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J.R.R. Tolkien The Teller of Tales

Once a Footpad, Always a Footpad. Eve's ?butterfly tree" analogyDavid's easy manner and Charlie's elvishJennifer's and Riley's technologyKevin's organization and Tony's foodWendy's and Christine's practical lessonsJeannean's scope and sequenceKim's and Traci's ambitionFawn's stamina and Karen's energyTracey's sense of humor.

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J.R.R. Tolkien The Teller of Tales

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    1. A Narrative Journey J.R.R. Tolkien— The Teller of Tales

    2. Once a Footpad, Always a Footpad Eve’s “butterfly tree” analogy David’s easy manner and Charlie’s elvish Jennifer’s and Riley’s technology Kevin’s organization and Tony’s food Wendy’s and Christine’s practical lessons Jeannean’s scope and sequence Kim’s and Traci’s ambition Fawn’s stamina and Karen’s energy Tracey’s sense of humor

    3. Writing is a Journey Which way should we go?

    4. “Choose Well”

    5. Life is a Story Which way should we write? There and Back Again? Been There, Done That… Me, a Mental Hobbit!

    7. Choose Your OWN Adventure!

    8. “The day has come at last,” Aragorn says to you at Amon Hen: “the day of choice which we have long delayed. What shall now become of our Company that has travelled so far in fellowship? Shall we turn west with Boromir and go to the wars of Gondor; or turn east to the Fear and Shadow; or shall we break our fellowship…?” If you turn west… If you can’t choose…

    9. “I know that haste is needed, yet I cannot choose. The burden is heavy…let me be alone!” Presently you get up and walk away…you walk toward the trees at the foot of Amon Hen. A strange feeling comes to you that something is behind you. If you turn around… If you run…

    10. All that you see, to your surprise, is Boromir, and his face is smiling and kind. “I was afraid for you, Frodo,” he says, coming forward. “Are you sure that you do not suffer needlessly?” he said. “I wish to help you…The Ring…Could I not have a sight of it again?” You step quickly away, and eye with alarm the tall Man. “Lend me the Ring! Give it to me!” If you put on the Ring… If you give it to him…

    11. “Miserable trickster!” Boromir shouted. “Let me get my hands on you!” At first you can see little. You seem to be in a world of mist in which there are only shadows: the Ring is upon you. You are sitting upon the Seat of Seeing. And suddenly you feel the Eye. You hear yourself crying out: Never, never! Then there comes to your mind another thought: Take it off! If you take off the ring… If you try to run…

    12. You take the Ring off your finger. A great weariness is on you, but your will is firm and your heart lighter. You speak aloud to yourself. “I will do not what I must…I will go alone. At once.” Slowly you draw out the Ring and put it on once more. You vanish and pass down the hill, less than a rustle of the wind. If you swim… If you go by boat...

    13. You hear calls of “Frodo! Frodo!” but you do not respond. You hustle quickly to the elf-boat, untie it, jump in and cast off with your paddle. Just as your boat moves away from the shore you hear, “Coming, Mr. Frodo! Coming!” Sam flings himself from the bank. He misses it by a yard. Gurgling he goes under. If you let Sam sink If you save Sam… like a stone…

    14. You are persuaded that Boromir’s cause is the most immediate need. You decide to turn west, head to Minas Tirith, and help Boromir fend of the latest threat of orcs. Aragorn nods in stoic acceptance of your decision, but your heart misgives. You laden yourself with supplies and begin the march down through the Entwash to avoid being seen on the river. Unfortunately the orcs are also on the west bank searching for you. Their arrows outnumber your swords. You scatter in all directions. You put on the Ring and head for a boat.

    15. You don’t wait to find out who or what is following you. You break into a panicked run toward the camp. As you reach the Company, Aragorn rises and draws his sword. Arrows fly past you on all sides. You and the other hobbits scatter, trying to hide, but it is no use. A black arrow strikes you in the back, you tumble into the water, and your last thought is that Isildur must have felt what you are feeling now, in his last moments. THE END

    16. You are frightened, but you have grown to trust this bold warrior of Gondor. And his cause seems to be such a noble one. You are tired of the Ring, tired of the burden, tired of the ache you constantly feel in the shoulder which the Ringwraith pierced. You hand him the Ring. He smiles, and thanks you, calling you a wise halfling. Suddenly he puts the ring on and is gone. You return to camp to find that a boat is gone, and you realize what you have done. THE END

    17. You feel that this voice must be some kind of trick of Sauron and his ever-seeing Eye. You jump down from your seat, but you cannot shake the impression that you are being followed. You grow dizzy and weak. Your body continues to move, but your mind wanders. You remember the Eye, searching your thoughts. As you run, you begin to feel compelled to cross the river, to take the ring to him. Suddenly you slip on the bank and tumble into the water. You cannot swim well, and your body has given up the fight. THE END

    18. With the Ring on your finger you feel different, almost as if you could walk on water. You decide that taking a boat would only cause the others to follow you. You decide to swim across the river, even though you have very little experience with the water. You slide into the river and begin to paddle. The current is far too strong for you. You try to call for help, but your cries are drowned by the roar of the falls, the Falls of Rauros. You and the hopes of Middle Earth are swept away. THE END

    19. Sauron has apparently possessed you, both body and soul. As you see Sam slipping beneath the surface, the same voice you heard on the Seat of Seeing speaks to you saying, “Grab his hand, you fool!” You reach out and grab for Sam beneath the water.

    20. You save Sam, cross the Emyn Muil, meet up with Gollum, travel through the Dead Marshes and Mordor, follow him until he leaves you for dead in Shelob’s lair, escape from Cirith Ungol, climb the slopes of Mt. Doom, and prepare to destroy the Ring and complete your Quest. Here is where your free will ends. You speak with a clear voice, “I have come, but I do not choose now to do what I came to do.” But Gollum snacks on your finger and the deed is done. The world is saved. THE END

    21. Verses for the King Quarter 1: George Macdonald (Expression/Description) Quarter 2: J.R.R. Tolkien (Narration) Quarter 3: C.S. Lewis (Exposition) Quarter 4: G.K. Chesterton (Persuasion)

    22. The Writer’s Choice Narration Models Journaling Process Writing Writing Skills Diction Grammar, Usage, Mechanics Online Practice Links

    23. Organization 2 Kinds of Models Influences Tolkien’s Own Writing 2 Types of Writing Journaling Guided Practice 7 Virtues 4 Classical Virtues 3 Christian Virtues 3 Stages Storytelling Tradition Setting the Stage Characterization and Meaning

    24. Technology Classroom Computers Management Software EDLINE—www.edline.net Online Textbook

    25. Life Preparation Group Learning Practical Application Creative Exploration

    26. College Preparation Study Skills Presentation Skills Writing Skills Research Skills

    27. Character Exploration Supporting with a Structure of Grace Promoting Confident Communication Mentoring for Future Decisions of Faith

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