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Gang Violence Prevention in the African American Community By: Christin Anderson

Gang Violence Prevention in the African American Community By: Christin Anderson.

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Gang Violence Prevention in the African American Community By: Christin Anderson

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  1. Gang Violence Prevention in the African American CommunityBy: Christin Anderson • The current social issue of gang violence in the African American societies is a growing concern in American cities around the country. Research has shown that understanding why youth join gangs and using proper preventative programs can be very beneficial. • Research has proven that early prevention involving schools, parents, and the community together can help children avoid joining gangs and involving themselves in delinquent behaviors.

  2. Brainstorm Ideas for Intervention Research Supporting Reason for Change In order to prevent youth from joining gangs, communities must strengthen families and schools, improve community supervision, train teachers and parents to manage disruptive youth, and to teach students interpersonal skills. Schools must work very closely with law enforcement to share information on gang activity since what happens in the community spills over into the schools and vice versa. • Research shows that most prevention programs that are in place today are for middle school aged children only. • There are intervention programs in schools today that involve both the school and police officers to teach these programs.

  3. Strategy for Addressing the Identified Issue Outline of Intervention Start small by implementing a monthly newsletter and then hold meetings involving law enforcement and school officials to start strategizing a plan for the school. Since research shows that children need prevention early, I would target getting newsletters out to families with fourth, fifth and sixth graders. • An awareness preventive program that would benefit students inside the education system would be beneficial to not only teachers and school officials, but to the community as well. • Teachers with permission and guidance would run this program from the school district and Principal.

  4. Costs for Intervention Resistance to Intervention First issue newsletters and hold staff meetings to bring awareness The next step would involve generating surveys to parents and then starting monthly community meetings that would involve the parents, teachers, and law enforcement guidance. • Since this type of program would most likely be implemented in a high delinquent, low-income community, it would have to involve minimal cost. • I feel that bringing awareness would be the best step to take since I have not had any luck with finding something at minimal costs.

  5. Support for Intervention Websites for Programs: www.nationalgangcenter.gov/SPT www2.dsgonline.com/mpg www.colorado.edu/cspv/index.html http://nrepp.samhsa.gov www2ed.gov/admins/lead/safety/exemplary01/index.html http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc • The teachers I interviewed said they would support a program like this as long as there is a concern in that particular community. • There are many organizations out there that support early prevention and interventions to gang violence. Some of them are law enforcement taught programs like the G.R.E.A.T program.

  6. Bibliography References • Farrington, R. L. (1999). Serious & Violent Juvenile Offenders. Risk Factors and Successful Interventions . Children & Society , 13, 405-415. • Howell, J. C. (2010). Gang Prevention: An overview of Research and Programs. Retrieved from Juvenile Justice Bulletin: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/231116.pdf • Trump, K. (2012). Gangs & School Safety. Retrieved from National School Safety and School Services: http://www.schoolsecurity.org/trends/gangs.html

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