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DHEA enhances effects of weight training on muscle mass and strength in elderly women and men

DHEA enhances effects of weight training on muscle mass and strength in elderly women and men<br>ABSTRACT<br>Plasma dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) levels and the form of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEAS) decrease to 80 percent from 25 to 75 years. With ageing also, muscle mass and strength decrease. Published data on the effects on muscle mass and strength of DHEA replacement are

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DHEA enhances effects of weight training on muscle mass and strength in elderly women and men

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  1. DHEA enhances effects of weight training on muscle mass and strength in elderly women and men ABSTRACT Plasma dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) levels and the form of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEAS) decrease to 80 percent from 25 to 75 years. With ageing also, muscle mass and strength decrease. Published data on the effects on muscle mass and strength of DHEA replacement are inconsistent. The aim of this study was to determine if replacement of DHEA increases muscle mass and strength and/or increases the effects of heavy stress in women and men. During the last four months of the study of effects 10 ml DHEA replacement therapy, we performed a random, twice-blind, placebo controlled study using weight-lifting training (DHEA + exercise group, n= 29; placebo + exercise group, n = 27). The strength or thigh muscle volume of DHEA alone did not increase significantly at 6 months. However, the effect of 4 months of weight-lift workout on muscle strength was potentiated by DHEA therapy, measured by magnetic resonance pictures by one-repetition maximum measurement and cybex dynamometry, and by thigh muscle volume. In response to DHEA substitution, serum-like growth factor concentration increased. This study shows that DHEA replacement improves muscle mass and strength caused by strong resistance in elderly people and has the beneficial effect of improving muscle mass. DHEAS and its form sulfated are present in people in much higher plasma concentrations than in other steroid hormones, which are considerably higher than in any other human steroid (22). Over 99 percent of plasma hormone is present as DHEAS, which is steroidally converted into DHEA (21). DHEA and DHEAS [DHEA(S)] are secreted in human and closely connected primate species by the zone reticularis of the adrenal cortex only. DHEA(S) adrenal

  2. production starts with puberty and peaks at age 20. Beginning at the age of 25, plasma DHEA(S) starts to decrease significantly and quickly, with the plasma DHEA(S) level at the age of 75 years down from 25 years to around 80%. The remarkable decline in DHEA(S) at age has led to a considerable concern about the possibility of the development, in addition to the development of aging-related disease processes, of DHEA(S) deficiency playing an important part in the deteriorated metabolic and physical functions. A gradual decline in muscle mass and strength, which can lead to a fragility, is one of the changes that occurs when aging. There has been no definitive identification of the mechanisms responsible for this loss of muscle, which leads to sarcopenia. However, anabolic hormones, growth factors and physical activity are likely to decrease as one of the contributing factors. There are conflicting data on the effects that DHEA substitution has on muscle mass and strength. Morales et al. reported that in 8 men but not 10 women aged 50- 60 years 6 mg of treatment with 100 mg DHEA per day increased muscular strength. Diamond et al. reported 10 per cent DHEA cream in skin for a daily 12 mo increase in the area of femoral muscle scans for 15 women between 60 and 70 years. However, Percheron et al. found in an extensive study involving 140 men and 150 women between the ages of 60 and 80 years that for a year 50 mg of DHEA daily had no effect on the thigh muscle area (MRI), or strength (MMRI). There has been no previous report of the interaction between DHEA replacement and high strength exercise. The replacement of DHEA causes minor increases in insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and testosterone levels and the anti-glucocorticoid effect of DHEA has been reported. While these effects may not be enough to increase the muscle weight or strength in sedentary patients, the reaction to weight training seemed likely. The objectives of this study were to determine if DHEA substitution for older men and women increases muscle weight and force and/or improves muscle mass and strength effects of a heavy-strength exercise. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS The study was approved by the institutional review board of the Washington School of Medicine. Informed, written consent to participate in a study was provided to study participants.

  3. In a study of DHEA replacement therapy plus resistance practice training, both men and women aged 65-78 years have been recruited from the community by direct mailing and mass media. There were 136 screenings of the volunteers. The test included a medical history, physical exams, blood chemistry analyzes, a urinalysis and a mammography analysis for men with prostate species antigen (PSA). Exclusion criteria include hormone-based therapy, hormone-based neoplasia history, ASP >2,6 ng/ml and active, serious diseases in the last year. Of the 136 volunteers examined, 33 have been excluded because they do not fulfill our criteria of eligibility. Another 39 opted not to take part. The remaining 64 volunteers have been allocated a randomly stratified randomized sex permuting process for receiving DHEA or placebo using a computer generated block. In addition, 56 of our randomized volunteers participated in our research on the effects on abdominal fat and insulin action of 6 mB of DHEA replacement. None of the people smoked. Those who took drugs were medicated for at least 6 ml for stable use. None of the volunteers regularly practiced, but all kept their body weight stable (±2 kg last year). STUDY DESIGN In the last 4 m of the study, we carried out a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studio of the effects of 10 mg DHEA alternatives therapy by adding weight-lifting training. DHEA or placebo were taken daily for 10 mos. participants For the last 4 mo of the course, all participants had weight training three times a week. The justification for starting weight training following 6 mo DHEA replacement was to allow the effects of DHEA per se to be distinguished from that of DHeA on the response to weight training instead of simultaneously with the dHEA therapy. DHEA REPLACEMENT THERAPY AND RANDOMIZATION DHEA had been taken at bedtime at a dosage of 50 mg/day. We bought the DHEA and the Life Extension Foundation placebo capsules (Fort Lauderdale, FL). In the same appearance were placebo and active capsules. A member of the Division of Medicine Biostatistics of the Washington University School

  4. developed the randomization algorithm and a researcher who did not interact. The participants, the individuals who performed experiments, the person who dispensed the capsules and the evaluators of the results were blinded to the group assignment. Conformity was monitored at monthly intervals by the pill counts. WEIGHTLIFTING PROGRAM A closely supervised weight training program was held for all participants. Three sessions each week were supposed to be completed and skipped, meaning that at least 48 sessions of weight training had to be conducted by each of the participants. The workouts were carried out by exercise technicians in our testing lab. The course consisted of nine exercises performed using the squat rack and Hoist machine (squats, leg presses, kne extension, knee bending, rows, straight line, seated chest presses, curl biceps and triceps) (Hoist Fitness Systems, San Diego, CA). The overall 1-RMs is calculated so the information required to change the strengths of the workout was provided, i.e. the amount of weight elevated during the workouts as the participants became more potent. Initially, two sets of each exercise were used to complete the weightlifting sessions, enabling six-eight repetitions of each exercise to be done by a total of 65% of 1-RM per exercise. After the 6- wk they have moved up to 3 sets of 8-12 replicates carried out with an initial 1-RM of 185 percent. Get to know more…

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