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Splash Screen. Chapter Introduction Section 1: The Roots of Progressivism Section 2: Roosevelt and Taft Section 3: The Wilson Years Visual Summary. Chapter Menu. The Roots of Progressivism Why did many citizens call for reforms?. Chapter Intro 1. The Rise of Progressivism.

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  1. Splash Screen

  2. Chapter Introduction Section 1:The Roots of Progressivism Section 2:Roosevelt and Taft Section 3:The Wilson Years Visual Summary Chapter Menu

  3. The Roots of Progressivism Why did many citizens call for reforms? Chapter Intro 1

  4. The Rise of Progressivism Progressives tried to solve the social problems that arose as the United States became an urban, industrialized nation. Section 1

  5. The Rise of Progressivism (cont.) • Progressivism was a series of responses to problems in American society that had emerged from the growth of industry. • Facts about progressives: • Their ideas were a reaction against laissez-faire economics and its emphasis on an unregulated market. • They believed that industrialization and urbanization had created many social problems. Section 1

  6. The Rise of Progressivism (cont.) • They belonged to both major political parties. • Most were urban, educated, middle-class Americans. • They believed that government had to be fixed before it could fix other problems. • They had a strong faith in science and technology. Section 1

  7. The Rise of Progressivism (cont.) • Among the first people to articulate progressive ideas was a group of crusading journalists who investigated social conditions and political corruption, also called muckrakers. • Photojournalist Jacob Riis highlighted the plight of immigrants living in New York City in his book How the Other Half Lives. • Lincoln Steffens exposed corruption in urban political machines. Section 1

  8. The Rise of Progressivism (cont.) • Ida Tarbell exposed the competitive business practices of Standard Oil • One of the first “investigative” reporters • 2 year series of articles in McClure magazine draw the ire of the American public and the attention of Teddy Roosevelt as the great trust buster (or is it regulator??) Section 1

  9. Reforming Society Many progressives focused on social welfare problems such as child labor, unsafe working conditions, and alcohol abuse. Section 1

  10. Reforming Society (cont.) • Many progressives agreed that big business needed regulation. • The Sherman Antitrust Act and the Interstate Commerce Commission both helped with regulation. • Some progressives even advocated socialism—the idea that the government should own and operate industry for the community. Section 1

  11. Reforming Society (cont.) • Many adult workers also labored in difficult conditions, so some changes went into effect. • The Triangle Waistshirt Factory Fire was instrumental in the Progressive Movement. • Probably the most emotional progressive issue was the campaign against child labor. Section 1

  12. Reforming Society (cont.) • Some of the changes included: • Workers’ compensation laws • Zoning laws • Building and health codes • Government regulation of business to protect workers Section 1

  13. Reforming Society (cont.) • The temperance movement emerged from the concern that alcohol explained many of society’s problems. • This movement later pressed for prohibition. Section 1

  14. Reforming Government Progressives tried to make government more efficient and more responsive to citizens. Section 1

  15. Reforming Government (cont.) • One group of progressives focused on making government more efficient by using ideas from business. • Progressives supported two proposals to reform city government: • The first, a commission plan, divided city government into several departments, each one under an expert commissioner’s control. New Types of Government Section 1

  16. Reforming Government (cont.) • The second approach was a council-manager system. • Another group of progressives focused on making the political system more democratic and more responsive to citizens. New Types of Government Section 1

  17. Reforming Government (cont.) • Led by Republican governor Robert M. La Follette, Wisconsin became a model of progressive reform. • He attacked the way political parties ran their conventions and pressured the state legislature to pass a law requiring parties to hold a direct primary. Section 1

  18. Reforming Government (cont.) • Progressives also pushed for three additional reforms: the initiative, the referendum, and the recall. • To counter Senate corruption, progressives called for direct election of senators by the states’ voters. • In 1913, the Seventeenth Amendment was added to the Constitution. Section 1

  19. Suffrage Many progressives joined the movement to win voting rights for women. Section 1

  20. Suffrage (cont.) • The debate over the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments split the suffrage movement into two groups: • The New York City-based National Woman Suffrage Association • The Boston-based American Woman Suffrage Association The Woman Suffrage Movement Section 1

  21. Suffrage (cont.) • This split weakened the movement, and by 1900 only four states had granted women full voting rights. • In 1890, the two groups united to form the National American Women Suffrage Association (NAWSA). • Alice Paul left NAWSA and formed the National Woman’s Party so that she could use protests to confront Wilson on suffrage. Section 1

  22. Suffrage (cont.) • In 1915 Carrie Chapman Catt became NAWSA’s leader and tried to mobilize the suffrage movement in one final nationwide push. • On August 26, 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment went into effect. Woman Suffrage, 1869–1920 Section 1

  23. Roosevelt and Taft What were the policies and achievements of the Roosevelt and Taft presidencies? Chapter Intro 2

  24. Roosevelt Revives the Presidency Theodore Roosevelt, who believed in progressive ideals for the nation, took on big business. Section 2

  25. Roosevelt Revives the Presidency (cont.) • Roosevelt’s reform programs became known as the Square Deal. • To Roosevelt, it was not inconsistent to believe in Social Darwinism and progressivism at the same time. • Roosevelt believed that trusts and other large business organizations were very efficient and part of the reason for America’s prosperity. • However, he also wanted to ensure that trusts did not abuse their power. Section 2

  26. Roosevelt Revives the Presidency (cont.) • Roosevelt also believed that it was his job to keep society operating efficiently by mediating conflicts between different groups and their interests. • He urged the United Mine Workers (UMW) and mine owners to accept arbitration. Section 2

  27. Roosevelt Revives the Presidency (cont.) • In 1903, Roosevelt convinced Congress to create the Department of Commerce and Labor to investigate corporations and publicize the results. • However, he later agreed to advise the companies privately and allow them to correct their problems without taking them to court. • Therefore, Roosevelt was able to regulate big business without sacrificing economic efficiency. Section 2

  28. Roosevelt Revives the Presidency (cont.) • In keeping with his belief in regulation, Roosevelt pushed the Hepburn Act through Congress in 1906. • By 1905 consumer protection had become a national issue. • Many Americans were equally concerned about the food they ate. • In 1906 Upton Sinclair published his novel The Jungle, which resulted in the Meat Inspection Act being passed in 1906. Section 2

  29. Roosevelt Revives the Presidency (cont.) • The Pure Food and Drug Act passed the same day. Section 2

  30. Conservation New legislation gave the federal government the power to conserve natural resources. Section 2

  31. Conservation (cont.) • Roosevelt put his stamp on the presidency most clearly in the area of environmental conservation. • In 1902, Roosevelt supported passage of the Newlands Reclamation Act, which paid for irrigation and land development projects in the West. Section 2

  32. Conservation (cont.) • Roosevelt also backed efforts to save the nation’s forests through careful management of the timber resources of the West. • He appointed Gifford Pinchotto head the United States Forest Service, established in 1905. Section 2

  33. A B C Under Roosevelt, the power of which branch of government dramatically increased? A.Legislative B.Executive C.Judicial Section 2

  34. Taft’s Reforms William Howard Taft broke with progressives on tariff and conservation issues. Section 2

  35. Taft’s Reforms (cont.) • William Howard Taft called Congress into a special session to lower tariff rates. • The tariff debate divided progressives, and in the end, Taft signed into law the Payne-Aldrich Tariff, which cut tariffs hardly at all and actually raised them on some goods. Section 2

  36. Taft’s Reforms (cont.) • Many progressives were unhappy when Taft replaced Roosevelt’s secretary of the interior, James R. Garfield, an aggressive conservationist, with Richard A. Ballinger, a more conservative corporate lawyer. • Gifford Pinchot charged Ballinger with having once plotted to turn over valuable public lands in Alaska to a private business group for personal profit. Section 2

  37. Taft’s Reforms (cont.) • Taft’s attorney general decided the charges were groundless, but Pinchot leaked the story to the press and asked Congress to investigate. • Taft fired Pinchot for insubordination. Section 2

  38. Taft’s Reforms (cont.) • Despite his political problems, Taft had many successes: • He brought twice as many antitrust cases in four years as his predecessor had in seven. • He established the Children’s Bureau in 1912. • He set up the Bureau of Mines in 1910. Section 2

  39. Taft’s Reforms (cont.) • Frustrated with Taft over the issue of trusts, Roosevelt announced that he would enter the presidential campaign of 1912. Section 2

  40. The Wilson Years What reforms did President Wilson undertake? Chapter Intro 3

  41. The Election of 1912 Woodrow Wilson was elected after Republican voters split between Taft and Roosevelt. Section 3

  42. The Election of 1912 (cont.) • Theodore Roosevelt left the Republican Party and became the presidential candidate for the newly formed Progressive Party in the election of 1912. • Conservative Republicans rallied behind William Howard Taft. • Woodrow Wilson was a progressive Democrat. Section 3

  43. The Election of 1912 (cont.) • The election of 1912 was a contest between two progressives with different approaches to reform. • Roosevelt called his program the New Nationalism. • Wilson countered with what he called the New Freedom. New Nationalism Versus New Freedom Section 3

  44. The Election of 1912 (cont.) • Roosevelt and Taft split the Republican voters, enabling Wilson to win. New Nationalism Versus New Freedom Section 3

  45. A B Which candidate believed that monopolies should be destroyed and that freedom was more important than efficiency? A.Woodrow Wilson B.Theodore Roosevelt Section 3

  46. Wilson’s Reforms President Wilson reformed tariffs and banks and oversaw the creation of the Federal Trade Commission. Section 3

  47. Wilson’s Reforms (cont.) • Five weeks after taking office, Wilson appeared before Congress to present his bill to reduce tariffs. • In 1913, Congress passed the Underwood Tariff, and Wilson signed it into law. • This law reduced the average tariff on imported goods to about 30 percent of the value of the goods and provided for levying an income tax. Section 3

  48. Wilson’s Reforms (cont.) • To restore public confidence in the banking system, Wilson supported the establishment of a federal reserve system. • The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 created 12 regional banks to be supervised by a Board of Governors, appointed by the president. Progressives Reform the Economic System Section 3

  49. Wilson’s Reforms (cont.) • In the summer of 1914, at Wilson’s request, Congress created theFederal Trade Commission(FTC) to monitor American business. • The FTC had the power to investigate companies and issue “cease and desist” orders against companies engaging in unfair trade practices. Section 3

  50. Wilson’s Reforms (cont.) • Wilson wanted the FTC to work toward limiting business activities that unfairly limited competition, as opposed to breaking up big business. • Unsatisfied by Wilson’s approach, progressives in Congress responded by passing the Clayton Antitrust Actin 1914. Section 3

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