int search(String studentID) throws StudentNotFoundException { if (...) { throw new StudentNotFoundException (studentID); } } }

  41. Catching Multiple Exceptions • It is possible to catch multiple exceptions from one try • Catches must be ordered from lowest subclass to highest superclass try { … statements-that-may-throw-exceptions; } catch (StudentNotFoundException e) { // code to handle number format } catch (NullPointerException e) { // code to handle null pointer } catch (Exception e) { // code to handle all other exceptions }

  42. Finally Clause • Finally, if present, a “finally” clause is executed after all other try/catch statements • The finally clause is guaranteed to execute, even if earlier clause returns

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