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Q-DETECT CALL FP7-KBBE-2009-3 Work P ackage 6 - Acoustics

Q-DETECT CALL FP7-KBBE-2009-3 Work P ackage 6 - Acoustics. • background : Bioacoustic methods for detection of wood boring insect pests exploit the sounds that are generated as a by - product of eating and the locomotion of

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Q-DETECT CALL FP7-KBBE-2009-3 Work P ackage 6 - Acoustics

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  1. Q-DETECT CALL FP7-KBBE-2009-3Work Package 6 - Acoustics • background: Bioacousticmethodsfordetectionofwoodboringinsectpestsexploitthe soundsthat are generated as a by-productofeatingandthelocomotionof theirlarvae. Earlydetection is aimed at limitingthespreadoftheinfestation. - to create a databaseofsoundfilesfortarget pest species (a library to enabletheiridentification) - to employ laser vibrometry as a novel methodfordetectionofwoodboringpests - to evaluateandcomparebioacoustictechniquesdevelopedfordetection ofwoodboringinsects (microphone & laser vibrometer) - to developcomputeralgorithmsbased on microphonerecordings •objectives: Partners: National Institute of Biology, Ljubljana, Slovenia Federal Forest Research Centre, Vienna, Austria Q-Detect EPPO Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2013

  2. Pine Sawyer (Monochamusgalloprovincialis, Monochamus sp.) • targetspecies: Red Palm Weevil (RPW, Rhynchophorusferrugineous) AsianLonghornBeetle (ALB, Anoplophoraglabripennis) • hosts: 1. deciduous trees (Acer, Populus, Ulmus …), 2. cut wood 3. wood packaging material host: Pinus sylvestris, P. nigra, P. pinaster … vector of pine wilt disease! Two preferred host palms: - Canary Island Date Palm (Phoenix canariensis) - (true) Date Palm (P. dactylifera) (ports – pointsofentry!) •measuring instruments: portable digital laser vibrometer (PDV-100, Polytec, Waldbronn, Germany) microphone Q-Detect EPPO Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2013

  3. Anoplophora glabripennis (Cerambycidae) TheAsianlonghornbeetleattacksmainlyhealthytrees. Hostsincludebroadleaftreespecies, mostlymaple, butalsobeech, horsechestnut, poplar, birch, willowetc. Females tend to live longer than males, 14-66 days compared to 3-50 days respectively.ALB may have one or two generations per year. Theycan overwinter as an egg, larva or pupa. ALB fly for 2 to 3 days after emergence while mating and feeding. Adult ALB are usuallypresent from May to October. A single female can lay 30 to 70 eggs in her lifetime. After 10-15 days, the eggs hatch and the larvae tunnel into the wood. The adults burrow out of the tree, leaving round exit holes 6-18 mm in diameter. adult larva damage caused by larvae exit holes of adults damage caused by feeding adults www.invasive.org/gist/photos/ Q-Detect EPPO Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2013

  4. The pine sawyer Monochamus galloprovincialis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Monochamusbeetleattacksmainlyweakened trees, but when abundant it can also attack healthy trees weakened by the complementary feeding of adults and incisions made by females. Heavy larval feeding causes the death of trees and lowers the timber value. Monochamusgalloprovincialisis the vector of the pathogenic nematode Bursaphelenchusxylophilus. Insects require 10 to 13 months to develop and have a single generation per year. The emergence occurs from May to September with a peak in July. Females lay eggs from May to August and the young larvae have an extremely fast development before tunneling into the xylem, where they overwinter. adult vectorfor a pinewilt nematode, Bursaphelenchusxylophilus larva whichcausespinewiltdisease: damagecausedbylarvae Q-Detect EPPO Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2013

  5. Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) The red palm weevil Preferredhosts: canarydate palm date palm andcoconut palm. Severalgenerationsoflarvae maybepresent in one palm tree; the RPW will not leavethe palm as long as there is stillenough foodforthedeveloping larvae. While the adults cause some damage through feeding, it is the burrowing of the larva into the heart of the palm that can cause the greatest mortality.Severallifecyclesmay becompleted in one year, depending on theclimate. adult life cycle larva palm tree dying off due to RPW infestation the base of leaf attacked by the RPW cocoon Q-Detect EPPO Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2013

  6. OTHER POSSIBLE SOURCES OF LARVAL SOUNDS – BREATHING, SCRAPING MANDIBLES AGAINST THE BARK, STRIDULATION? Soundproduction in larvaeofCerambycidaeis a rarephenomenondescribed in onlyfewspecies. Larvaeprobablyemitthesoundsbythescratchingof mandiblesagainstthegallerywalls (or knockingofthe headagainstthewalloflarvalburrow) (Kočárek, 2009; VictorssonandWikars, 1996; Izumi etal., 1990). Why do we do it? • sounds directed to the larvae of the • same species for the purpose of holding together or expressing claim of space; • helps the larva secure resources by keeping away other potentially competitive larvae (canibalistic behaviour among larvae of M. sutor when placed in close contact confirmed this assumtion). No mention of larval stridulation in either Curculionidae or Cerambycidae family found in the literature. Wessel (2006): Stridulation in theColeoptera – An Overview (In: InsectSoundsandCommunication; Drosopoulous, Claridge (eds.); CRC Press) Q-Detect EPPO Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2013

  7. ALB • Recordingsweremadefromwoodthatwascut as a part ofaneradicationprogramme in theVenetoregionof N Italyandkept in thequarantineroom at theFederalForestResearch Centre in Vienna (BFW). Anoplophora glabripennis 2 ms A clip of an ALB recording from a Populus sp. log. ALB bites short duration: 1.5-2 ms; max intensity at 8-10 kHz. Several pulses are sometimes merged into a longer signal. 22 kHz 0 kHz Q-Detect EPPO Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2013

  8. RPW Rhynchophorus ferrugineous •in Sloveniatherewasonly one caseof RPW infestation so far (2009); • recordingsof RPW activitywerethuscarriedoutabroad; two most successfulfield trips tookplace in June 2011 (Italy) andMarch 2012 (Israel). •Bari, Italy, June 2011: In cooperationwith IAMB (MediterraneanAgronomic Institute of Bari) andUniversityof Bari recordingswerecarriedout on severalinfestedPhoenix canariensistrees in urban Bari; Additionally, eightP. canariensisleaveswerecollectedand one RPW larva wasinsertedinsideeachrachis (petiole); vibrationswererecordedwiththe laser vibrometerfromthesurfaceofleaves. Q-Detect EPPO Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2013

  9. RPW Rhynchophorus ferrugineous •BeitDagan, Israel, March 2012: In cooperationwiththe 7th FP Palm Protect (Dr. Victoria Soroker), recordingsweremade on pottedDateandCanaryPalms at theVolcani Center oftheAgriculturalResearchOrganisation (ARO). Q-Detect EPPO Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2013

  10. slidecourtesyof: Dr. Victoria Soroker, Dr. Amots Hetzroni, ARO, Israel Q-Detect EPPO Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2013

  11. short: ‘clicks’ duration: 1-4 ms main signal energy lies between: 3-8 kHz long: ‘rasps’ duration: ca. 450 ms main signal energy lies between: 2-3 kHz AND RPW sounds "click" "rasp" Q-Detect EPPO Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2013

  12. Advantages/ disadvantagesofthe laser vibrometercompared to themicrophone • Contraryto accelerometers, microphones or other bioacousticsensors,laservibrometers are completely non-contact and as suchare not affected by theproperties of the test surface.Zeroloadingofthe test surface alsomeansthatthemechanicalproperties of themeasurementsurfaceare notmodified in anywayduring therecording. • Microphones, forexample, lack a completecouplingwiththe substrate andthereforedetectalsotheairbornecomponentofheemittedstructure-borne signals. Theydemandamplification → thesignalsthat are picked up are inevitablymaskedbytheenvironmentalairbornenoise. • Thelaser vibrometer, however, recordsonly substrate-borne vibrations. • LVis characterized by high sensitivity and a broad frequency range between 0 and 22 kHz, • robustness and • a working distance of several meters to the tested surface, which expands recording posibilities in relation to previously used acoustic methods for detection of wood boring insects. PDV-100 ideal foruse in thefield: - lightweight (2.6 kg) portable laser vibrometers, - veryrobust - 4h battery time disadvantage: laservibrometers are expensive but with their wide use in measurementswhereconventional sensors may be difficult or impossible, their price is decreasing and they willbecomemore and more accessiblefor use in science and applications. Q-Detect EPPO Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2013

  13. OVERVIEW • largedatabasesof laser recorded • soundfilesfor ALB (Anoplophora • glabripennis) and RPW • (Rhynchophorusferrugineus) are • established • information on theuncertainties, • quality (sensitivity/specificity) and • fullprotocolsfor RPW and ALB • detectionwereprovidedto WP2 • - collaborationwith Palm Protect • project is wellestablishedthrough • Dr. Victoria Soroker of ARO, Israel. 4x 21x 4x *Maximumrecording time required to detectifthe pest is active. Q-Detect EPPO Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2013

  14. Futurework • 1. Disseminationevents/Workshops: • Brussels, January 2013 (DG SANCO) • Ljubljana, February 2013 (EPPO Workshop) • 2. Publicationofworkin • EPPO Journal; • SCI Journals (J EconEntom, …), • 3. Create a taskforce(withAnalogueElectronicDepts. at faculties or SMEsthatspecialize • in anal. elec.) andsearchforsuitablefundingschemes to fundthecontinuationoftheproject. Q-Detect EPPO Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2013

  15. Acknowledgements ITALY Servizio Fitosanitario Regionedel VenetoDr. Marco Vettorazzo StefanoPalmieri Univesitàdi PadovaDr. Andrea Battisti Dr. MassimoFaccoli ServizioForestalediTrevisoMicheleCoppe Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo di BariDr.Anna Maria D’Onghia Univesitàdi BariFrancesco Porcelli ISRAEL Agricultural Research Organization,The VolcaniCenterDr. Victoria Soroker Dr. Amos Mizrach Dr. Amots Hetzroni GERMANY Sejona R&DDr. Sebastian Hübner AUSTRIA BFW Ing. Martin Brandstetter Dr. Christian Tomiczek PhilipMenschorn SLOVENIA NIB, Dept. ofEntomologyProf. Dr. Andrej Čokl Dr. Maja Zorović Jernej Polajnar Q-Detect EPPO Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2013


  17. Laser vibrometer Microphone * observer decides the tree IS infested ** observer decides the tree IS NOT infested slidecourtesyof: Dr. Victoria Soroker, Dr. Amots Hetzroni, ARO, Israel Q-Detect EPPO Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, February 2013

  18. Lucanus cervus (stag beetle) LARVAL STRIDULATION The stridulatory apparatus of stag beetle larvae consists of a pars stridens (file) on the coxae on the middle legs and a plectrum (scraper) on the trochanter of the hind legs. The larvae rub these parts, in their middle and hind legs, together to produce a sound. The sound is a very short rattle, repeated once or twice. It lasts ca. 1 second and the sound frequency is about 11 kHz. http://maria.fremlin.de/stagbeetles/stridulation.html

  19. Sebastian Hübner: BFW study 1. DO LARVAE STRIDULATE? 2. DO PUPAE STRIDULATE? stridulation larva RPW overviewWessel (2006): Stridulation in theColeoptera – An Overview (In: InsectSoundsandCommunication; Drosopoulous, Claridge (eds.)) Stridulation in larvaemaxillo-mandibularCetoniidae, Dynastidae, Melolonthiade, Ruteliade mesocoxa-hind leg Passalidae, Geotrupidae metatrochanto-mesocoxalLucanidae Stridulation in pupaegin-trapsoftergites 1 to 6 Dynastidae Monochamus sutor larva Sequenz mit 47 breitbandigenStridulationslautenin Folge. Die Länge der Sequenz beträgt fast vier Minuten. Drei breitbandige Stridulationslaute in Folge No mention of larval stridulation in either Curculionidae or Cerambycidae family found in literature.

  20. largedatabasesof laser recorded • soundfilesfor ALB (Anoplophora • glabripennis) and RPW • (Rhynchophorusferrugineus) • collaborationwith • Palm Protectproject 4x 21x *Maximum recording time required to detect if the pest is active. 4x

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